Yes... Tom Nook is highly, highly unlikely. So?
Just pointing out that there is no contention, our opinions are totally in line. He has a non-zero chance, just a very small one.
No. Not even a non-zero chance. Yes, Tom Nook is unlikely, but Gardevoir has been Pokeball-ified. Gardy has a ZERO chance. ZERO.
As I pointed out beforehand, we have no proof that the smash team considers pokeballs in the same category as assist characters, so it goes in the same category as a character being in the background, an educated logical guess is that it's the same net effect, but there's still a non-zero chance that it's not.
I actually agree with you... somewhat. But I'm strongly betting he won't. IF a character will be playable, WHY put him in the backround?
I agree, why would they? That's why I say the chance is very low, but very low is still non-zero. And there is precedent for characters having multiple roles ), pokefloats had characters like chansy and venusaur that were also pokeball pokemon. It is not illogical to guess that, being far larger, the pokefloats versions had more fine details so they looked good when zoomed really far in.
That we agreed and that you didn't recognize it at the time.
Fine enough, but we won't have enough tests. We will only have *1* game, not 100 different tests...
Excuse me, the point was more that multiple tests reveal the real probability, and one test is more likely to make a statistical outlier seem normal, and something that is very likely seem unlikely.
Plus, we have a good number of character slots, and thus plenty of potential for statistical outliers to appear.
Again, stating lack of knowledge in reguards to it, not making assumptions about it.
With Tom Nook, yeah, I'll admit he has a window of opportunity, but, if he were to be in the game, he would have a brawl equivalent model, but he doesn't. It's comparable to the rest of the AC crowd. Why create 2 Nook models to put one in the backround, and another one as a PC? but Gardy does have the zero chance. Pokeballs ARE like AT. Pokemons can't be ATs, so they have to be Pokeball-ified. And look at their models... they were most likely ported directly with little upgrades from the GC game.
Hmmm, actually, it is rather easy to create a high-quality model, and then scale it down in quality, give me two minutes with photo-shop and a high quality text and I could definately scale it down for uses in the background so it takes less processor power.
As for Garde, again, that's a very logical guess, but there's no proof that this is how the smash team feels about pokeballs, which is why Garde is lower on the percentage chart then Tom Nook, she's something that is extremely similar to something that we know is a deconfirmation and seems equivalent. Still, low percentage is not 0%.
Wow... people are still trying to convince adumbrodeus, this started around midnight yesterday, you really think he'll take that long to come to terms with it? he is one tough cookie lol!
Lol, come to terms with what? I've already stated that I don't really like Nook, anyway realize that as far as Nook is concerned, PrettyGoodYear already admitted my point, that there is an extremely low non-zero chance that he could be included. Ok, admitted is the wrong word, "realized that we always agreed" is the better way of putting it.
One tough cookie is putting it nicely ¬¬
Well, I'm persistent, especially when I know I'm correct, especially when I realize that the other guy agrees with me but doesn't realize it cause he/she/it/potato thinks I'm arguing for some other point.