So I figured I'd string together a quick little iso of Jackrito, graded on whether the posts are useful or not, and what I take away from them.
Its one token each unless we have a motivator. They can give someone a extra use of their ablity
Odd opening. Goes into the game answering a question on the game setup, no RVS, no town pings. Useless (to me).
If this is anything like the last token game, which I assume it is, I would not even bother eating it at all.
Useless (to me).
Damn a readlist and towncore talk on page two that is new.
Useless (to me), in the sense that they show surprise due to the presence of a readslist and towncore talk, but do not infer anything from this.
I played this game recently but this version is more complex since scum look to get a different version of town roles. In the other one they was just 7 set roles.
I have only played with Logic I believe.
Useless (to me).
I have to agree tbh, role fishing in any setup is a bad look, but a even worse one in this setup. Also I find readlists this early weird unless this is just a site meta thing, but wondering why I'm bottom of both. Also should maybe of pointed this out eariler, but I hate RVS and the early game
Useful to me. Jackrito expresses a discontent with my perceived role fishing, and talks about their discontent with early game business. Let's dive in.
Describing something as "weird" can be interpreted as an easy way out of a situation, as it makes it look like Jackrito is trying to appear productive...
...but in actuality are just using this a filler to look like they are helping while not actually helping. "Weird" content doesn't solve the game.
I suppose somebody can dislike RVS and early game, but it looks unnatural and is typically scummy to do so, so simply admitting it doesn't help me.
Saying that you hate early game as an out to not have to "try" early game is also a big no-no for me.
I don't know if scum would role fish that openly, but I have no idea why a town does it either. Also since it got mentioned don't expect me to look towny, I prefer playing scum, so my posting style comes off as more scummy a lot of the time. Every time I play in a new community they say this lol. Logic can confirm this to a degree. Self meta by itself is worthless after all.
That's a lot of words to say "I don't know". It would help if you make real inferences about people's alignments rather than sitting on the fence
Saying that you prefer playing scummy so that you might appear scum is a scumtell in my book. That's not something you typically mention unless...
...you want to float under everybody's radars and use the fact that "Oh I just naturally appear scummy" as an excuse to your scumminess?
I respect your dedication to your random pick.
Useless (to me).
So all in all we have a pretty lackluster opening from Jackrito from my persepective, but also agree with Xivii's analysis of ExLight to a degree.