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Toad/Captain Toad for Smash, Toad Brigade Assemble!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2015
Welp, it's been a long time since have last been here, but I'd never miss out on the chance to support Toad to finally get his looong overdue spot in Smash, whether it's as Toad or Captain Toad, either one would be more then welcome.

Apologies for double posting, but I wanna share this video that just came up :
I also wanna quickly say something in regards to the whole ''but Toad is part of a species'' argument, since I tend to hear it a lot as a counter from Toad detractors.

Besides Yoshi or the Pokemon in Smash making that argument already a mood point, I also feel that the Toad species as a whole if anything, elevates how crucial Toad would be to properly represent the Mario series.

Some might not like it, but the Toad species is among the most recognizable elements of the Mario franchise, a big part of it's image, characters like Rosalina or Jr might have hit it big later, but Toads have been a major part of the franchise and practically everywhere since 1985, complete with several major roles such as Mario 2, Wario's Woods, two Sattelaview titles, the console NSMB titles, 3D World, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker or Super Mario Run.

Sure, Blue and Yellow Toad aren't ''the Toad'' and the whole Toad/Captain Toad situation is more messy then it has any right to be, but the Toads are major icons to not only the Mario series, but Nintendo as a whole and if Yoshi clearly not always being the same character in his series didn't stop him from representing it in Smash, then I don't see why being part of a species should stop Toad from getting in, not just as his own character, but a representative of the most common friendly species in all of Mario.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Apologies for double posting, but I wanna share this video that just came up :
I also wanna quickly say something in regards to the whole ''but Toad is part of a species'' argument, since I tend to hear it a lot as a counter from Toad detractors.

Besides Yoshi or the Pokemon in Smash making that argument already a mood point, I also feel that the Toad species as a whole if anything, elevates how crucial Toad would be to properly represent the Mario series.

Some might not like it, but the Toad species is among the most recognizable elements of the Mario franchise, a big part of it's image, characters like Rosalina or Jr might have hit it big later, but Toads have been a major part of the franchise and practically everywhere since 1985, complete with several major roles such as Mario 2, Wario's Woods, two Sattelaview titles, the console NSMB titles, 3D World, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker or Super Mario Run.

Sure, Blue and Yellow Toad aren't ''the Toad'' and the whole Toad/Captain Toad situation is more messy then it has any right to be, but the Toads are major icons to not only the Mario series, but Nintendo as a whole and if Yoshi clearly not always being the same character in his series didn't stop him from representing it in Smash, then I don't see why being part of a species should stop Toad from getting in, not just as his own character, but a representative of the most common friendly species in all of Mario.
Just saw the video. The idea of changing your weight based on the contents in your backpack is really genius and I never would’ve thought of such a mechanic!

Also those are some good arguments in favor of Captain/Toad!
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2015
I want Captain Toad in smash but he needs to use his magic carpet as his up special.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
What would you guys like as a stage for Captain Toad? Got a particular favourite level you think it should be based on?

What about a stage for regular Toad? Any particular areas you'd like for his home stage?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
What would you guys like as a stage for Captain Toad? Got a particular favourite level you think it should be based on?

What about a stage for regular Toad? Any particular areas you'd like for his home stage?
from treasure tracker id say blizzard on the star express (love a good ice stage) most treasure tracker levels put you in mind of smash stages what with them being a set of platforms suspended in the air

as for regular toad perhaps a mario party stage, or a stage set in a toad house with some item generating stuff based on the minigames found in them


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
What would you guys like as a stage for Captain Toad? Got a particular favourite level you think it should be based on?

What about a stage for regular Toad? Any particular areas you'd like for his home stage?
I am with fogbadge. I would love to see a stage that is the top of the Star Express. At night and during a blizzard sounds quite exciting!
I also think Draggadon's Lair would be pretty cool too!

