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Toonami Mafia - Game Over - Daytime Programing wins!

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
now maybe this is a weird/fake interaction with the BW slot, idk. it could just read as though he's sick of BW *****ing. but whatever. my point is that if you were looking for a Vinyl > BW connection, THIS is it. and this post completely undermines the stance WATT did take. I was going to bring this post up before the vinyl lynch happened, but as it happened i didn't have time before the hammer came down.
@Kary: Is this the quote you were talking about? Because if so I'll have you know it's what caused me to point out the possibility of Vinyl/BW to Orbo in QT, however if what Orbo is saying is accurate then IR brought up that quote before we had to and so we never needed to ourselves and instead Orbo linked the other set that also seemed relevant.

(if this really is what you're bugging out about, I really don't see the town intent in attacking us for it. If you see the logic in not liking that post's implications then it shouldn't matter that Orbo linked the other post instead of this one when calling Vinyl BW's partner. You're using the malformed logic that because my partner brought in secondary evidence instead of the best evidence that the case isn't worth pursuing/isn't genuine. That's like saying you shouldn't trust the cop who found the knife at the scene of the crime because the dead man was shot as well as stabbed, and somebody else talked about the gun first)

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Was told that I have to replace out due to 12 day V/LA.

Any questions you want to ask before I get replaced out?


Who's scum ?

No wait, thats too easy.

Strongest town read Joey, plus why you thought using your ability early would do more good than harm.
Lol, I'm not above asking the easy question: Joey who is scum?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Still fine with Gangsta going.

Could see BSP being scum as well.

Make sure my sub knows that I claimed, please.

Mod: Feel free to replace me out now.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Lol, tis alright Kevmo, you don't have to worry about multiposts from myself , unless i get a sudden gut jump, I'll be keeping it well in hand


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Changed my mind. My head still feels like **** but it's not as bad as it was this morning.

@Watt: The point still stands that you were slow onto the BSP wagon and only after it'd picked up a lot of steam. Despite most of the hate on BSP coming from his #144 and you posting shortly after it, you didn't really have much to say about it. Instead of taking your own stance on him, you instead ask someone else for their stance first.

hey kev you should explain why bsp is so scummy already.
You also didn't have anything to say about him at all, despite there being a fairly decent wagon forming and plenty of BSP discussion. These are some of your posts (page 6 for reference)

how solid is that rf town read badwolf? X/100=your read, what does X equal?
vinyl, why are you stifling discussion?
I mean, considering how topical BSP was back on page 5/6 and people were actually calling BSP out on avoiding the RadFic/Soup issue, I'm very surprised your play like this went unnoticed.

I mean yes you did eventually jump onto the BSP wagon after apparently ISO'ing him and deciding he was scummy, but I seriously don't see the need to ISO a player after 300 total posts.

It seriously looks like an attempt to justify your late jump onto the wagon:

Finished my ISO (and some toast).

Glad there was actually substance there so I no longer have to give KevMo the quizzical eye for pulling out a wagon all of a sudden.

Vote: BSP

BSP: when you get here answer my previous question about Soup's intent, then explain to me what you hoped your 244 was going to clear up wrt IR. (Because the message I got out of it was just you saying "You can't prove anything" without actually going anywhere afterwords)
When I mention "prior approval" I'm talking about the approval of other town members, i.e. waiting until BSP wagon had 5 votes before jumping on.

To say you were one of two leading forces in lynching BW is also a bit of a stretch from what I've read. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see your involvement in that incredibly clearing or obvtown.

@Rake: I believe Swiss/RadFic had your slot as town, I'm pretty sure he said somewhere that he confused you and Badwolf in his notes.


I've been townreading WATT because of early interaction, but the way you presented it makes me (slightly) doubt myself. I think your post was what I needed for to refresh my mind. What do you think of recent arguments against BSP? Him replacing out?
@Soup: Wrt IR being the night kill, BSP Scum would certainly be someone who'd want IR gone.

Can you point me to a page number for recent arguments against BSP? Because there haven't been any today so far.

