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Toonami Mafia - Game Over - Daytime Programing wins!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I still think Gangsta is the best option today, WATT, talk to me about inferno's AtE , Like / Dislike , etc.

Nabe blurb should be up early tommorow (sorry for delay, was shopping to day )

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm not sure how i feel about lynching Rajam because he's not around, tbh Clownbot's case on him was a little reachy which is to be expected when a slot essentially doesn't exist in thread.

Nothing really so far has been more scummy than lazyTown. He's a falt null to me until he get's in here and does more really.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I still think Gangsta is the best option today, WATT, talk to me about inferno's AtE , Like / Dislike , etc.

Nabe blurb should be up early tommorow (sorry for delay, was shopping to day )
I can't help but feel his AtE outburst felt like frustrated InfernoTown more than InfernoScum (I still remember a game where Inferno got quick lynched D1 and was super mad about it and it seems a bit like what I'm seeing now), and it's making me question the Gangsta direction a bit.

I really don't want to just let it all drop because of one convincing AtE though (I've been known to fake one in the past and I don't have enough Inferno meta to know if he can/would too), he still has a lot of points against him that ring with some truth from before that and I still get a grimy feeling when I review his push on us.

I guess the notion of him going snagged a bit, but I'd keep it alive for now. Certainly until he comes back and gives us more to work with, what about you?

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
EBWOP: He made some good points as well as some bad points in his outburst looking at it again. I was reaching kinda hard when I questioned him for possible scum intent on asking the mod about the status of Vinyl and should have kept that to myself, and that reads as genuine (though reasonably you could complain about that as any alignment).

At the same time I don't really like the last tidbit of his first outburst post. I think he's giving far too much credit to his BSP and BW Town opinion if he thinks they actively opposed their wagons (and therefore attempting to refute my opinion that he was playing it safe). That seems like fudging the truth to make them seem victimized in this, since what I saw was instead them not joining either wagon and explaining that they had them as town and stepping back: not defending either one from the lynch.

I guess I have mixed feelings, but they're at least not playing it to the chest here.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Wrt above: I could see Inferno doing this (mild truth stretching) to get me off of him as Town as well though...

I guess that's what makes it hard to say. I don't see Town Inferno being adverse to this outburst, but there's also valid reasons to say it shouldn't be a town tell, one of them being "on principle".


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
People using Rajam's inactivity to excuse him from being lynched is a regular laugh riot. Even when he is posting he's too far behind to make any difference. How much time are we gonna give him before we decide he's a lynch-worthy candidate?

@Rake: townRajam leads to scumPJB for the same reason scumRajam leads to scumPJB. Like with WATT being lynchable upon a townRajam flip, it has nothing to do with their actual interaction with each other. You've been around when I said what I had to say about PJB so you should know already that I don't like him.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Why would I have bussed BW the way I did as scum? He was definitely not a play yesterDay until some time after I was on him. Everyone was on BSP, so if I was scum, why would I not just roll with that wagon instead? Like, aside from soup, I don't think anyone pushed BW more than I did. Why do you think he got so pissed at me? You think that was all an act? A BW/PJB scumteam makes absolutely no sense, come on now..

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Manbro, I realllly want to tell you how I feel about Rajam's usual play, but I desperately want Rajam to become relevant in this game and I feel like that would totally squash that opportunity if I discourage you from grilling him for your own info by telling you how abysmal my opinion of his meta is. (especially if I'm wrong)

I'mma just link you to Celebrity Rehab so you have some basic meta-understanding on him and hope he comes back and starts talking to you regardless:


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Modnote: Correct me if I made mistakes

1. Rake - [1] - Nabe,
2. Soup - [0] -
3. Kary - [3] - Wots All This Then?, KevinM, Rajam,
4. KevinM - [0]
5. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/JDietz hydra) - [2] Vanderzant, Gangstalicious,
6. PrivateJoker-Brown - [1] - Kary,
7. Rajam - [1] - Clownbot
8. Vanderzant - [0]
9. Nabe - [0] -
10. Gangstalicious (Inferno3044/J) - [1] - Rake,
11. Clownbot - [0]

Not Voting [3] Soup, PrivateJoker-Brown,

With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch. Deadline is at December 30th 11:59 CST.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Watt: I don't feel like trading walls so I'm going to try and make this short (hard though because you ask so many questions).

I honestly get town vibes out of Gangsta's AtE, but like I said I can't ignore his previous play. He was my no.3 pick for a lynch on my reads list and in spite of the AtE, that's probably where he still sits for me.

What do you mean by "you've been prioritizing other lynches as to how you've been reading Gangsta." All I've really said is that I don't think you and him are scumbuddies. His slot doesn't really change you/Nabe being my prioirities for toDay.

I clearly explained why we gain more from eliminating the scum team than an indy who can't night kill (No more Night Kills! :b:). The fact that you're bringing up a "must abduct X lynches to win!" win con is a pretty laughable way to support your push on Kary. Occam's razor bro.

