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Tom Nook for SSBB: Far from Deconfirmed.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
C'mon guys, there's tons of better characters than Nook... Wouldn't an AC themed stage be good enough?
Games seem to be incapable of having any sort of substantial representation without a character in the game. There never seems to be a stage without a character, but there are characters without stages, however this could be coincidental, dunno only 2 games to look at so it's kinda hard to spot patterns.:ohwell:

But I really, really wanna play as Nook, I could personally care less if any one else likes him. Also if no one else played him, it would only make my maining him that much sweeter.:chuckle:

Edit: I do not see trophies as substantial. Music is nice but not that great.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
C'mon guys, there's tons of better characters than Nook... Wouldn't an AC themed stage be good enough?
No, no it would not be enough. Aside from Melee, I think animal crossing is what popularized the game cube. Bottom line is that animal crossing is one of the most popular games out there and is very highly recognized.

Tom Nook would be very highly recognized as well because anyone who has played the game knows him. there is no one better to represent the animal crossing franchise than the ultimate businessman!

Pay off your debt to Mr. Nook, put him in Brawl.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
You guys still going on about this? If he makes it in, I'll be sure to set him to a level 1 and pummel him constantly for gits and shiggles.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Animal Crossing has as many games as starfox and is just as popular so it deserves some representation there is
Animal Forest (Japan only)
Animal Crossing
Dobutsu No Mori 2 (Japan Only)
Animal Crossing: Wild Worlds
Animal Crossing: Tenative Title (Wii game)

how can you say that a largish, popular, flagship game doesn't deserve a playable character you people are unbelievable infact I think I will make another AC thread

8-bit hacker

Smash Cadet
Aug 22, 2006
More that I think about it. Nook shouldn't be in brawl. Come on, Nook would need to be nerfed before he sets a paw onto Brawl. He is just way to Godly of a character to be included.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Since ive NEVER played AC what does Tom Nook actually do, does he just sell stuff or what? lol kinda n00b on the AC series stuff...

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
At best you could buy trophies from him instead of the lotto or other unlockables. He is a store keeper let him keep a store. He doesn't deserve to be playable though.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
At best you could buy trophies from him instead of the lotto or other unlockables. He is a store keeper let him keep a store. He doesn't deserve to be playable though.
You should by characters and stages and whatever else is unlockable from him also. That way he can do what he does best. Ripping people off.:laugh: He can also be out of everything you want to buy. No really he could hand you the catalog instead of being out of everything.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Your grammar is an atrocity. Though if he weren't a playable character (which i'm still so confused about) I wouldn't mind seeing him sell items.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
Cuz Nook doesn't sell me fake paintings. But Redd does sell me Clu Clu land......

I'd love to opt for both but I stand by Nook.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
If you guy really want a god-like store owner, you should throw your weight behind the infamous store owner in Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening rather than ol' Nookie...
He would always kill me because the stuff he sells is so expensive (Shovel), but I couldn't resist to go back for more. But sadly he only has one mind-blowingly awesome move.


I'm watching Walker Texas Ranger right now.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Yeah I barely remember owning a SNES because we got a 64 when I was 5 so Nook > who ever your talking about.
Um... Link's Awakening was for Game Boy, and it was rereleased for the GBC in '98 - well into the N64 era. All I can say is that it's too bad you missed out on the greatest handheld LoZ game - but you COULD always ROM it...
That's not god-like. That's playing with power.
I was exagerating a bit, but still - Nook's got nothin' on this guy...:laugh:
He would always kill me because the stuff he sells is so expensive, but I couldn't resist to go back for more. But sadly he only has one mind-blowingly awesome move.
That ONE mind-blowingly awesome move is still more than Nookie's score of ZERO in that regard.

Also, I'm not suggesting that this guy actually be in SSBB, just that if you guys REALLY want a shopkeeper, he's 1000x more qualified than Nook as he has shown himself to be quite capable...


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
yea, but his move has no force behind it. the shopkeeper would just zap you over and over, your percentage rising and rising, and you'd never die.