You also mentioned that Town BSP is generally a lot more active and would be in here commenting on things. Can you talk about this meta a bit more? I haven't played with BSP before so I most likely just an inactivity thing rather than pressure (considering he weathered the whole IR storm).

Vand: when you get here talk to me about Nabe. Hopefully you've played more games with him than I have.
Am incredibly curious to see why he's so sure on BSP/Rake scum. The fact that he's chosen that direction doesn't mean much, but what he finds suspicious about him will be very telling. Right now though I don't feel NabeScum would bus his partner in this situation.

@Vanz: u srs bro?

I'll give you paranoia about us offing BW as a normal thing in mafia, but don't go into the whole "Idk if he's done things" waffling too. We already killed a scum and got reads on most of the players in this game, most of which people have been agreeing with eventually. Don't knock our methods as "idk maybe they ask questions" when it gets us results. We already have a solid direction to go in today: Kary/Nabe/Gangstalicious. If it was purely my choice I'd have us kill off Kary, then if he flips indy/town we go Gangsta. If he flips mafia we go Nabe. Don't make me have to fight off you coming in with conspiracy theories and have to dissuade you before I go on Christmas vacation.
Convince me on Kary then. Tell me what actions in particular make him a likely scum bud to Badwolf. I don't see it right now. Would you be willing to roll Nabe first? What do you think about the points I raised on MiR?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@WATTs #1300

Rajam said you were avoiding giving stances and instead asking other people for theirs first. I quoted an example of this (BSP) in my above post. I can go quote more from Day 1 if you'd like but the fact is it's a true point.

Heck, you even asked me about Nabe's slot today without saying much about him yourself. Unless you're scumreading him forhis set up speculation.

I also really detest the tone that BW flipping scum somehow clears you as town. Again, if someone that is not WATT shares this opinion, please enlighten me.

Badwolf wasn't that scummy before his big tirade with soup. Calling himself scum wasn't a part of that read and if we had factored it in would have probably offset some of the scumread towards him.
So which is it WATT? Did you have him as scum before the Soup argument or after it? Because it REALLY looks like you're not even sure yourself.

Considering you were so incredibly instrumental in lynching Badwolf, should you not know the details of what made him scummy to you in the first place? Seems like a pretty important thing to know imo!

More tomorrow after work.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
People who are for some reason waiting for me to post rather than moving to other content are gross (Soup, others? I'm skimming). "I am waiting to hear from Nabe" means "I am not doing anything".

Vand, where do you see a connection between me and BadWolf? (Ongoing Secret Santas that don't exist notwithstanding)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Who did RF get replaced by again? Was it Nabe?

Idk whoever replaced RF isn't scum it's like so simple. BW on D1 was slobbing that knob so hard.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Going further on I don't like the fact that as BW vs Soup first starts developing WATT is calling out Soup saying meta reasons don't work. (A slight defense but a defense none the less) then talks about how yeah the slot has things to answer for.. but then doesn't ask any questions. Then AFTER that finally begins talking about BSP... It seems like a sudden change and it seems like the timing is so conveniently around when BW gets pressured... going to keep reading.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Rajam for the last week my posting has been terribly inconsistent, I've had a lot of stuff going on and I did not post with the same zeal that I had when I started the game earlier on. My question is you made it a big deal to say that I had to promise you that I would continue posting and yet toDay you are still acting as my double voter. Is it appeasement? Laziness? Or was that just some sort of vague post where you wanted to ease yourself into the game.. I'm curious, feel free to clear it up for me.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
@Watt: The point still stands that you were slow onto the BSP wagon and only after it'd picked up a lot of steam. Despite most of the hate on BSP coming from his #144 and you posting shortly after it, you didn't really have much to say about it. Instead of taking your own stance on him, you instead ask someone else for their stance first.
I wanted to see why kevmo saw bsp as scummy, because I didn't see it at first from his initial post.

I mean yes you did eventually jump onto the BSP wagon after apparently ISO'ing him and deciding he was scummy, but I seriously don't see the need to ISO a player after 300 total posts.
So reading back on a player to find if his posts did read as scummy was bad?

