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Tomafia 3 - Game Over, Town wins!

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
And Rockin? both have sort of shut up since Matunas called me out :(


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
(My name is Matunas :mad:) Please don’t back off of anything. That promotes inactivity. Come on guys we were kicking *** on activity on Day one, where’s the love today?

And Tom – Can we get some kind of word as to Eor’s replacement?
It's difficult to really be active cause we still don't have much of a strong motive. But I'll do my best to be active

So can someone help me catch up with what has been going on?
Okay, so far, we've lynched of Stratford, who happened to be a Mafia. Right now, we're trying to see who to lynch off next. I reccommand to look back from start to finish as to what's been contributed and that you may have a good idea on what to say.

How is that susposed to be a bad thing. Indirectly because of me, the town was in a state of choas and stupid things were being said. Being the leader that I am, I decided it was my duty to get the town back in respectable condition and get everyone to see Stratford for the scum that he is. At that point a majority of the players started to see me as a good leader and I felt it would be of poor character of me to step down. The town needs a strong leader and I believe Matunas and I can fill that quota.
Let's keep in mind something. We don't need a leader. Them being a leader gives them a immunity. As a group, we need to work together and agree on something. Try to keep that in mind.

I'll have more to say tomorrow. I'm at the libary and I have limited time. 20 minutes to be exact.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Let's keep in mind something. We don't need a leader. Them being a leader gives them a immunity. As a group, we need to work together and agree on something. Try to keep that in mind.
I have to respectfully disagree here. Each person operating on their own can make some very odd results. Having a leader figure can keep us on the right track pretty well. Also regarding immunity, that is why I listed two leaders. With that you will see both ends of the spectrum and no one gets immuntity. Also even if we had a strong central figure they would still not recieve immunity. Because of the nature of the game, no one is cleared from suspicion. Even if they are cop checked, they could still be a godfather. I do see where you are coming from though.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Also where has Ronike been?
Its called lead up to finals. And it blows. I seriously did HW for 16 hours this weekend, and didn't even get it all done. So now I'm dealing with the overflow from the weekend, and trying to relax somewhat. I did mention this at the start of the weekend. Regardless, my life will still be dominated by school for another week and a half prolly, as I have to memorize a speech (in japanese mind you), make an entire computer program, create a play program for one of the first Novels (Tale of Genji) while making it argue something about the tale, and finish off a comic of said Tale. Needless to say, this is going to take a while and I need the time to work on it. However, when I am taking my sanity breaks, I have been checking the game to the best of my weakened state. I will continue doing this, but I doubt I will be able to contribute all that much. Regardless, Ill try to contribute something once a day, deal?

So here's my contribution for the day:

I find Eor's request for replacement to be quite... interesting to say the least... For someone who had the patience, and will to exert the kind of effort to manage a game of such epic proportions as The Thing not to mention one of the most active Decisive Gamer, to quit out of such a small, low maintenance game such as this is rather strange. I think it is entirely possible that he wanted to stay behind the scenes for as long as he could, but then he got called on it. Seeing no incredibly easy way out of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he did this to clear his name. Not entirely likely, but also not out of possibility.

So anyways, choosing a leader is a bad idea methinks. If a leader naturally arises (always somewhat likely), so be it, but two things are wrong with leaders:

A) One of them could be mafia, misleading us all to kill who they want
B) The natural ideas that arise whenever a group of individuals puts their full mental ability to something would not arise because people can just follow the leaders, and thus don't try as hard.

I also don't like it that you are trying to set yourself up as a leader. Gives me bad feeling. Not enough to vote, but I dont like it...

As for junglefever, meh, I don't get a mafia vibe from him.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I not trying to put myself in as a leader. I am, however, trying to put someone in as leader. I just tend to feel better when there is a defined leader.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
But its not always better, and in this case it is not a good situation.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
Relating to my vote for MexicanBj, I just dont really like his thought process. At first he said that we should we should vote for the inexpierenced player. After that he said that he has expierence with mafia just not online. By saying that he tried to elimanate himself from the inexpirenced catogory so he would not be under the suspicion for the category I just listed. Later on he voted for Marshy because of inactivity. Before and after he posted alot which would remove him from the inactivity clause. So far, IMO, his strategy is to bring up a category for suspicion than immeadeately try to remove himself from that category. To me that seems pretty suspicious.

