You forgot a . and Your =/= You're, hate to break it to you buddy.
If you can point out either trash talk I've made towards others, or any point I make that I clearly have no idea about, please let me know. I'd love for someone to 'break it' to me, about anything ever and always, as I wouldn't want to be the cause of spreading harm through my ignorance.
If you're getting annoyed at my points, and they're not accurate, it would be helpful for me to know better. If you're getting annoyed by them by interpreting them as terrible and mean, like I'm calling you or anyone else 'bad' or something, let me know so I can hopefully change the wording in some way to be less prone to misinterpretation as 'offensive' (though I'm pretty careful with that, I don't even think I use words like 'bad' about almost anything unless it's a point of context lol).
If you're getting annoyed at my points, and they're accurate, and have nothing directly insulting about them, then it's pretty much perfect context for you to learn from since it's so observable. In which case, it's probably worth being grateful that someone made the given point, instead of being annoyed by it.
Otherwise, being accurate about your points and purposely avoiding aggressive dialogue are pretty much formality of forums, unless you're BAD at written communication. Maybe there's much we can all learn, us all included?
In other news...
All Characters - Me
Turht 4 raezl
Edit: I should be clear, and add, that my posting is pretty ridiculous with vocabulary and concepts about everything from mental developments to attention to details, and I still have a lot to work on regarding forum-writing in more 'universal' and 'simple' ways, especially when talking about those more 'universal' and 'complex' topics that I generally gravitate conversations too.
This much is true, and it can easily be interpreted as offensive by people who it either hits home with deeply, or don't see the game as anything significant that can be translated and brought to other aspects of life.