When I mention "prior approval" I'm talking about the approval of other town members, i.e. waiting until BSP wagon had 5 votes before jumping on.
Don't know what I can really say about that since we weren't waiting on anyone to say "hey jump on the wagon boys"
To say you were one of two leading forces in lynching BW is also a bit of a stretch from what I've read. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see your involvement in that incredibly clearing or obvtown.
Then we just feel differently on this matter, as both Dietz and I feel we were one of the major pushes on the BW lynch/modkill.
It's not clearing per se, but I can't see why people keep saying "you weren't a major push on that" when we feel like we were.

Am incredibly curious to see why he's so sure on BSP/Rake scum. The fact that he's chosen that direction doesn't mean much, but what he finds suspicious about him will be very telling. Right now though I don't feel NabeScum would bus his partner in this situation.
We're also waiting to see how he response changes our read. Can you tell me why nabescum would not bus BSP at this moment?
Convince me on Kary then. Tell me what actions in particular make him a likely scum bud to Badwolf. I don't see it right now. Would you be willing to roll Nabe first? What do you think about the points I raised on MiR?
If I've got time before work, I'll try to pull up Kary's posts and say what We've disliked about him.
I need to reread what you said on MiR, as I think i skimmed that.
@WATTs #1300

Rajam said you were avoiding giving stances and instead asking other people for theirs first. I quoted an example of this (BSP) in my above post. I can go quote more from Day 1 if you'd like but the fact is it's a true point.
I don't see that asking people for their stances first means we haven't given our own. Where we pushed on D1 showed who we were scumreading at the time so we didn't feel the need to say "Key XYZ is scum guys"
Heck, you even asked me about Nabe's slot today without saying much about him yourself. Unless you're scumreading him for his set up speculation.
I admit reading nabe isn't the easiest thing for me, and I believe Dietz wanted someone who has played more with him to say if this was typical Nabe. We[more so I than Dietz] got a scumvibe from his late day entrance yesterday and Dietz caught the word choice slipup toDay. We're going to reevaluate him based on his posts today to see if that read stands.

Wrt the bolded, I think I've caught you in a lie here.

Earlier you said BW's claim of scum didn't affect your read, and that you didn't consider him scum until AFTER his back and forth with Soup (in which he claimed scum).So which is it WATT? Did you have him as scum before the Soup argument or after it? Because it REALLY looks like you're not even sure yourself.
Talking to two different heads in those quotes. I saw badwolf as scum before dietz, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until I read his argument with soup which really sunk scumwolf into place for me. I didn't factor his claiming scum in but felt it would have probably offset the scum read slightly if I was to use it. Dietz didn't feel that way about it, so there's your contradiction.

Considering you were so incredibly instrumental in lynching Badwolf, should you not know the details of what made him scummy to you in the first place? Seems like a pretty important thing to know imo!
More tomorrow after work.
I think this was just answered above.
Who did RF get replaced by again? Was it Nabe?

Idk whoever replaced RF isn't scum it's like so simple. BW on D1 was slobbing that knob so hard.
Vanz replaced RF


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
**** it. Don't really care what happens to the slot anymore. J probably wont read up and we are nothing more than a VT. Feel free to lynch us, see us flip town, and have WATT realize either he completely read everything about us wrong or he's scum. Soup and Vandy, feel free to get your J paranoia out. Everyone for some reason has a problem on the one post that was made by J and its funny becausee when we talked he told me people would want to lynch him solely because people can't trust his scum game. Feel free to believe WATT in thinking that I just tried to appeal for town cred and we tried to be safe by actively opposing the 2 most popular wagons (not to mention supposedly actively saving my partner).




Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
WATT if you're town then your reads are bad and you should feel bad. You reached wherever you could to condemn us so much as to say that asking for mod clarification is scummy.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
i was quoting things to respond too (actually too many, thanks Rake) and I had to stop when I got to this:
That's the point. He wasn't playing like townvinyl, which i why I brought that up.
Gangsta is playing incredibly safe. His first major post iirc was saying that both the major lynchpicks were town[so wrong] and that soup of all people was his scumpick because "his anger seems fake and over the top". His pushes have been nonexistant and suddenly he votes me for weak and reachy reasons(oh and he's incorrect about something I did)
substantiate the bolded or die.