Also where has Ronike been?
1. when did i ever, in the slightest sense, hint at the fact that i wanted to lynch an inexperienced player. if anything, throughout day 1, i maintained my position that lynching an experienced player would be in everyone's best interest (get your facts straight)

2. because of my first point, my statement that "i'm experienced, just not online" does not have the intention you describe at all. it's simply the truth (junglefever can attest to this. nobody's trying to get out a category)

3. and um, voting for someone due to inactivity in the situation of day 1 is as good of a reason as any. you're accusation of me posting a lot during my vote of marshy makes no sense. you tell me. how else am i supposed to vote for someone without being "active." your argument therefore applies to anyone who ever votes for anyone because of inactivity

4. i have proven both your "categories" that you say i just bring up and remove myself from. any more?


also, i find it a bit suspicious that you decided to randomly vote for me without ANY explanation (initially) and also while debating a COMPLETELY different issue


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
wait, are you and jungle friends in rl? You guys know you cant talk about this game, right? Its the first and second rule! Off to class now, wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Also, it's going to be to tough for me to log in after today cuz i have exams after today.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I have to respectfully disagree here. Each person operating on their own can make some very odd results. Having a leader figure can keep us on the right track pretty well. Also regarding immunity, that is why I listed two leaders. With that you will see both ends of the spectrum and no one gets immuntity. Also even if we had a strong central figure they would still not recieve immunity. Because of the nature of the game, no one is cleared from suspicion. Even if they are cop checked, they could still be a godfather. I do see where you are coming from though.
The thing is, we're not operating on our own. We're doing this in a team effort. A leader is usually good to have. In these type of games though, that's a bad thing. We shouldn't try to look at one another as a leader. Instead, we should see each other as the Jury, or the Supream Court. We throw out opinons to one another and come to a unanimous agreement. Sometimes, having a leader, or a judge, could lead to one's death. There has been many times in movies where the leader leads to others in victory...there has been possibly the same amount of times where the 'leader' leads them to their death/demis and the hero/heroine comes and defeats/kills the leader, which showed they was the bad guy.

I'm not trying to knock off much of what you're saying. Having a leader in this game is not good. We didn't just agree to you about Stratford cause you was more of a leader role. We did cause your points made sense.

I not trying to put myself in as a leader. I am, however, trying to put someone in as leader. I just tend to feel better when there is a defined leader.
Yes you was.

How is that susposed to be a bad thing. Indirectly because of me, the town was in a state of choas and stupid things were being said. Being the leader that I am, I decided it was my duty to get the town back in respectable condition and get everyone to see Stratford for the scum that he is. At that point a majority of the players started to see me as a good leader and I felt it would be of poor character of me to step down. The town needs a strong leader and I believe Matunas and I can fill that quota.
See? You and Matunas wanted to be leader (well...you do, but just want to put Matunas cause he may have a leader quality in him.

Ronike, that thing you made about Eor makes sense. Eor is a tricky basrard.


I'm a monster!
Nov 30, 2001
Banana Stand
I'm going to be on sparingly until Thursday because of finals. I'll add input when I can, but just warning that finals are kicking my ***.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Yeah same, I haven't really started studying until today and I have two tomorrow. I'll pop in probably in the early mornings but thats about it.

Anyways, what did Ronike say about Eor?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
i think ronike's analogy of this game to a jury is excellent and exactly why a leader is a stupid idea.

also, finals johns as well ;)


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
This is what he said. I'm bringing up the quote to show what he exactly said.

So here's my contribution for the day:

I find Eor's request for replacement to be quite... interesting to say the least... For someone who had the patience, and will to exert the kind of effort to manage a game of such epic proportions as The Thing not to mention one of the most active Decisive Gamer, to quit out of such a small, low maintenance game such as this is rather strange. I think it is entirely possible that he wanted to stay behind the scenes for as long as he could, but then he got called on it. Seeing no incredibly easy way out of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he did this to clear his name. Not entirely likely, but also not out of possibility.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
As much as I would love to take credit, Rockin compared the game to jury. It is a great analogy. Try not to get our names confused guys.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I find Eor's request for replacement to be quite... interesting to say the least... For someone who had the patience, and will to exert the kind of effort to manage a game of such epic proportions as The Thing not to mention one of the most active Decisive Gamer, to quit out of such a small, low maintenance game such as this is rather strange. I think it is entirely possible that he wanted to stay behind the scenes for as long as he could, but then he got called on it. Seeing no incredibly easy way out of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he did this to clear his name. Not entirely likely, but also not out of possibility.
That was exactly the same thing I was thinking when I saw that Eor needed a replacement. Since one mafia was killed, and the general thoughy was that there are 2 mafia. I predicted that he may have felt like he needed a drastic plan in order to make the mafia win.
That he wanted to fool everyone by acting like his role in the game wasn't important at all and give the opportunity to the replacement (being me) to use to my advantage.

