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ToS Presents: CLASH OF THE TITANS 4 - Philadelphia, PA - Feb 7/8 NATIONAL!

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Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I had to make considerations for NJ's crews as well. There was also a little matter of seeding by skill that had to be taken into account. I couldn't switch someone like Vist or DK Smash into ADHD or my own seeds, obviously, since we were seeded highly.

That's not awful seeding at all. Other fighting game communities don't even care about regional/crew seeding after 1st round, lol. Smashers are far more fortunate.

thats right in srk your friends ur not put agaisnt each other...after that go F*** urself pretty much


Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2008
Hylian's beast. (Yes I've never met him off the boards)... But yeah, let him help seed the pools.

Anywho, aside from the off hand lurker comment, two things.

I do not need housing any longer, and I wanted Chibo to know. I really have no idea what he plans on doing if a bunch of people still need housing, but yeah Tainted Jester and I no longer need it.

Also, Pit mains must hang out at this ****, 2$ MM any dedicated Pit mains? best 2/3

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
wow im sry, but rly? can we all please stop talking about who is making the bracket?
inui - what mistakes have i made before? there has been ONE mistake i can think of, which was pride v eazy last time at impact. it did not effect the results of anything around the top 7 area, no one caught the problem, and there were almost no other options because of trying to keep crew seeding in tact with almost the entire tourney being three 4 crews - ToS, EC, MOB, and Impact. Need I remind you of some things you have done? Like back in the summer when you had M2K fight Velocity (when he was in his prime) in quarter finals!?
in all honesty im tired of trying to make brackets with people, I absolutely can't stand people watching the laptop while I'm doing stuff and commenting on every little thing before it is done. what i do now is i make the bracket by myself without anyone watching at all, then i will ask a couple selected people for their approval to check for any overlooked mistakes. im completely unbiased, and with my method of making brackets, things come out near perfect almost every time. this is how iv done all my brackets recently, and things have gone good.

obviously since this is a national tourney and i havent seen plenty of the players around here before, i will need some assistance. i dont want like 20 people coming up to me to help me make it. i will hand pick a few people from different regions I am not familiar with for their input when I need it. And no inui, I don't need 4+ "trusted" nj players to look over the bracket for me.
lets also not forget its pool seeded, which means all the skill seeding for the bracket part is already done for me -_-

sorry if i sound peeved, but i wake up, go to work, and check this thread to see 2 pages of ppl practically telling me to not make the bracket at my own tourney and have 30 other ppl do it for me

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
well it would be me paying u not waiving it so to say lol
how much do i owe you? i already put in almost $25 i think towards that trip, and there was like 4 of us in the car lol


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
Wow, so much drama. Hey guys, if you need help running a bracket, you can ask. I'm sure all of us are SOMEWHAT familiar with it. You don't have to be ***** to each other. Chibo has set up a great tournament and has advertised for it thoroughly. I think he's the man for the job.

If you need any help, I will be happy to help with an unbiased opinion (since I know none of you... YET! =D)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
$200!? ur crazy, all that for going to ct? lol
something seems off that its so much lol, but w/e, and i didnt even go with u guys on the way home lol. atleast for now il def pay u back an extra $10 at the event which will cover il put towards ur entrance fee.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I would really, REALLY like to fly to this, but there's no way my group would be able to put the money together to do that. :(


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
carpool n00b


except dsf lol
I am aware. I plan on doing so, too. Problem is, it's a sixteen-hour drive, which is uncomfortable, and I'll be missing school that Friday and...Mon...day.

**** it all. I have multiple midterms on Monday. I can't skip that...


Let me see if I can get something done about that. *sigh*


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Chibo I heard you seeded all of ToS highly at Impact? And I heard you gave yourself second seed when m2k and dm went to the drexel biweekly? Not saying it's true but if it is you have no business making brackets. Note that's only if it's true, otherwise....carry on! Seed me with pride pl0x! I miss using wolfy <3


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
Chibo I heard you seeded all of ToS highly at Impact? And I heard you gave yourself second seed when m2k and dm went to the drexel biweekly? Not saying it's true but if it is you have no business making brackets. Note that's only if it's true, otherwise....carry on! Seed me with pride pl0x! I miss using wolfy <3
wtf. lolol. **** wolf. and **** this tourn if I have play a wolf first round..lololol


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
wow im sry, but rly? can we all please stop talking about who is making the bracket?
inui - what mistakes have i made before? there has been ONE mistake i can think of, which was pride v eazy last time at impact. it did not effect the results of anything around the top 7 area, no one caught the problem, and there were almost no other options because of trying to keep crew seeding in tact with almost the entire tourney being three 4 crews - ToS, EC, MOB, and Impact. Need I remind you of some things you have done? Like back in the summer when you had M2K fight Velocity (when he was in his prime) in quarter finals!?
You also had BlackWaltz, easily the #2 player there, fight teh_spamerer, easily the #1 player there, before winners finals.