For a regular Toad... I also really like fogbadge's idea of a Mario Party stage. Maybe it could take place on a board like Toad's Midway Madness from Mario Party 4!
Or there could be a stage where certain minigames are happening in the background and a bunch of Mario characters can make cameos and you can watch as the characters compete in the minigames.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2015
A Captain Toad based stage would make the most sense for either version of Toad, given the ongoing relevance of Treasure Tracker especially thanks to the upcoming ports, but my dream stage for Toad will forever be a Wario's Woods stage, particularly one inspired by the Round Game mode, that translates the game's mechanics into stage gimmicks.

Not gonna say that I consider it likely or anything, but you never know, I mean Nintendo doesn't shy away from acknowledging the game or anything, it was an unlockable game in the Game Cube Animal Crossing, was featured in NES Remix 2 and it was one of the cartridge based badges in Nintendo Badge Arcade, so who knows? Even just Wario getting alternate color set based of his NES Wario's Woods appearance would be enough to make me grin like an idiot, because I just adore Wario's Woods.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
I am feeling really optimistic this time around.
And I really hope I'm not wrong.
I am seeing a lot of support for Toad/Captain Toad (mostly the Captain truthfully)
And I can find it even when I'm not looking for it!
I have seen wish lists with Captain Toad on it. Mock-up rosters with Captain Toad added.
Gamexplain did that entire video showing support for the little guy... Gah. It makes me happy seeing Toad getting more and more support!

Just wanted to get those thoughts out. How are you guys feeling? Optimistic like me? Or have years of being let down crushed your hopes a little too far?


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Captain Toad (Two different ideas to incorporate not jumping)

1. Cap. Toad cannot jump and the jump button switches on his headlamp and switches his "A" moves to anti-aerial moves that double as aerial attacks if hit airborne

2. Cap. Toad collects gems. Possible ways can be digging them up or hitting people. Gems are used to pay for his specials which are stronger than other specials. More gems though shortens his jumps. The limit makes him unable to jump. This could be too similar to Olimar.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I am feeling really optimistic this time around.
And I really hope I'm not wrong.
I am seeing a lot of support for Toad/Captain Toad (mostly the Captain truthfully)
And I can find it even when I'm not looking for it!
I have seen wish lists with Captain Toad on it. Mock-up rosters with Captain Toad added.
Gamexplain did that entire video showing support for the little guy... Gah. It makes me happy seeing Toad getting more and more support!

Just wanted to get those thoughts out. How are you guys feeling? Optimistic like me? Or have years of being let down crushed your hopes a little too far?
Honestly? Same.

In terms of sales during the Wii U period Captain Toad's game was 15th on the list, which doesn't sound like much, but baring in mind he was also starring in the 4th most successful title on the console(3D World), and Treasure Tracker is the third best selling NEW IP after the obvious Splatoon and Nintendoland which was often packaged with the console.
I know sales aren't everything, but Captain Toad Treasure Tracker only appeared in the FIRST PLACE due to fan demand from 3D World.

How many other characters have managed to get a spinoff game due to vocal fan demand? That makes Captain kind of unique during the Wii U period.

In terms of the Mario cast; Captain Toad(and Toad to an extent) was the most active character in the mainline games, something that previously helped elevate Rosalina(Galaxy) and Bowser Jr(New Super Mario Bros.) during the Wii period. With the Switch and 3DS ports coming and his recent appearance in Odyssey I think it's safe to say Captain Toad is as relevant as ever.

I genuinely don't think Captain Toad not being able to jump will be a hinder to his inclusion. If anything it's that unique challenge I can see Sakurai getting fired up over, although his past actions with Toad does throw a mild bit of uncertainty Captain Toad's way.

Toad has never been a major fan favourite of Smashboards honestly, especially compared to other Mario characters like Waluigi, Paper Mario and Geno, but I'm noticing even people who don't neccessarily want or even like Toad acknowledge his importance, likeliness and moveset potential. It's a weird feeling as someone who's been supporting Toad for 17 years...