However this was not the case. And I don't see how I would be able to convince you that I am not mafia. I'm kind of in a tough spot because if you do not lynch me today, you will always have the thought in your head, "what if?" and there will always be suspicion on me. So I propose that you do not lynch me today or tomorrow, and see if can catch the mafia. Because I feel that if I'm off the list of people to lynch than you will have better chances to ccatch whoever is mafia. However if we do get down to final 3, you guys should lynch me just to make sure. (Even though that will cost us the game)

Basically what I'm trying to do here, because I know I am not the mafia, is to heighten our chances of catching mafia within the next two days, but also relieve your suspicions that if I'm mafia, I will be caught, by saying you can lynch me when we get down to final 3.

I have an idea as to who I think mafia is, but I have nowhere near enough basis to make an accusation so for now I won't point any fingers.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Macman, nice for you to post. Now, I would like to say that in terms about Eor. I kinda doubt that Eor's plan was to let someone take his spot, if he was Mafia. That'd be more of a gamble if anything, considering the Mafia has to win with some sort of skill or else the plan would break. Then again, Eor is good for trickery. I still doubt it highly. Remember, everyone has a life, so it's probably because he was just busy with his end of work.

Your other two paragraphs urks me though.You're not only saying you're not mafia, but you're also saying to request 2 lynches not on you. That's pretty bad, considering it'll take two lynches and two mafia kills to leave it into a 'all bets are off' field. Everyone is gonna be considered a lynch unless you have legit reasoning. And look at these things that you said when being compared.

So I propose that you do not lynch me today or tomorrow, and see if can catch the mafia.
However if we do get down to final 3, you guys should lynch me just to make sure. (Even though that will cost us the game)
Your confidence in you being Town is high. Possibly high enough to be considered 'reverse psychology,' meaning you do things opposite of what you're suppose to do. Like looking inside a Diary when you're not suppose to. Like making a person go first though a roach infested hallways instead of you going. Basically bending ways to make it go your way.

I'm not sure if you're either Mafia or twon, but if you are Town and we do what we say such as kill you on third day, you will screw us the game. >>;;

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Well I don't know how else to approach this because noone can trust anyone. I'm trying to reassure you guys that if you follow my plan, and I am mafia that I will be caught and if I am not mafia we have more a chance of catching mafia. I have faith in the town that we will pick the mafia before it is down to final 3, especially if we follow my plan because our chances become greater. It would (1/6) and (1/4) instead of (1/7) and (1/5).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
um...macman i think i understand your argument, but the problem is......literally everyone can say the same thing for themselves

everyone who is town knows themselves that they are town and could thus, propose your "strategy"

thus i dont think it's a viable option at this point.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
1. when did i ever, in the slightest sense, hint at the fact that i wanted to lynch an inexperienced player. if anything, throughout day 1, i maintained my position that lynching an experienced player would be in everyone's best interest (get your facts straight)

2. because of my first point, my statement that "i'm experienced, just not online" does not have the intention you describe at all. it's simply the truth (junglefever can attest to this. nobody's trying to get out a category)

3. and um, voting for someone due to inactivity in the situation of day 1 is as good of a reason as any. you're accusation of me posting a lot during my vote of marshy makes no sense. you tell me. how else am i supposed to vote for someone without being "active." your argument therefore applies to anyone who ever votes for anyone because of inactivity

4. i have proven both your "categories" that you say i just bring up and remove myself from. any more?