Hydra excuses are literally the lamest thing ever but eh. Not much I can do but stand by my points.

Understand that your slot has labelled both Nabe and Gangsta as potential mafia members (I'm not making this up). I'm just interpreting what I see. Truth be told I did miss your #1360 so it makes a bit more sense, but again I'd like to see some expanded reasoning. Why does Gangsta's Town read of BW make them scumbuddies? And why is Nabe more likely Indy than Gangsta?

You still didn't explain what it is about Kary's play in this game that makes you think Indy, there has to be something more than just meta considering how adamant you've been on this.

And if you have differing opinions or your heads aren't in sync, it'd probably be swell to tag your posts or use different font colours. And don't tell me to get my head screwed on when you two seem to have a different opinion on just about every player :mad::mad:

I've explained why I want to lynch Nabe. I'd still be down to lynch him regardless of your flip, but I'd also take a good look at Inferno if you flipped Town, based on your interactions with them. I'm not really sure why I said Rajam their earlier (more like I'd look into Rajam more).


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
More johns from me; haven't been able to advance much of anything, but now I'm on vacations so I should advance quicker. Leaving the little notes I have taken but w/e I guess it's better than no content:

~ Toonami Mafia ~

#79: Day 1 Begins
#1183: BadWolf28738 MOD-Killed
#1202: Night 1 Begins
#1204: Day 2 Begins

BadWolf28738 (Vash the Stampede from Trigun, Adult Swim Seeker)
#203: Weird hard reads given his reaction. Check deeper.

#179: Disgusting unprovoked apologize.
#244: Overreaction.
#244: Not scum with Inglorious *******.

Gangstalicious (Inferno3044 / J)

Inglorious ******* (Gheb_01 / JTB) (Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, Toonami Vanilla)
#211: I agree with this post and the accusation to BSP.
#213: Agreed.


#49 - #50: Possible disconnection with Wots All This Then?.


Make it Rain! (WashedLaundry / Xonar)
#236: Non transcendental commentaries; possible distancing.
#242: Check if BSP answers that question.
#254: Check how Radical Fiction, ѕoup and BadWolf28738 reads develop. Firt part of this post seems too long to basically conclude nothing.

#169: Scummy; not going into detail of why the dislike or how would that be scummy.

Radical Fiction (Ryker / Swiss)
#103: Try-hard input imo.
#177: Town read on Inglorious ******* looks townie (unnecessary if Radical Fiction is scum).
#177: Ask Radical Fiction about that “tell” of ѕoup due to his read on KevinM.


#99: Weird agreement because doesn’t put any pressure and seems too early in the game to “like” WATT; seems an attempt to gain town points.
#109 - #112: Doesn’t seem scum with Wots All This Then?
#112: WATT town if soup flips scum. Seems like the town call with the purpose of “WATT, stop bothering me”
#182: ??? Intention behind that post?
#192: Not scum with Radical Fiction.
#203 - #204: Not scum with BadWolf28738.

Vinyl. (???, ???)

Wots All This Then? (Jdietz43 / Orboknown)
#200: Townie-looking question that doesn’t lead anywhere (too early in the game). Scummy.


Rajam, did you get anything from RF not answering this question?
No really, since he responded the question a little later. Just wanted to pressure RF so he wouldn't get away by not responding to stuff


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Why would I have bussed BW the way I did as scum? He was definitely not a play yesterDay until some time after I was on him. Everyone was on BSP, so if I was scum, why would I not just roll with that wagon instead? Like, aside from soup, I don't think anyone pushed BW more than I did. Why do you think he got so pissed at me? You think that was all an act? A BW/PJB scumteam makes absolutely no sense, come on now..
Stellar defense, but BW was already making obvbad posts when you got on him. Have you seen what I've had to say about you independent of your interaction with him, PJB? That's not the only thing I dislike you for.

For the third time you have yet to provide any scumreads toDay. If you're not caught up I understand but when you are (hopefully soon) you need to lay some out. You said in an earlier post toDay that you care about town winning this game and your play as of late, even disregarding your inactivity over the past few days, hasn't convinced me of that.

Manbro, I realllly want to tell you how I feel about Rajam's usual play, but I desperately want Rajam to become relevant in this game and I feel like that would totally squash that opportunity if I discourage you from grilling him for your own info by telling you how abysmal my opinion of his meta is. (especially if I'm wrong)

I'mma just link you to Celebrity Rehab so you have some basic meta-understanding on him and hope he comes back and starts talking to you regardless:

Will look into this.

More johns from me; haven't been able to advance much of anything, but now I'm on vacations so I should advance quicker.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I got a town feel from BSP, and nothing Rake has done really irks me either. If he's not town, he's Indy, and that's pretty much only based on his role, which is technically a null tell. Truthfully, I doubt he'd even claim like that if he was Indy, so I'm still leaning pretty strongly at Town.

