Thanks Ronike, that did it. So here's my elaborate john I've been planning all day. So I had this term paper for my writing seminar class due at noon today but I'll be ****ed if I was gonna start it more than a few hours before it was due. So I set an alarm for 3 AM but when I woke up at 3 AM my bed was way to cozy so I set another alarm for 5 AM and went back to sleep. Well the funny thing is my bed actually felt even cozier at 5 AM so I set another alarm for 7 AM and went back to sleep. During these two hours I had a dream that one of the guys in my class named Peter who also lives on my floor informed me that the paper wasn't due at noon and it was actually due any time today. This was quite relieving, and when I woke up again at 7 AM only to realize my term paper was still due at noon, I was pissed off. So I finally got up and started reading the documents that I scanned to myself. I finished reading the documents at 8:41 AM and still didn't have much of an idea of what I was going to write about in my paper, so I decided to visit Smashboards. Surprisingly, I didn't find the inspiration I thought I would and next decided to falcon punch some level 2 foxes. At 9:15 AM, I got back to work on my paper. It soon became evident that I was not going to finish by noon. I kept the hope alive, and figured the professor might stay in his office until 3 PM and show me some sympathy. With my 3 hour extension I'd granted myself, I decided to take some time off to get a giant chocolate chip cookie and a Vitamin Water. I selected Tropical Citrus, and I stand by my decision. With the energy the cookie and the vitamins provided me I decided to Darkrain combo some level 9 foxes. They never picked up on the fact that if they would just DI the nair away I wouldn't have such an easy time kneeing them. Needless to say, it soon became evident that I was not going to finish by 3 PM, so my new goal became to finish before dark. That hope didn't last long, as it gets dark here at 4:30 PM. My paper was late and I couldn't think of anything else to write. I was quickly becoming demoralized, but what happened next was the stuff of legend. I heard Peter outside my room in the hall talking with some other floormates about an article that ranked the top 100 public high schools in the nation. As Thomas was complaining that his high school was only ranked 76th, I overheard Peter reassure him that even the highest ranked public school is still far below the caliber of the private school which he attended. There was something I had to ask Peter, so I ventured outside my room, hoping against hope that he would tell me our papers were actually due at any time today. Peter, who had turned in his essay that morning, informed me that there was a basket sitting outside the professors door for us to put our papers in, meaning that we could turn them in any time during the day. That's right. My dream actually came true. Literally. Go figure. Feeling great again, I got back to work on my paper, and made some progress. At 5:30 PM, Thomas came knocking on my door, wanting to get his Sheik *****. I obliged, and he left after one match. I got back to work, and I was on fire. My spelling was irreproachable, my logic was undeniable, and my sentences were interminable. I finished my thought provoking conclusion at 7:46 PM, and the bibliography was done by 7:57 PM. I gave it a proofread, admired how amazing I am, and printed it out. I arrived outside the professor's room at 8:12 PM, and found another one of my classmates was just turning in her paper as well. I returned to my room feeling unstoppable, and Thomas was back for more. I gave him a thorough *** beating and celebrated by going out and having a delicious victory feast. Since I'd only had a cookie since yesterday, I decided to go for breakfast. Eggs, sausage, tator tots, pancakes, donuts, milk, orange juice, and plenty of Tobasco sauce were some of the participants. I got back to my room at 11:30 PM and decided to check Smashboards. You didn't miss much by me not posting earlier today. If I had, it probably would've just been something along the lines of "I'm busy now, post later, please don't lynch me, kthxbai." True story.