TELL ME HOW gangsta taking that strong, unusual set of stances D1 is 'safe', especially considering you're now pushing them on that point. If they wanted to play 'safe', they could just have lurked, or sheeped a current waggon, right?

I tried to have exactly this debate yesterDay.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I don't even know the quote you two were fighting about, you bring it up. Also stop making excuses and follow up on what you were trying to accomplish color coding random words in one of my previous posts.
it's obvious.

@Vanz: u srs bro?

I'll give you paranoia about us offing BW as a normal thing in mafia, but don't go into the whole "Idk if he's done things" waffling too. We already killed a scum and got reads on most of the players in this game, most of which people have been agreeing with eventually. Don't knock our methods as "idk maybe they ask questions" when it gets us results. We already have a solid direction to go in today: Kary/Nabe/Gangstalicious. If it was purely my choice I'd have us kill off Kary, then if he flips indy/town we go Gangsta. If he flips mafia we go Nabe. Don't make me have to fight off you coming in with conspiracy theories and have to dissuade you before I go on Christmas vacation.
the yellow is where you use scare words like 'paranoia' when describing vand's points against you, presumably to try and discredit him, and showing that you're not thinking he might just be town reading you wrong.

the red is where you stick to your too-townie guns, except for all the wrong reasons. like trying to claim responsibility for things like lynching scum, when, by the way, the waggon didn't even finish, and just being on it doesn't clear you, bro.

I love that you can't even take the time to point out why any of your coloring makes sense or amounts to auto-scum reads. It only makes reading ScumKary easier than it needs to be.
I love that you ignore the fact that I was hilarious drunk and so not fit for actual posting. I lvoe that you then suggest that not responding to something immediately makes me scummy, which is clearly bull****.

while i'm here i should mention that i'm not sure what your contingency plan is on my townflip, or why you're trying to make it a given thing i'm lynched toDay.

Kary, are you split pushing here , or am i misreading your intent , it seems like you want to make a go at RF, but it seems forced, its like RF is "just there for you" , i get this feeling more than once, what has your prodding on him achieved, do you have a set newer read based off vand replacing in ? Why or why not ?
at that point i was absolutely fine with RF.

prodding RF was more or less a gauge of their responsiveness and activity. Given the replace out I take it they were actually inactive as opposed to lurking. I expect them to ignore me as either alignment but the question is, would they do anything else? and they did and it was neat enough.

I might have missed it , but vand thoughts ?
nope. assume lean town.

Why was it terrible at this time over dumbtown ? Confidence is something a townie should have on reads amirite ? How else can you have people follow your ideas without creating a convincing argument based on your beliefs ? You don't have to answer these as many are more rhetoric commentary on things i disagree with on from a pro-town stand point
(emphasis mine)
no. Day1 as a townie your priority is to gather reads and then evaluate them. being very confident in your initial read and refusing to try and develop it, or reconsider it, is either poor town play or scum faking reads. is the point i was trying to make. oh wait i don't have to respond/ damn.

So, uh this feels forced.

ScumJ would do whatever it takes to win , that question is pointless, you made your point on gangsta clear, how does that one stance so wildly swing you ? Your "i'm inclined to think he's town" , again, i feel like you forced that out , maybe to gauge reactions ? Close Y/N ?

What's to stop him from saving one scum mate, killing off one townie or visa versa ?
you're reading the word choice 'oh hey i guess i might make an effort' and ignoring the point. ScumJ busses like the best of them, and doesn't sit on his hands with terrible stances like townJ does. this is my opinion and i wanted to talk about it because that's what mafia is. you make an interesting hypothesis, but if i were scum (as i take it you're implying) i don't know what i'd have to gain by 'gauging reactions' in this way.

yadda yadda. unless you have an opinion on what gangsta would do in this case as town/scum, you're just playing devil's advocate here. unless you actually think the question is pointless, in which case you need your head checked.