Soup's D1 play simply reeked of his play from ME. He was mad as hell, and I doubt he'd have gotten that worked up if he was scum. Plus there's the fact that he spearheaded BW long before I came along. There's no way he's aligned with BW after all that.

I keep going back and forth with this one. Originally I didn't like his push on WATT, but looking back over it, there's nothing really wrong with it. I also really disliked the way he opened the day with a vote on me, that never really got explained. Again, looking back over it, it just looks like Kary trying to reaction test me. Pretty much everything just looks like Kary being Kary. I don't really know what scumKary looks like, but this could definitely be townKary.

i'm really hesitant to lean one way or the other on this read, but so far in D2 I like Kev. I wish he was around more, so I could get a better feel for him.

Wots All This Then?
Town lean
As I've stated previously, I like this slot so far. A lot of our reads have matched up, and I don't see scum intent in their pushes. I initially agreed with their Kary push, but I currently disagree with the assertion that Kary is Indy. While it could possibly be the case, I don't really see anything that supports that.

He hasn't posted very much, and his few contributions have been so lackluster. Add to that, the fact that his doublevoting of Kev has been disgusting. He said his doublevote would be conditional, but Kev has clearly not met those conditions, as he himself pointed out, yet Rajam happily just happily continues appeasing Kev. If he's just being lazytown... this is an awful way to go about it.

Town lean
I like what he's done since he entered the game. Don't really have much else to say about him. Not scummy.

Scum lean
I wasn't thrilled with what I saw from RF, and I'm not thrilled with Nabe eiher. He claimed to want BSP at the begining of the day, and that he'd give us an ISO on him. Didn't deliver. His recent vote on WATT with no explanation doesn't really make sense to me either.

Maybe I'm a sucker, but I bought Inferno's AtE. To tell the truth, I never had much of a scumread on them in the first place. I don't think their D1 play of disregarding both wagons was particularly "safe" or "gutsy". It just read like thety didn't like either wagon. Being wrong about BW is null, not scummy.

Jeoy's claim is pretty solidly town, imo. Assuming Clownbot delivers on that claim, he'll be confirmed as far as I'm concerned. Jeoy's play itself was pretty townie too.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ok @AtE stuff.

Gangsta asking the mod for clarification is definitely the nullest of tells, and WATT playing it up to be scummy is definitely weird. In fact, I think it's been a large facet of his play this game. Another example is him finding Nabe scummy for his set up speculation and word choice. Again, something that is certainly null at best, unless he can prove Nabe is posting from a position of set up knowledge that someone with half a brain and access to mafiascum wiki and DGames Archice couldn't of come up with.

I actually think Kary touched on something similar (why I'm advising Soup and anyone who might of skimmed his walls to actually read the content), or if not null tells specifically, the fact that WATT has been pushing weird connections/theories.

And sure, I'll definitely give thoughts on your Nabe/Watt blurb.
My outburst was more of a "**** you WATT. You're scum. Die" type of tone. I'm just really sick of him reaching and trying so hard to manipulate everything I do and say. So I'm ready for him to take the noose.

As for Clownbot's ability I say that if we use it, we use it earlier rather than later. Like preferably today or not at all. I don't want to have any late game risks.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
He's still ignoring him Kary. You can create a post addressing a player's existence while still ignoring them:
you may have a leg to stand on in all this, but the last thing i want to do is keep arguing with you because i find you to be incredibly unhelpful.

re-evaluate your gangsta read and maybe we'll talk

Without a doubt. WATT and Rajam certainly aren't aligned., however I'm just not feeling as strongly as you do about Rajam. If I were to lynch him toDay it'd almost solely be for inactivity. I don't think he's said anything at all toDay, except popping in to say that he was inactive and didn't use his ability.
could both be town. but w/e. i'm not really feeling Rajam, but...

hypothesis: scum are lurking. i.e. soup/myself/vanz/rake/WATT/clownbot are town, pjb/nabe/kevin/rajam are scum. i am ok with this theory, though it's not flawless.

howsabout Nabe toDay?

in the meantime,

Vote: WATT

P.S. PJB just confused Nabe/MiR with vanz/RF. feel like that's telling in some capacity. anyhows, for now, i'm out.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
P.S. PJB just confused Nabe/MiR with vanz/RF. feel like that's telling in some capacity. anyhows, for now, i'm out.
g...goddamnit. That lines up a lot less efficiently to me now. I didn't like RF but I like vanz. I don't like Nabe, but I was fine with MiR :/

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
My read on Nabe stands on it's own, regardless of the fact that he replaced MiR instead of RF. It's just not quite as strengthened as before :/

I'm not very interested in any of the current wagons. I suppose if people wish to join me in making a new wagon?

Vote: Nabe

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
@Watt: I don't feel like trading walls so I'm going to try and make this short (hard though because you ask so many questions).

I honestly get town vibes out of Gangsta's AtE, but like I said I can't ignore his previous play. He was my no.3 pick for a lynch on my reads list and in spite of the AtE, that's probably where he still sits for me.