also, i find it a bit suspicious that you decided to randomly vote for me without ANY explanation (initially) and also while debating a COMPLETELY different issue
You pretty much convinced me. Also I meant experienced, but alas editing is not allowed.
Also that was part of my strategy to throw it out there. I wanted to see if people would guess as to why I thought that. See if people are seeing things the way I am.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Daily Contribution: I gots nothing. Sorry guys, I just dont have anything new to say. Though I do want to clarify to Macman and others that I do not believe that that is a strong possibility, just a minor possiblity that prevents us from eliminating macman from the list of suspects. That being said, I believe you can retract your proposal of lynch immunity, thank you very much.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
However this was not the case. And I don't see how I would be able to convince you that I am not mafia. I'm kind of in a tough spot because if you do not lynch me today, you will always have the thought in your head, "what if?" and there will always be suspicion on me. So I propose that you do not lynch me today or tomorrow, and see if can catch the mafia. Because I feel that if I'm off the list of people to lynch than you will have better chances to ccatch whoever is mafia. However if we do get down to final 3, you guys should lynch me just to make sure. (Even though that will cost us the game)
Basically what I'm trying to do here, because I know I am not the mafia, is to heighten our chances of catching mafia within the next two days, but also relieve your suspicions that if I'm mafia, I will be caught, by saying you can lynch me when we get down to final 3.

I have an idea as to who I think mafia is, but I have nowhere near enough basis to make an accusation so for now I won't point any fingers.[/QUOTE]
I am realllllly not liking the vibe I am getting from you. We will always be saying "what if" no matter whom we pluck. Convince us by letting us into your mind. Despite it harming me now, I am glad everyone knows where I stand. Show us your opinions to make us feel you are townie.
Dont say things like "lynch me at the final three, even though you will lose!". It sounds bad and it seems like you are forcing a town vibe onto us.

Point fingers away. This is a round table discussion. If we dont see where you are coming from we have near no choice but to attack you.
Well I don't know how else to approach this because noone can trust anyone. I'm trying to reassure you guys that if you follow my plan, and I am mafia that I will be caught and if I am not mafia we have more a chance of catching mafia. I have faith in the town that we will pick the mafia before it is down to final 3, especially if we follow my plan because our chances become greater. It would (1/6) and (1/4) instead of (1/7) and (1/5).
Instead of saying how good you plan is, show us how good it is? What are the details?

Okay I completely dont get this second thing. What do you mean by (1/6) and (1/4)? Are you implying that we might have a sk?


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Daily Contribution: I gots nothing. Sorry guys, I just dont have anything new to say. Though I do want to clarify to Macman and others that I do not believe that that is a strong possibility, just a minor possiblity that prevents us from eliminating macman from the list of suspects. That being said, I believe you can retract your proposal of lynch immunity, thank you very much.
Could you re-word the bolded part? I did not get it.

Mod edit: fixed your quote tags


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I don' think Eor asked ot get replaced just because of a convoluted mafia plan, I think he really was busy. However, that does not mean I am willing to give macman a clean slate, he still has to make up for Eor's follys if he wants us to trust him.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
um...macman i think i understand your argument, but the problem is......literally everyone can say the same thing for themselves

everyone who is town knows themselves that they are town and could thus, propose your "strategy"

thus i dont think it's a viable option at this point.
This is very true, I guess I felt as though I was on the chopping block and I didn't want the town to waste a vote on me. I retract my plan then.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2008
yea, i dont really think you are on the chopping block

im not sure anyone specific really is at this point, we'll just have to wait and see...


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I'm going to be traveling over the next few days. I won't have internet tonight but tomorrow I'm stopping and spending the night at SleepyK's house near Atlanta so I'll have internet Thursday. Then Friday I won't have internet until that night because I'll be driving to Memphis. Just thought I would let you all know. If you guys reach a majority or what not I'll just catch up to you guys.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Due to exams and lotso people being absent, I propose that we put this game on hold for a week. That way, those of us that are gone, don't miss much, and don't feel pressured to come on and quick skim through and post a hastly thought out response. If nobody likes that idea, ok, but if we do, great.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Due to exams and lotso people being absent, I propose that we put this game on hold for a week. That way, those of us that are gone, don't miss much, and don't feel pressured to come on and quick skim through and post a hastly thought out response. If nobody likes that idea, ok, but if we do, great.
I was just about suggest this.
So yea I think this is what we should do.


I'm a monster!
Nov 30, 2001
Banana Stand
I agree with holding off a bit as well.

Unvote: junglefever6478

Although my last exam is tomorrow, so I would have been good after that. :ohwell:


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I agree with holding off a bit as well.

Unvote: junglefever6478

Although my last exam is tomorrow, so I would have been good after that. :ohwell:
I have no exam, so I will be bored and the only one active in this. =/

But I will hold off of this for awhile.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
i mean if you guys really wanted to i could try but like about this time of the night is the only time i can really look and have the time to post something mieaningful.
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