I'm trying wrap my head around this and I don't see why you think Kary/Nabe makes sense, or why Kary flipped Indy/Town means you go after Gangsta. It just seems like a lot of theories without backed reasoning.

The 648 that you brought up as undermining our position. We didn't bring it up, but IR did as filling in the vinyl bw connection.
fine. i will go and read 100-odd posts from a dead playerslot to see if you're correct rather than you doing the legwork. thanks for nothing.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
this is now a stupidly drawn-out back and forth. but anyways.

The 648 that you brought up as undermining our position. We didn't bring it up, but IR did as filling in the vinyl bw connection.
no he didn't. i've just checked. I don't believe anyone brought it up, as already stated.

so now i'm very confused as to how you'd look at a post and think 'IR brought that up' when they didn't.

not least, it suggests you recognized the post, which is bad because as already stated you should've brought it up in making a Vinyl > BW case if you were familiar with it.

as far as i can tell here, my point is that you were trying to hash out a Vinyl>BW case without actually putting in any legwork or scumhunting, which looks bad on you.

I got a slight connection off of 552/553[vinyl to BW, bw basically ignored vinyl iirc], IR agreed. Nabe voted as not to NL
this is post-modkill D1. note the phrasing suggests IR didn't bring up any further evidence, so again idk where you got that idea.

How about: We run the lot of Gangsta/Vinyl into massive scrutiny and up the noose for being his most probable scum buddies and then I slap you around with my gigantic "We were right" banner for a while? Would you be adverse to that plan of speculative action?
this is pre-modkill; you already had vinyl in mind as a BW scumbuddy


this was only even meant to be an example of play i dislike. let's move on.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Thanks for reminding me Kary. The BW wagon never fully got off. He got mod killed and admitted he was scum. So holding onto that "we helped the wagon move" bull that you keep spitting out doesn't count for ****. So stop holding onto that like it has any value. It doesn't and you're dumb for clinching onto it. Your plan on lynches is also bad because your lynch pool is bad and will lead to a downfall for town.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Let me know when you're done having a fit. It doesn't help your case and I don't think you're close to being lynched. Flipping out on the presumption that everyone is out to get you makes me want to vote you however, so thanks.

Nabe said:
People who are for some reason waiting for me to post rather than moving to other content are gross (Soup, others? I'm skimming). "I am waiting to hear from Nabe" means "I am not doing anything".
I'm trying to read your slot, and I'm leaning on lynching BSP/Rake today. Rake's current posts haven't really done anything for me and he never even responded to me calling him out on his hyperposting. I know he's posting other places too.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Soup, i'm at a loss as to what you hope to achieve with that line of questioning at all.
Is my response going to somehow sway you ? Because in terms of legitimacy, it's a well known fact that i multipost with the best of them , if only because on some level i love reading my own running commentary, does my multi-posting imply anything to you, because if your going to *****foot around me or your point then be prepared to take some grilling on it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
@Kary: Is this the quote you were talking about? Because if so I'll have you know it's what caused me to point out the possibility of Vinyl/BW to Orbo in QT, however if what Orbo is saying is accurate then IR brought up that quote before we had to and so we never needed to ourselves and instead Orbo linked the other set that also seemed relevant.
just read this as opposed to skimming it

aight so i guess you just dreamed that IR made a post somewhere, and that's why your 'connections case' wasn't what it could've been. riiiight.

(if this really is what you're bugging out about, I really don't see the town intent in attacking us for it. If you see the logic in not liking that post's implications then it shouldn't matter that Orbo linked the other post instead of this one when calling Vinyl BW's partner. You're using the malformed logic that because my partner brought in secondary evidence instead of the best evidence that the case isn't worth pursuing/isn't genuine. That's like saying you shouldn't trust the cop who found the knife at the scene of the crime because the dead man was shot as well as stabbed, and somebody else talked about the gun first)
oh hey.

YOU CANNOT SAY 'oh vinyl is ignoring BW, here look at this post #522' when you're sitting right next to another post (#648) where he ADDRESSES BADWOLF.