What do you mean by "you've been prioritizing other lynches as to how you've been reading Gangsta." All I've really said is that I don't think you and him are scumbuddies. His slot doesn't really change you/Nabe being my prioirities for toDay.

Yeah, I know that one got screwed up in grammar. It was supposed to be a sentence asking how you've been reading Gangsta and that I was interested because you were prioritizing other lynches and hadn't talked about him much yet. I saw the question that got lobbed to you about how you were feeling on his AtE initially drop and wanted to hear your thoughts (which you have done above now). Instead it came out stupid and mangled with the reasoning for me asking shoved in the middle of the subject of the sentence.

I clearly explained why we gain more from eliminating the scum team than an indy who can't night kill (No more Night Kills! :b:). The fact that you're bringing up a "must abduct X lynches to win!" win con is a pretty laughable way to support your push on Kary. Occam's razor bro.

Fair enough that if all of Mafia is gone and Indy doesn't have a night kill people should stop dying, but I'm not taking it for 100% surefire granted that that will hold up in the real game. We don't know if Vinyl was really scum yet so we might have two to bag before we're kill-less, plus we only have speculation that Indy doesn't have a night kill in the first place vs. night action shenanigans (remember: we already have someone who claimed full night action immunity). Furthermore if Indy truly doesn't have a kill, I'd expect the win-con for victory to be easier to obtain than other Indy roles, I can't help but feel like we may be under time-pressure and at the very least really stand to benefit from clearing out the flip hiding (which is a pretty good chance of being an Indy's doing)

Hydra excuses are literally the lamest thing ever but eh. Not much I can do but stand by my points.

Same really. It sucks, but that's what happens sometimes, I'm still waiting for Orbo to come back so we can touch base more.

Understand that your slot has labelled both Nabe and Gangsta as potential mafia members (I'm not making this up). I'm just interpreting what I see. Truth be told I did miss your #1360 so it makes a bit more sense, but again I'd like to see some expanded reasoning. Why does Gangsta's Town read of BW make them scumbuddies? And why is Nabe more likely Indy than Gangsta?

The suspicion of Gangsta came from the fact he seemed like he didn't want anything at all to do with the wagons which we found suspicious and worthy of investigation. It doesn't make him auto-scum, but it makes him a good candidate to look into when BW is confirmed scum. We saw where that went: first he looked way worse, then lately maybe not so bad if only for one outburst.

You still didn't explain what it is about Kary's play in this game that makes you think Indy, there has to be something more than just meta considering how adamant you've been on this.

Whipping up my 10 cents on why we were wary of Kary (lolpuns) is my next agenda item to crank out. The condensed version is I got the sense from early play that he was looking out for #1 and that gave me Indy vibes; I'd love to have had possible mafia connections to analyze for the slot but the people he replaced didn't do anything and for the most part Kary stayed out of the BW vs BSP thing as he had just replaced in.

If we were to make a mafia possibility case the most solid thing would be that Vinyl rote said Kary was "gut-town" despite his slot having never posted which seemed obviously fake, one of the reasons we didn't mind him kicking the bucket. That'd have to assume a Vinyl scum flip and that him faking a read on that slot in particular rather than just in general was indicative of something: which is kind of a stretch. I think the important thing to realize is I'm just trying to be helpful when I make distinctions like "Probably Indy" for us to make decisions with, they're not central to the cases on why people are scumspects and overall they're mostly feelings. If you're hoping for me to lay down some really concrete stuff on why anyone is one flavor of scum over the other I probably can't give you much better than a footnote and some gut feelings, but I'm trying to at least explain the gut feelings I do have.

And if you have differing opinions or your heads aren't in sync, it'd probably be swell to tag your posts or use different font colours. And don't tell me to get my head screwed on when you two seem to have a different opinion on just about every player :mad::mad:

... You mean Nabe? That's the only player I think we're not in tune with each other on afaik.

I've explained why I want to lynch Nabe. I'd still be down to lynch him regardless of your flip, but I'd also take a good look at Inferno if you flipped Town, based on your interactions with them. I'm not really sure why I said Rajam their earlier (more like I'd look into Rajam more).
And of Kary? (I know you're still waiting on me to churn out my synopsis, but field that when I'm done)

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Vote: WATT


re-evaluate your gangsta read and maybe we'll talk

could both be town. but w/e. i'm not really feeling Rajam, but...

hypothesis: scum are lurking. i.e. soup/myself/vanz/rake/WATT/clownbot are town, pjb/nabe/kevin/rajam are scum. i am ok with this theory, though it's not flawless.

howsabout Nabe toDay?

in the meantime,

Vote: WATT

P.S. PJB just confused Nabe/MiR with vanz/RF. feel like that's telling in some capacity. anyhows, for now, i'm out.
@Gangsta evaluation: Already happening.

