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Tomafia 3 - Game Over, Town wins!


I'm a monster!
Nov 30, 2001
Banana Stand
We should probably post a date as to when we'll be back so this game doesn't fade away.

Me, I'm good any time now.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Prolly saturday the 20th. This is also when I want to start up my card game. Ya'll should sign up if you like yugioh at all [/shameless self advertisement]


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I'm ready anytime as well.

we should just resume the debate now and just wait for the more later people to respond slowly (like Ronike)


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Well, I'm gonna post regardless. Anyone who can still look please comment.

I was looking from the first Marshy shared his thoughts and then up to the point now. There was indeed some Omis Vs. Marshy thing going on (in terms of proving one's self), until Strat made himself more empty with his contribute. It was then Omis shift his focus and vote on Strat, which followed with convincing words.

Then, Omis spoke about leadership and then trying to switch up that he wsn't talking about being leader. I kinda find that a bit weird.

I'm starting to think that Omis is a mafia and that he just wanted to get rid of Strat cause he was dead weight to him. >>

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
That's what I was implying about the whole leader thing. It seems like he's trying to draw attention away from him and the vote from him, especially since he was under fire early.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
yea like i said earlier on, i always had a hunch for omis? but i could never really pinpoint exactly why i felt that way

what rockin is suggestion does make a bit of sense.....and yea i really didn't like the whole leadership taking thing....or at least the outward statement of it


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Deadline is being set for Wednesday, December 24th, 2008, Noon EST.
At deadline, the person with the most votes will be lynched.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Gah, come on guys! stop being inactive. It's passed the dates of when you'd be active. Come on, come on!

Ronike - I know you're still busy, but put at least one day of thought for this post each day. I always see you posting on your game. no fair >=/


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Actually I haven't been in the last couple of days. I'm studying profusely. I'll be done with it all one way or another tomorrow... And I've been posting in their because I'm pumped about it and I'm using it as a reward system for studying... Tomorrow I'll have plenty of time to post in here most likely...


I'm a monster!
Nov 30, 2001
Banana Stand
So here have been some of my thoughts since our break.

Eor/Macman - There was no urgency to replace Eor. This could be because of Tom's computer issues, although he was on AIM, or it could be because his role isn't necessarily important. In other games I've seen people with the most important roles be replaced immediately. This is purely speculation and brainstorming. I may be completely wrong on this.

omis? - It's hard for me to believe that he would take out Stratford because he was the weak link. I had thought about this, but omis? was the first person to attack him and it was still pretty early. Before him and Marshy ever go back and forth omis? had gone for Stratford. I'm wondering why at this point purely due to speculation, so I'd like to hear from omis? on his thoughts of being semi-accused.

Leadership - Let it be know that at no point have I tried to take any form of leader. If anyone believes anyone else in this game it is of their own volition. omis? I think is misguided here. Late game their may be the need for a leader because people wont step up or they have information others don't, but as for now it's more about good posts and deduction.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
omis? - It's hard for me to believe that he would take out Stratford because he was the weak link. I had thought about this, but omis? was the first person to attack him and it was still pretty early. Before him and Marshy ever go back and forth omis? had gone for Stratford. I'm wondering why at this point purely due to speculation, so I'd like to hear from omis? on his thoughts of being semi-accused.
I agree with this. I had an early suspicion of Omis? because it seemed that he may wanted to have been seen as the person who started the take down of stratford. And he may have thought that since Stratford was playing a very weak game, he would just use that to his advantage and look like an asset to town by accusing his own teammate, gaining the towns trust and a good position in the game.

However I do not feel like this is a very valid reason, and it's also a bit out of there. Also omis did not even yet have time to find out how well stratford could play the game, because he started accusing him early on. I think the chances of him using a strategy like this is slim. I'd also like to hear omis?'s thoughts about this, but I would also like to hear more of what the people who were targeting omis? have to say, and if/why they continue to stand by the decision of wanting to lynch him.

[sorry if this is hard to read, I have terrible grammar]


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Reasons why omis? is questionable:

1. Jumped on me early for joke voting.

2. This whole leader thing. Why should he be a leader when he has led us to one lucky good lynch? Do not likey

3. This whole leader thing. Why should he be a leader when he has led us to one "lucky" good lynch. REALLLY do not likey. Had to go up twice but thats it...