Nook would tax marth for his sword.

his opponents would be charged right into the poor house, then he'd send timmy and tommy to finish em off.

and if that didnt work, then there's always the good old fishing pole to the kneecaps!




Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Um... Link's Awakening was for Game Boy, and it was rereleased for the GBC in '98 - well into the N64 era. All I can say is that it's too bad you missed out on the greatest handheld LoZ game - but you COULD always ROM it...I was exagerating a bit, but still - Nook's got nothin' on this guy...:laugh:.
That was when I was 7 I wasn't alowed to play my brother's gameboy and my mum wouldn't buy my own, and no store keeper has anything up on Nook he kicks arse.

That ONE mind-blowingly awesome move is still more than Nookie's score of ZERO in that regard.
Are you kidding? Nook has baloons, Umbrellas, shovels, axes, Nets, Rods, clothes, pinwheels and much much more

Also, I'm not suggesting that this guy actually be in SSBB, just that if you guys REALLY want a shopkeeper, he's 1000x more qualified than Nook as he has shown himself to be quite capable..
How has he done so I have no idea what you people are on about tell me!, Nook is 1000x more likely though.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
That was when I was 7 I wasn't alowed to play my brother's gameboy and my mum wouldn't buy my own, and no store keeper has anything up on Nook he kicks arse.
I've seen the game on retail store shelves as late as '01 and like I said before, it's not like you can't ROM it.
Are you kidding? Nook has baloons, Umbrellas, shovels, axes, Nets, Rods, clothes, pinwheels and much much more
And just HOW would the items in bold work? And besides, those are not MOVES, those are ITEMS and he only SELLS them to your AC character - the one who actually uses them. And how do ANY of those compare to the Super Lightning Bolt of Death that the Mabe Village store owner rewards you for shoplifting... :laugh:
How has he done so I have no idea what you people are on about tell me!, Nook is 1000x more likely though.
Again, the Super Lightning Bolt of Death. And by that deduction, considering the guy I'm talking about has NO CHANCE IN HELL, that'd make Nook's chances about 0.001% - although realistically it's maybe about 40%. I wasn't suggesting this guy, I only brought him for the sake of argument - sorta. Actually it was originally more in line with a joke - you people take things too seriously... But I stand by my word that there are many more characters that should get in before Nook. But if you guys REALLY want him in THAT BAD... well... to each his
(or her) own.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
And just HOW would the items in bold work? And besides, those are not MOVES, those are ITEMS and he only SELLS them to your AC character - the one who actually uses them.
So what? Zelda uses magic that belongs to Link, but it's okay. Ness uses PK Fire and PK Thunder even when he didn't use them in Mother 2. You have to be creative with this game and think out of the box. Nook sells things, now he can make use of them, cause he is an animal (wow news), and since most animals in the village can use tools (fishing rod, net...) he can too.

There is nothing such as a character that doesn't fit in Brawl for lack of moves, not in Animal Crossing at least.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
So what? Zelda uses magic that belongs to Link, but it's okay. You have to be creative with this game and think out of the box. Nook sells things, now he can make use of them, cause he is an animal (wow news), and since most animals in the village can use tools (fishing rod, net...) he can too.

There is nothing such as a character that doesn't fit in Brawl for lack of moves, not in Animal Crossing at least.
I never said they could't be implemented as moves. That comment was directed toward a claim seemingly inferring that Nook ALREADY had those as moves in comparison to the Mabe Village store owner, who zapped you with a continuous lightning bolt for shoplifting - I was referring to abilities ALREADY in existence, not ones yet-to-be
(or if ever...). Sometimes ya gotta read more than just one post... :p


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
The guy from Link's awakening is definately the 4th greatest shop keeper ever, right after Nook, Redd, and the Crazy Mask Sales man (that last one is debatable(Sp?))

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
I like the creepy RE merchant from RE4. He's number one in my book. If Nook gets in he should too RE4 started on the GC after all.
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