@Underlined: That's an interesting hypothosis, but I don't see why you'd add me to the list of townies, bring up maybe wagoning Nabe, and then vote me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Oh christ, I missed a lot...Okay.

Nabe still hasn't posted really based on this skim and there's a lot of back and forth. Gangsta inactivity worries me too.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
[uote]@Soup: I was thinking over this last night but I realised that BSP/Rake might definitely fit the indy bill, irrespective of that claim. Until I noticed WATT was calling Kary indy, I hadn't really given much thought to indy hunting (and however still don't think we should go down this route at this stage).

BSP's defence against Gheb did read genuine to me (and it's possible he was just busy town) but it's very obvious how defensive and concerned with his own survival he was. It's pretty much been the bulk of his play. It's also possibly why I didn't see a very scummy connection between him and Badwolf.

Something I'll definietly keep in mind I guess.[/uote]

I think it could make sense considering his change in playstyle and cautiousness. I've played with IndyRake before and he tended to kind of do the same thing he's doing here. I like this consideration. WATT is basically who you want today? I recall you wanting Nabe still, and that personally interests me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Based on clownbot's recent posting and his demeanor of how to use his role, I doubt he is scum. He's only solidified my previous read on Jeoy.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Vandy, help me lynch Nabe and we'll get WATT another day? :chuckle: He doesn't show interest in responding to me either way.

Vote: Nabe

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
My internet died as I was making a big post....

I really don't want to read the arguments on either Kary or WATT, and just stick with my perception of their play. Perhaps this is just being lazy on my part but I don't see the gain in lynch either, rather I see more gain in lynching someone like Nabe or Gangsta. Those are simply my two picks today and I feel that Gangsta's ragepost was inherently faked and used as a means of AtE, and not the townie kind. To get so upset over a couple of votes like this doesn't come off as something Inferno would do or frankly what a townie would do. Point and case to the previous scum that got himself modkilled. If I can't have Nabe, then that's my other direction. I plan to push this however and I am not satisfied waiting on Nabe. He's going to have to give me a reason to think he's actually town and have a motive to make posts like:

Vote: WATT
I'm not going to try and pretend to guess his intention. Gangsta, would you lynch Nabe today?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I'm willing to go Nabe on the condition that we lynch WATT on a scum flip.

I'm actually interested in what Watt has to say about Kary, so I can wait for that. I've lost interest in what nabe has to say at this stage.

Frankly I'd like to see more from Inferno, like a full reads list. He'll be a priority based on Day 3 depending on other flips. I probably need to reread him as we'll.



Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Still skimming Celebrity Rehab for Rajam meta, but so far I don't see any reason to discount his actions in this game as just typical for him, since he's made actual plays here that are questionable in addition to his inactivity. I still want him to happen toDay but if that can't work Nabe is my #2.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Apart from him being scummy, I also want a WATT flip based on how much his alignment will say about other slots. If he's scum I feel Inferno, Rajam, Kary and possibly Vinyl all have to be town, based on how they've interacted. And these are all incredibly questionable slots for me atm.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Alright so let's give the old thread history a whirl and see if I can't give my bullet points on why I've got a beef with Kary in a way that makes sense to everyone without becoming an all consuming wall...
Aw who am I kidding, it's going to be a huge wall no matter what
As a bit of background info between me and Kary we were Independant scum partners in Tekken mafia (you've probably seen references to this bounce around in our arguments), and we've clashed a few different times in different games. We're cool bros, but we're also insanely good at not getting along in game; regardless here's why I've been thinking Kary is a scummer and not just arguing with me because he's Kary so far:

Behold, Kary's opening post in all it's explanatory glory. No content? Not even words? Must be scum! (I kid, I kid...... mostly)

Anyways, he comes in for real asking for some MiR opinion and voting RF as an intro instead. Aggroing against RF already is kind of offbeat, but Kary telling Swiss to die is funny. Kewl.

make it rain, explain BSPscum to me?

Vote: Radical Fiction

it has Swiss in it

it must die

And then... ok?

Then someone asks why RF. Reasonable way to open from here to read the new slot. The response though (and I remind you the above is ALL that Kary has said period yet) is really jarring.

the **** wrong with you sister, you see my legitimate analysis and you don't take anything from it?

why would i be joking about radfic when it's a entirely real possibility? push on you to establish that they're 'pro-town' in trying to obtain reads, could very easily be fake given the manner in which they're trying to pull thread power and then leap to reads. Repeated referral to the manner in which they need to discuss their reads is unnecessary and smacks of stalling; could easily be them attempting to coast out the day as they see how the BSP waggon develops, safe in the knowledge that despite being a top tier poster they're not going to take the blame for that lynch. I mean how is this stuff not obvious/? you just look at their posts and sniff whether they seem legitimate, and the answer is, no, they seem a little forced, let's pile a little pressure on here and see what happens.

Or y'know, indulge ourselves by whining about how bad everyone else is at mafia, which seems to be the meta around here at the moment.