Reasons why I dun like Rockin:

1. Wanted to get day 1 over fast... too fast for my liking

2. Pressured people to get back on and talk ASAP instead of waiting for everyone to be ready

3. thas it off the top of my head

Dun like jungle cuz:

1. No vote on Stratty (or anyone actually)

2. Tried to save Stratty

3. Sneakily tried to get discussion started and plant SODs (seed of doubt) about not being able to post

4. Shifting attention to omis?

5. Never being too active


Ok, but in all seriousness, starting to see why people dun like him... Mafia wise, not personality wise

MACMAN = >:(

1. Eor lefts votes. He is smarter than this. He had opportunity to quick pop in and say "unvote never mind, bai"

2. The whole "Dont lynch me til three days!" Thing.

3. The whole "Dont lynch me til three days" thing.

but perhaps not all his fault

Discuss. Hopefully I will too in two days or tomorrow maybe, but we have a massive snow storm, so my exam tomorrow may be canceled, so I may have to study more.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I feel I should provide my input about what is going on.

Your first reason for me is odd IMO. I was trying to seem light and bouncy and pretend to be the paranoid guy but it didnt work out for me.

I realize my train of thought regarding the leadership issue is wrong in most everyone's eyes. I thought it would be a good tool the seed out the cop and docter if there is one.

I see where you are going with the Rockin thing. It did seem a bit fishy but I didnt want to bring it up.

Jungle is also becoming more suspicious in my book. I have yet to see him have a very powerful opinion about anything yet. He is too passive for my liking.

What do you think about Mexican?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
MACMAN = >:(

1. Eor lefts votes. He is smarter than this. He had opportunity to quick pop in and say "unvote never mind, bai"

2. The whole "Dont lynch me til three days!" Thing.

3. The whole "Dont lynch me til three days" thing.

but perhaps not all his fault
i dont get the first reason.

I'm also finding jungle a bit suspicious as well, he hasn't really contribute anything except to try and save strat.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Eor only came into this game to immeadiately vote for omis? before any good reason was established, and then left and never returned. Eor knows that in a small game like this, every vote is crucial, so I would normally expect him to, if he knows he is going to be inactive, at least come back and unvote omis?, but he didn't, which makes me think perhaps he wanted omis? gone for some reason. There, clearer? I really wish my unversity would post whether my exam is today...


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
The person bringing my exams is late.... Im bored... no ones on.... blah... argh... err. not here!!! So anyways, this is my way of telling you that I will be done today afterall... plus its a way for me to vent my frustration at THE EXAM NOT STARTING ON TIME!!! RARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
after reading a lot of your posts, my suspicion for omis? has both solidified in some regards yet also decreased dramatically in others

the jungle suspicion i find a little interesting and worth pursuing depending on how he responds

as for eor/macman.....ronike, you bring up an interesting point which i guess makes sense but overall i just dont think he's give up his position if he were mafia.....


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I said a lot of that just as something to try and promote activity. The eor thingy I have brought up before BTW.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Ronike - In terms of the first thing with me, I only rushed so as to make everyone active and avoid a deadline, which is what we have now. Let's say we're in a heated topic and you only have 2 days to make a decision. As the time goes on, our mouths would move too fast. Our decisions would be too quick without thought. Whether we're Mafia or Vanilla, we're bound to make a midstake...and considering there's more vanilla/allies then possibly the Mafias, midstakes are not needed.

That second reason. This is the reason why

Resposting this so no one misses it.
I will not be here thursday, friday, and most likely saturday.
I'll be good after monday. and tuesday (travel johns)
These two plus MexianBJ said they will be busy last week and will be able to resume after monday (wednesday for Jungle). Now look at what day I posted, which was I believe on Monday. No one else was posting. Like what you said to stratford, it only takes a few moments to explain your reason. I expected the same with these guys.

So yeah, I'm gonna vote right now.

Vote: Omis?


I'm a monster!
Nov 30, 2001
Banana Stand
I just can't bring myself to vote for omis? yet for reasons I have previously stated.

I can however bring myself to re-vote for junglefever because he has done nothing positive towards helping out at all, takes very little time to post, and is all around suspicious.

Ronike summed it up pretty well why he is a candidate with his list post.

Early game he was a supporter of the lynch an experienced player angle, something Stratford initially also talked about. As the votes started piling up on both omis? and Strat, he sat back and said nothing of any importance and didn't vote.

Since then he has targeted omis?, something that I really can't justify yet - sorry Rockin but it makes me look at you weird too. Omis? is the major focus of day one and indirectly because of him we caught a mafia with the first lynch. If he really had a strategy setup with Stratford then the easiest solution here is to have the cop investigate him tonight and report it tomorrow if he actually is mafia. We all pretty much concluded that there would only be two mafia in a game this size right? So if he is then we win, outside of dealing with counterclaims and the like, and even then we have it narrowed down to two suspects.

I feel our best option is to take out junglefever. He has plenty going for him towards being mafia and if he is town then we lost someone who hasn't really contributed anything of worth.

Vote: junglefever6478


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Unvotes: Omis?