No, that wasn't a mistake. Velocity sucked then, too. You shoulda seen how badly he got ***** in teams with Jason. He was seeded just right based on his skill. Other matches in that area of the bracket were BlackWaltz vs Snakeee, Atomsk vs Shadow, etc. Perfectly acceptable.

I can make an honest little mistake, but nothing as dumb as PRiDE vs Eazy first round and putting the 1st and 2nd best players there on the same side in winners LOL.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i was seeded 2nd at the biweekly... in doubles lol. m2k + dm had first seed, me and rogue had 2nd, which was appropriate and dm also agreed with. vex and andy had 3rd seed because neither of them have teamed before, while me and rogue did, including winning the last brawl biweekly in doubles lol. for singles m2k was first seed, dm was second, vex/andy were 3/4 (i cant remember who was over who, i think andy was 3rd). then the next clump of seeds were like me eazy and xzax.

for impact tos wasnt seeded that high at all
this wasnt not the exact bracket! this is very close, but it was when keitaro tried to remake it from memory and from hearing who everyone won and lost to since the original file was lost. i had correctly recreated the bracket and posted it somewhere in the results thread but i dont feel like looking for it lol.
spammer waltz dm and keitaro were the top 4 seeds (in the real bracket waltz had the bye, not .com in that eighth. a few other things are innacurate, but its close enough. tos either had kind of had higher seeds (me, andyg, rogue), or middle seeds (mexi, .com), and lowerish (kyuu, who keitaro forgot on the bracket -_- ). and we still proved our worth for those seeds with rogue beating dm, me beating izumi, andyg beating keitaro, mexi beating fearless and lk and so on

sorry for the long post, not trying to start a big debat or sound hostile lol, i just like typing a lot :)

edit for inui's post - i put it like that because: i determined top 4 seeds to be spam, keit, waltz, dm. dm and waltz teamed so they had opposite sides of the bracket. i wasnt sure at the time who should have been fighting spam, and chose waltz because: 1. keitaro won teams 2. location seeding considering keit and spam go to the same school and play all the time. normally i dont let location seeding come into play too much at points in the bracket like that, but it was close enough for it to imo.

though again, not my tourney, and i asked ppl what they thought lol. no one seemed to care or point anything out


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Even if I have to fight my way to the laptop, I'll make sure Atomsk, myself, dmbrandon, Keitaro, other trusted NJ people, etc. look over the brackets and help with seeding. No offense to Chibo, but he's made some horrific mistakes before. I'm also 100% sure I'm way more knowledgable when it comes to OOS players.
NO offense, guys, But only Me, Alex, Chibo, Jake, and OBM are going ANYWHERE near the brackets. You must be on STAFF for ECRC to be allowed a say. We will cover everything.

Also, I have a teammate, thanks for everyone's interest! :D

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
shouldn't i be the one who decides who helps me and who doesnt? :ohwell:
yes though i agree ecrc2 panelists certainly have a right to see it, but i will be consulting various players at my discretion from other regions that none of us are familiar with. the initial creation of the bracket/pools will be done by myself, then i will consult others (such as ecrc ppl) for changes and input. its just cause i have like a method for making pools/brackets systematically and its just really annoying to be interrupted at all while making it, even if its constructive criticism or comments, which im open to - just after i initially make it lol


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Not really. As an ECRC event, the mages, strife, meself, and YOU have access to it. It's not even remotely fair to everyone to think one PA player who barely goes OOS (NJ doesn't count) to have full control.

Jake/OBM will be the ones actually doing it, while the rest of us will sit, and talk to them about it during. System, or not, this is going to be fair, and perfect.


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
yeah agreed, if chibo wants to make the base of the pools himself, thats fine, but i would think that ecrc staff maybe should look it over afterwards, and thats it.

either way, ecrc staff will likely be the ones settling the pools disputes

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i used to go oos waaaay more than u ever did dm lol, i just cant that often now cause im on co-op with drexel and velocity, my main ride, stopped going to tourneys. even though i dont travel tooo much nowadays, i still keep up on everything thats going on.

and when i agreed for this becoming an ecrc2 event, loosing creative control on the pools/brackets was never brought up at all lol.
though yes i agree with what obm said. i just wish to make my opinion of the pools/brackets first myself, then we can discuss everything when i make it. trying to have like 5 or so ppl create pools from scratch would be a headache.

though while making my original set, i will be asking a couple people in private for some opinions about out of region, because we simply dont know everyone out there perfectly. i may not always accept their opinion, because there's almost some sort of bias in play (whether they mean it or not, sometimes its tough just to not do it subliminally). i will also only be asking questions (without them seeing my work in progress) and keep it to recognized members like SBR people (since it seems like most regions coming have a SBR member in their car pool)

but yea, my plan is:
-everyone signs up
-i leave the room and make pools
-i call out the rest of the ecrc staff, we discuss
-we start pools