MAYBE if we had a Vinyl scumflip this'd all be peachy.

But this has NOTHING to do with how good your case was. It has EVERYTHING to do with how you got to that case, what you were THINKING.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I've missed playing mafia, even though I am still in a scum drought :mad:

Other than that , i want to hunt all the scum and get all the ladies.

Speaking of , can i dangle my delicious Gangsta wagon in front of you, or where do you see yourself pushing today ? I know you've expressed interest in both WATT and Gangsta, care to put your foot in on a wagon or do you need to see more ?
Ah. I've made my interest in you, more recently. I'm not going to grill BSP because you're different players and you react differently, and I've heard BSP had school problems on a replacement. I want your slot however for an ulterior motive, and that's getting to Nabe. His push on you seems consistent and I think that your flip would determine how I read Nabe. This isn't on the precedence that I'm only lynching you for that reason, but it's a damn good reason. I wanted to believe that BSP was town and that his motives were to just try and assert himself, but I find myself in doubt. This is a read I felt pretty solid about for the longest time but recent attitude (especially the time when BW got modkilled) made me look at it much differently. He was still trying to defend himself, yet he hadn't really provided insight on anything. I would like to believe that BSP wouldn't post semantics, and this isn't just talking the amount of characters he has. I don't recall BSP ever pushing anything, and it comes off as careful. The Gangsta/WATT wagons are in my interest, but not in my priority. What do you think of Nabe?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
tell me your read on Kev.
then what you think of WATT toDay.
then what you think of my exchanges with WATT Days 1-2 (specifically w.r.t. our alignments)

hmm I see you there sitting on your vote.

hmm I see you there only ever reacting to things.

I see you there. I see you. :glare:

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yeah, because me pushing the person I want today is being totally off-base, along with asking more from Nabe. I don't care about your catfight with WATT or whoever the hell, so don't bother me about it. Stating that I'm not doing anything is completely hypocritical, and I could post examples if you really wanted to be humiliated.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I remember Nabe feeling jumpy , in my notes I've written down a couple times that his vote swaps felt opportunistic moreso than not, however i wouldn't direct that as telling in and of itself, I actually am not a fan of the method Nabe has used so far in his pursuit of my slot either , i know it'll sound odd, but i feel like i'm very much a placeholder for him , i remember his earlier push on BSP, and about to start re-reading into that in depth.

In so far as read wise he's currently at a stasis of null-ish with a *where is it all going * feel.

I'd actually be interested to hear what you think of the above Soup, fell free to take your time but sooner rather than later would be appreciated.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Nabe's vote swaps have only been two people, and one is dead. He's been on your slot consistently since he replaced in. It's this fact that piques my interest the most. You're not giving me a true stance, and I know you better. Why is Nabe null for a vote switch or how he is playing? Do you have a hard time reading him?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Not hard, you could attribute to the fact that the last 2 games I was around Nabe in, he was hydra'd with Marshy and in those instances i found myself easily seeing Nabe's intent and conclusions when he was putting out the content, here, i haven't gotten that same feeling , maybe it's the lack of marshy.

As for null on the vote swaps, i know being behind is a pain, but when I read it first time through , i went "nabe is looking for someone to lynch " as opposed to "nabe is looking for the best lynch possible " if you get my drift. Going over it again, i found myself going "well okay, he made his BSP lynch known, he pushed for it , but the thread was moving elsewhere and he was willing to explore those options"

Like i said, you can reasonably expect me to have a post up soon wrt that time if i find anything worth pushing.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So why did you bring up an issue of him vote swapping in the first place, perhaps jumpy? I don't see how his vote on BSP was just looking for a lynch, if anything he stayed away from the lynch progressing until it got itself modkilled. I think the same is for Vinyl.

There's a inconsistency with your reads, and you're going on about trivial things such as him being in a hydra. I don't think that's outside your playstyle but try to make your posts more presentable and concise. Who do you want today?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
And no, not who you think is scum, I'm talking who you're voting.
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