Thing was, while Junglefever seems to make a valid option, I felt the fact that we're on a lot more then him and contributed stuff more, made it harder for him to contribute at the same time...mostly because of the fact that we seemed to always beat him to the punch of what he's thinking. Thing was that the fact that Omis was pretty much avoiding himself away as to getting lynched urked me. Mac Man's first post wasn't attractive to look at, as it also gave me suspicion.

So unfortunatly, I'll take both Ronike's and Mutanas' words with a grain of salt.

Vote: JungleFever


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Oh wait. voted wrong

Unvote: Junglefever

Now to fix the error

Vote: junglefever6478

Just incase Tom is a grammar nazi lol

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I really want to vote Junglefever, however I think he should be able to defend himself tho. So i guess I'll wait for him to do that before I make this decision.

Also rockin I agree with you that both Omis and I probably didn't sound too well by trying to obtain a position in this game that would gain us immunity to being voted out. In retrospect I realize that that was not the best thing to say if I wanted to gain trust.

I still find Omis a bit suspicious, but we can't ignore that he was one of the main forces that helped us catch strat.

So i guess i'm 80% sure that i want to vote junglefever, if he doesn't respond by the time I wake up tomorrow my vote will be for him.

so far we have only rockin and matunas voting for jungle correct?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ill vote on jungle too if he hasn't posted by this time tomorrow. Same reasons I said above. Also, just a note, thus far his strategy seems like stratty's...

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
wait ok ok ok hold on...before i rebuttal...can someone actually state WHY im getting voted on? all i can see is that because im not worth anything. I'm sorry if exams have kept me busy, and seeing my family and friends before I leave for a vacation has kept me off the boards too. Matunas, what exactly do I have going for me?

Macman, omnis? didnt help us find strat, strat basically screwed himself with the huge john.

All omnis? has done is divert attention away from himself by making himself a leader of the group and rallying all the townspoeople to vote for someoen else other than him.

This is all i have to say. I am not the mafia. Inactivity = mafia, especially right around christmas time.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I was just posting that as proof that you have seen the thread. You could have just looked at not posted and no one would know. Just throwing it out there.

Also the reason why you are being voted on is somewhat because you dont seem to have a strong opinion on anything. Tell us why not to vote for you and who you find suspicious. 'cept me of course jk. Im always suspicious xD.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I can however bring myself to re-vote for junglefever because he has done nothing positive towards helping out at all, takes very little time to post, and is all around suspicious.

Ronike summed it up pretty well why he is a candidate with his list post.

Early game he was a supporter of the lynch an experienced player angle, something Stratford initially also talked about. As the votes started piling up on both omis? and Strat, he sat back and said nothing of any importance and didn't vote.

Since then he has targeted omis?, something that I really can't justify yet - sorry Rockin but it makes me look at you weird too. Omis? is the major focus of day one and indirectly because of him we caught a mafia with the first lynch. If he really had a strategy setup with Stratford then the easiest solution here is to have the cop investigate him tonight and report it tomorrow if he actually is mafia. We all pretty much concluded that there would only be two mafia in a game this size right? So if he is then we win, outside of dealing with counterclaims and the like, and even then we have it narrowed down to two suspects.

I feel our best option is to take out junglefever. He has plenty going for him towards being mafia and if he is town then we lost someone who hasn't really contributed anything of worth.
Vote: junglefever6478
Did you miss this? This is exactly the reason why you are getting voted on.. your last post doesn't convince me. Rebut each of matunas's reasons

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Macman, omnis? didnt help us find strat, strat basically screwed himself with the huge john.

All omnis? has done is divert attention away from himself by making himself a leader of the group and rallying all the townspoeople to vote for someoen else other than him.
I thought omis targeted strat b4 he made the huge john.

The second thing however is a bit suspicious, but not enough to warrant a vote, right now atleast, since there are many more convincing reasons to vote you.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
hehe i actually tldr'd that post my bad...so here's my rebuttal

I was a supporter of lynching an experienced player, and never changed from that. Just because Stratford and I both held the same belief on something doesn't mean we work together, alot of people held this idea. Again, I sat back and COULDNT say anything of importance beceause everything had already been said, and by the time I could look at the thread again the votes had already been casted and night had begun.

I know omnis? indirectly caught us the first mafia with his logic, and kudos to him. But its also a very good possibility he was feeling pressure and thought that if he could out smart Stratford, he could make Stratford look like the mafia (or expose him in this case) and keep himself safe because he found the mafia member. Your cop logic doesn't really make sense to me, since you could do the same to me and all you would realize is that I just don't have the time to post as often as some of the people do on this thread.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I targeted Stratford before he was even known to everyone else. To the people saying I am mafia and was throwing him under the bridge to save myself, I could have just as easily gone after someone else, but I had some serious suspicion towards him.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I mean...that logic holds for why i actually thoguht it WASNT stratford, i legitimately thought it wasnt him. i was wrong. oops.
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