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
um i was a circuit organizer but now for some reason im not? do i i have to fill out a thing and apply if i was one last year?!?!? just in case anyone forgot i hosted the best and most competitive brawl tournament ever :)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
I'm also at arms with you making brackets since the one time you did it correctly, it took you 3 hours to get everything running.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
which one was that? the biweeky?
i was late to the tourney (literally got there like 5 min b4 u) because i was supposed to leave work at 4 but my manager dumped a big assignment on me which was MANDATORY regardless of when i was supposed to leave and i couldn't leave till like 4 45, which isnt a normal thing. thats the first time its happened. actually making the bracket after signups were over took like 10 min?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
which one was that? the biweeky?
i was late to the tourney (literally got there like 5 min b4 u) because i was supposed to leave work at 4 but my manager dumped a big assignment on me which was MANDATORY regardless of when i was supposed to leave and i couldn't leave till like 4 45, which isnt a normal thing. thats the first time its happened. actually making the bracket after signups were over took like 10 min?
CoT3. The biweekly was fine.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
But, whatever. You can make everything, but it's not touching the floor til the staffs completely okays. it.

I would also like one Southern rep and one midwest rep to give their insight on their player's abilities.

I'm thinking Hylian/Lain?


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I can make an honest little mistake, but nothing as dumb as PRiDE vs Eazy first round and putting the 1st and 2nd best players there on the same side in winners LOL.
Inui, you've done far, FAR worse in creating brackets in the past so you shouldn't be talking.

I'm fine with Chibo making the brackets. Last time he made them in NJ he asked multiple people if it was fine and they said "ok". Sadly I didn't look at it so there was 1 or 2 small problems that weren't even big.

It's Chibo's **** tourney so people should just work with him and not try to take it over.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
It's Chibo's **** tourney so people should just work with him and not try to take it over.
Chibo is a part of the circuit staff, so if he fails, we all fail. We're trying to make this whole season amazing, so it's up to ALL of us to make sure everything goes well.

Bigger tourns = Bigger Prizes.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
Inui, you've done far, FAR worse in creating brackets in the past so you shouldn't be talking.

I'm fine with Chibo making the brackets. Last time he made them in NJ he asked multiple people if it was fine and they said "ok". Sadly I didn't look at it so there was 1 or 2 small problems that weren't even big.

It's Chibo's **** tourney so people should just work with him and not try to take it over.

I mean it's not like chibo didn't already say he plans on having ecrc staff look over it and ok it


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
But, whatever. You can make everything, but it's not touching the floor til the staffs completely okays. it.

I would also like one Southern rep and one midwest rep to give their insight on their player's abilities.

I'm thinking Hylian/Lain?
What do you mean? I mean, I could tell you anything about anyone in the midwest. I'm not sure what you are looking for though.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
What do you mean? I mean, I could tell you anything about anyone in the midwest. I'm not sure what you are looking for though.
Well, we know the bigger names: Anther, NoJ, etc.

But some of the other player's skill levels are shaky to us. So if we could have you just give us an idea once you get there about who is great, who is so-so, etc, it would help seeding.

We don't wanna put a quiet, but amazing player in a pool as a bottom seed, ya know?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Inui, you've done far, FAR worse in creating brackets in the past so you shouldn't be talking.

I'm fine with Chibo making the brackets. Last time he made them in NJ he asked multiple people if it was fine and they said "ok". Sadly I didn't look at it so there was 1 or 2 small problems that weren't even big.

It's Chibo's **** tourney so people should just work with him and not try to take it over.
Inui's done some gay things but that's besides the point.

If it's a circuit event, the people running the circuit are responsible for their shiet. Chibo's benefiting from CoT4 being a circuit event because that will bring even more people. The more (intelligent) people that look at the bracket, the better. Doesn't pools determine everything anyway? Just make sure a pool doesn't have M2k, Azen, DSF, Ally and we'll be fine xD

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol CoT3, that was a mess on sunday. saturday went fine, no prob. but on Sunday a giant error/glitch happened in Tio when i was making the bracket and messed EVERYTHING up. it was terrible lol. that wasnt really my fault. however since then iv learned even more about the program and bracket theory, and found a sure fire way to completely avoid that glitch without any problems. and that was last june 1st of 08, quite a while ago lol

but yea i already know il be talking to a couple MW, SW, etc ppl when im making my original part of the bracket, such as hylian, anther, or somethin. ya kno what i mean


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Wow, so although it's Chibo's tourney he has to listen to people?

Reminds me of that time I got in an arguement with PC Chris and TSA was peeved about it. I didn't give a ****, lol!!

Insight on pools from other regions is a definite though. This should also be done for the brackets.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
Well, we know the bigger names: Anther, NoJ, etc.

But some of the other player's skill levels are shaky to us. So if we could have you just give us an idea once you get there about who is great, who is so-so, etc, it would help seeding.

We don't wanna put a quiet, but amazing player in a pool as a bottom seed, ya know?
I can do that, sure. I don't know who's entering but I could give you an idea when I get there.
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