Oh and why didn't I appeal to anyone to join me in my crusade, i don't know, maybe something to do with having about 0% interest in this game so far becauase you're all running round in circles achieving very little. page me when you want some stone cold analysis and the swag that accompanies it. i'll be out back under the pretense of smoking a cigarette.

****, ok. I know Kary can come across as animated but this is his first post with any merit even and he's already yelling in rhetorical third person (that's usually reserved for when he's sunk his teeth into an argument). Pushing RF on it's own isn't a shady action (though in this case not likely to develop anything, keeping in mind the BW/BSP debate ongoing), but screaming down people's necks like this: Kary must be really sold on his current direction and leading up to some conversation opening up about it.

But instead:


#541 looks good

maybe I should read up and see if that holds water
The slashes return again? And I know you're likely wondering at this point "Why are you bringing this up, does it even really matter?" Well, yes. I've found on introspection when thinking how to best sum up why I have Kary as a scumspect that one of my main problems with Kary is I don't feel like he's been genuine so far this game. Hopefully when you're done with this overview you'll understand why, but this opening here he sits around and posts slashes instead of content was the first occasion where red flags went up that Kary might not be playing it straight in his posting intent.

Of note, #541 is Soup having an anti-BSP point.

#558 also looks good


someone tell me who's scum?
Very next post, praise for a pro-BSP point. This grinds my gears, all of them: Does Kary even care here? No. It's a hollow question: "Tell me who's scum?". Why not read and form your own opinion, hell actually ask someone in particular to back up their stance on a scumspect, continue pushing the RF vote you threw out with immense gusto, anything but ask a rhetorical question to nobody twice while still maintaining neutrality by quoting both opinions as being of interest but not elaborating or researching on either side.

aight guys why aren't we voting Radfic>?




and goodnight
Ah, well that will shed some light on the issues. By now our slot has pointed out that the answer to "Who's scum?" might be Kary if he doesn't stop fence sitting and asked him to get serious, and I'm personally on alert that Kary is acting weird.

Kary gives mild distaste to IR and asks us a question that might actually help him get reads: a small step forwards.

wow IR your case looks boring and bloated

and then you go and steal my sign-off phrase


how badly do you want to lynch BW toDay
who else are you looking at?

gotta run
Which is then immediately overshadowed by these posts where Kary decides he just wants both of BSP and BW to claim without actually talking about the issues himself beforehand.... or even making a public read.

BW and BSP should both full-claim so we can decide who to lynch and move on

da bess
and I want you to full-claim

go fish


*strokes chin*
Well we're 11 posts in out of 86 total made my Kary, so we've covered 1/8th his content so far... I hope I'm not off base here when I say it's been less than stellar. Let's keep going and see how it looks when he 'picks up':


Orbo sez in quote: "Kary-stop claim fishing when you haven't done **** and ****ing scumhunt already."

you phrase this as though you know i'm town, is that intentional?

also, you act as though me asking a slot to claim isn't scumhunting. pretty sure if i wanted to do nothing at all this dayphase i could coast through posting //////, so i don't see what the big deal is.

you'll notice that i'm a doublevoter, and as such i'm more or less cleared as town. so there's no need to worry about my slot, nor is it worth trying to mislynch me. Right now i'm happy to watch the Day play out without pushing things particularly, if i come to regret that later i'll let you know.

So here Kary first addresses the fact we're really pissed he's been coasting entirely. His response is to basically tell us to go eff ourselves for wanting him to play the game, and stating he could have just continued posting "\\\\\\\\\\\" (see why I quoted those ones earlier?). He states asking for claims is scumhunting, which is blatantly untrue of his play so far, then makes a joke(?) about being a doublevoter and therefore being a clear, something he indeed was not. So cool, that went over really well imo.

Next Soup asks Kary to do something with his RF push or drop it because he's not responding. Kary says "No U"

the **** would i know whether it's getting to him?

and fine. soup, you should vote radfic with me.

Really really helpful and townie.

well **** i might actually contribute to a discussion

i disliked gangsta up until the post i quoted earlier where J said both bsp and bw were town.
would scumJ make that post, and if so, how accurate is it?

i'm inclined to think that gangsta is subsequently town purely from that stance. as scum it'd be too easy to hop one waggon or the other at this point (and i doubt he's trying to save both his scumbuddies) or even do nothing. scumJ could be fishing for town points but it seems unnecessary at this stage in the game to put yourself in the spotlight by taking such a stance.

so, uh, discuss.
Some content finally sneaks it's way out. It's an interesting note that gets discussed briefly in the following quotes, which mainly consists of Soup disagreeing about Kary's opinion that Gangsta's J post reads town. IR chimes in shortly and him and Kary get into an argument that soon makes the notion a wash: Kary wanting a tibit of info and IR wanting Kary to read (a legitimate complaint wrapped in a stubborn and pointless gesture). You can read it if you want, but for the sake of the fact I've literally quoted every Kary post so far I'll leave out their one liners back and forth here.

Soon after, it gets interesting again (and please follow the link for this one so you can see the quotes Kary is responding to, this one is semi-important):

but i'm town either way. right now i don't have a lot to offer, i don't really see what the big deal is, especially after you mislynched me in the wall.

no, i was much more fishing for reactions than i was claims, and i don't want to argue about the benefits of asking for claims. I also don't know how I was being 'quiet' in my push for RadFic, but whatever.

i guess i did it just to fish reactions then. :cool:


blah blah blah blah blah

seriously considering putting you on ignore

well this is interesting. hmm.
"I don't see what the big deal is in me not having town intent, or not even trying to do townie things."

"I was just looking for reactions, but anyways I don't want to talk about how asking for claims with no stances is anti-town because it'd end badly for me, so please don't ask me. Semantics comment instead of actual answer here."

"Doublevoter was reactions. Guess I won't bother saying why I even did that or what I may have gained 'coolshades emote'"


Yes: BSP actually claims here, one of the only things Kary had an outspoken opinion on and the only thing he wants to say is: "Interesting." Not "Thanks/Finally/This is how I feel about that", just "Interesting"


Rajam making a left field push on WATT after a long period of inactivity? Better put the magic label on it so I don't have to actually become involved in meaningful discussion ever as I've already publicly stated I don't really have any interest in doing so.

This post is disgusting, it should be the perfect opportunity for Kary to clear all kinds of air: assuaging our worries about his inactivity, talking about why he wanted claims, giving input on the BSP vs. BW wagon esp. wrt the fact BSP claimed (which so far, even though the full blown case on BW is about to go into modkill overdrive he still hasn't mentioned either of them or his actual opinion on either since those first two fence-sitting posts mentioning their cases). It's just too much to swallow. It's a shame we were occupied with BW at the time and couldn't give it proper attention, but that's what this wall is for.

is it bad that I can't tell the heads of WATT? apart?
No, that's fine... unless you want anyone to take the anti-WATT stance you're about to take seriously. Don't mind that little tiff with Soup you're about to have where you vote him, that was just filler? I'm going to just post this in it's unedited glory because it seems to illustrate my main concern that Kary doesn't actually care pretty well. Soup posts a brief list of who seems to be okay with what wagon wrt BW vs BSP and asks for people to help come to a consensus on who everyone all is okay with lynching since we're approaching deadline, imo an admirable persuit. Kary doesn't like it though, and instead wants Soup to shut up and stop encouraging conversation (which makes NO sense considering Kary hasn't found an alternative, nor has been looking for one, so why would he be against people having their lynch candidates down?):

I remind you this exchange is unedited. What you see is what we got, sense or no sense.

Can I get a list of people who are unwilling to lynch either?


Doesn't want BSP
WATT (?)

Doesn't want Badwolf

Doesn't want either:
Looks like the opposition for either lynch is too strong - either by the quality of the players or by their quantity. Willing to compromise-lynch Gangsta, MiR, WATT, Jeoy and PJB in that order. Yep, that's a long list but I feel like none of them would be a loss if we just lynched them.

Still feeling most comfortable with lynching BSP but I guess most people just can't see it. Sent a PM to JTB so he'll be ready to switch votes to prevent a No Lynch in case I'm not on around the time deadline hits.
soup if you post again toDay I will do my best to get you lynched.
Lol? We're close to deadline and you expect me to ignore that while not considering the constant struggle of getting either lynched. I'm looking for alternatives, it's best you do the same.
love how you still fall for this ****

soup you're taking a damn straw poll that tells us nothing a votecount doesn't. maybe if you're town you should be PUSHING an alternative not sitting on your *** saying 'this is bad'.

vote: soup
also you post waay too ****ing much
Jee, look at me trying to come to a conclusion of who I want to vote. MiR just replaced out and I was only voting them for the sake of push. Badwolf doesn't have enough to get lynched and that is when I wanted to consider alternatives seeing how we were not getting anywhere. Did you seriously just vote me for something like this?
Deal with it.

i am dealing with it. i'm just letting you know that maybe you should be aware of that.

am I seriously voting you? yes.
Okay, good luck trying to get me lynched. Do something worth my time.
ok not going to antagonize you any more

why can't you compromise to BSP? are you that sure he's town? or do you really not want to be on a waggon with IR. In which case, why don't you vote IR? I'm just trying to feel out your motives here.
Because I don't scumread IR? Did you miss where I think Gheb didn't try and scumreplace? I think BSP has leaned more townie for me based on his responses and amount of effort he's put in, and albeit the fact Badwolf is blind tunneling him and still hasn't unvoted. I could try for Badwolf again but then we would go back into useless arguments. Sometimes there is a need for change.

If you care, an alternative I'd consider is someone like Gangstalicious. I don't have a defining read on Rajam right now, and then the rest are up for grabs. Kevin, Jeoy, and WATT are my strongtown reads. BSP and You are lean, and then RadFic is bluntly null for the sake of being RadFic.
Dunno where to lean with others, I think PJB is a bit aggressive this game and it's off-setting, but I don't think he's a fruitful lynch today.
I have read.

Vote: WATT

blimey guvnor

I am very happy with this vote.

Vote: What's All This Then?

If you're currently confused how Kary got from voting Soup, to asking Soup why he won't be on BSP when he hadn't had a stated opinion on BSP before, to voting WATT all in one go: you aren't alone.

When asked about the new voting tack, here's the response:

<3 Swissai :D

WATT, you've spent most of your time asking other people for reads but you don't show any real direction. First you hop BSP, then you hop BW, without any particular explanation, and apparently you don't mind which goes. You really don't like me being inactive, you're looking at Vinyl of all people on a BW scumflip (but not pushing him now). Your #834

is full of weak, reachy reasoning to be on a waggon, and when put under the slightest pressure you look defensive;
i'm very happy with this vote all things considered. if you disagree with it please do offer me an alternative, i'm interested to hear what you want to push.
Bravo Kary, you sure pinned us and our non-stance taking ways while we push BW, state we think Vinyl is connected to BW (Note: This becomes something Kary argues with us about later in recent posts.), and have public beef with your current game so far. Because you've done so much more to substantiate your own involvement as seen above in every contribution you've ever made.

nah i'm not trying to scare you. if anything i'm trying to explain how I think you're scum so people will get on board.
i'm not trying to say that you don't have direction; i just don't think you're trying to develop your reads, you're just voting whatever looks easiest to lynch.
and i'm not trying to say that a compromise is scummy; i just don't think that's what you're doing, because I don't think you actually care which one of BSP/BW goes.

yes and if being anti-town meant he was scum i'd be all over his case. But I just made this exact point against you, that you're bringing up surface-level 'bad' things badwolf has done, and calling him scum based on that, apparently without trying to actually read him for intent.

that's right kids, kary might be scum! please
you mean that game where i made an effort to make a good entrance, and to ask lots of pro-town questions? given that you don't like my 'act', how have you made an effort to actually push a read on my slot?

i'm really enjoying this argument with you because i know i'm not the one who's going to scumflip. but then you probably knew that ;)
Strange, I have the same opinion about your slot. I can't shake the feeling you've been floating around looking for a target to waste your time with so you don't have to contribute but still look mildly active. From here on, Kary's game can be summarized in this way wrt his weak push on my slot while pushing other issues to the side. This is the point I want people to get out of this wall if they get anything: I don't feel like Kary is actually trying to look for scum, he's trying to look for the easiest way to get by without looking like he has no direction at all. For a long time he couldn't find a direction to fake until he got himself involved with pushing my slot, which he milked out until the day ended and continued once he had the "maybe he bussed BW" angle to work off of. He's done all these things in the meantime, putting out one liner theories, discussing with my partner and I, low-balling the other scum possibilities out into thread: but he never does anything but just sit on his WATT vote and look pretty. You can see it even in his latest post, he makes a hypnosis where he states "maybe scum is hiding?" and "maybe Nabe?", then sits on his WATT vote anyways. I feel like after Rajam came in and voted us because he's Rajam, Kary saw this opportunity where he could make a bad push on us and stay there with things like arguing over who quoted Vinyl etc. so he wouldn't have to really contribute, and if the stars were right maybe even lynch a townie who has some meta knowledge on him and who had been pushing the BW lynch that turned out to be correct since there was some suspicion brewing on the slot for possible bus intent.

And I can't shake that.

Now, why Indy? Well I get that vibe based on how he doesn't seem to have any real goals other than to stay 'around', esp. the way he entered the game not wanting to take any stances or discuss anything. He seemed fine with letting the thread reach a lynch so long as he doesn't have to make any solid connections to it. Is there room for Mafia there? Yes. You could argue that if Vinyl/BW was a team he could be connected to Vinyl for him not wanting anyone to discuss what happened to him and Vinyl calling him gut-town before he did anything, (or on retrospect for that one post asking Soup why he wasn't ok with BSP if we're talking possible BW stuff, but it seems a weaker reason than his overall play so far). I just remember getting the feeling like Kary actively tried not to do much when we played together in Tekken once he got a foothold where people weren't on him, and I'm getting the same vibes from his play here.

Clearing multi-quotes and breaking the wall here, deciding if I need to go on to later Kary play...

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
...Nabe wtf are you doing voting yourself up there, just speak.

(I actually might keep going with this Kary thing a little longer... looking at his posts in ISO I'm starting to see some things in twilight and just before the hammer that make it seem like he has a Vinyl connection that I didn't see before. and I want to see if my eyeballs are full of it or not since I haven't clicked the actual posts yet and am just seeing the first few lines. I'd love to hear opinions on this btw, I'd prefer to know if I'm being off the wall with all this stuff I have problems with wrt Kary or if I'm just having my gears ground on nulltells.)
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