...hopefully this IS our time. I feel fairly confident in our shroom, and regardless of which Toad gets in; Captain or Classic, I know he's going to be an enjoyable character to play as. A Fun Guy if you will.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
I am feeling really optimistic this time around.
And I really hope I'm not wrong.
I am seeing a lot of support for Toad/Captain Toad (mostly the Captain truthfully)
And I can find it even when I'm not looking for it!
I have seen wish lists with Captain Toad on it. Mock-up rosters with Captain Toad added.
Gamexplain did that entire video showing support for the little guy... Gah. It makes me happy seeing Toad getting more and more support!

Just wanted to get those thoughts out. How are you guys feeling? Optimistic like me? Or have years of being let down crushed your hopes a little too far?
i fall into the pessimism category, the only characters i wanted to see that i felt optimistic about have already been announced most of the others i hope to see i dont fancy there chances anymore

well theres a couple i can see getting in but i just cant let myself get my hopes up for toad


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2015
Contrary to what some say I think that Captain being able to jump (albeit not very well) in Smash really wouldn't be weird or all that out of character, since the whole ''he can't jump'' thing really only became a thing starting in 3D World. In the Galaxy games he would to a small hop without any struggle when you approach him and Fluffy Bluff Galaxy from Galaxy 2 even gives us this:

So if it came down to it, some limited jumping capabilities really shouldn't be a big issue, sure it's not part of his usual playstyle, but Smash is no stranger when it comes to deviating from source material, I mean just look at Wario and how much the Land series get's spat on in Smash.
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Propeller Toad

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2010
It can be hard to be optimistic as a Toad supporter especially with how I wished to see Toad in Smash since the Melee days. It's true, Toad had many obstacles over the years - new Mario characters rising to the main cast with great importance and popularity; Toad just fell behind over the years as the face (or faces) of a friendly ally. It's hard to blame folks seeing the Toads as nothing more than a generic NPC race as Toad had few starring roles since the early '90s outside of spinoffs.

However, seeing the rise of Captain Toad just makes it hard to resist the adorable shroom- he really does embody the essence of Toad. Red-spotted Toad who's always willing to help Mario, but makes surprising fleets on his own - but distinguished as his own character is what makes me adore Captain Toad. As a big fan of Super Mario Bros. 2, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was like a love letter to the good ol' days of Toad chucking turnips, enemies like Shy Guys returning, Arabian themed stages, and even Wingo's passing resemblance to a giant Pidgit. He even has Toadette alongside him while his own game is once more a puzzle game just like Wario's Woods. The title even being ported to both the 3DS and Switch makes his game even more accessible to a larger market - so we will have to see how the Captain's fame will continue in the near future!

Toads in general are a well recognizable race in the Mario games especially in regards to their playable appearance in a couple of the NSMB titles. Toad even had his own go in Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Run (as much as the latter as the counts I'm not sure - but he certainly brought back his super speed!). This also doesn't make mention of the countless spinoffs that Toad has been a playable character or even a host in from being playable in every Mario Kart title to date to even appearing in the newest Mario Tennis Aces title (Camelot always had an iffy view on Toad's stance as a playable character in their Mario sports titles, but lately he's been playable in two of their recent Mario Tennis titles as well as the 3DS Mario Golf title!).

While some can't see the Captain being playable due to his lack of jumps, I too find it more innovative to make him so much more of a unique fighter. The unloading backpack idea from the video is genius as it gives the player a choice to how they would like to play this character imo (heavy fighter with little mobility or light with quick air game). Heck, even give him a propeller platform/touchscreen platform from CT:TT/SM3DW if jumping as an alternative jumping animation. I'm sure Sakurai can figure a way around his heavy backpack - I'd wager it would hurt quite a bit if Captain Toad were to chuck his treasure sack at another fighter. :p

Regardless, I hope to see Captain Toad in this time! Give him a Toadette alt with her own palettes as well while giving C. Toad some alts in regards to the other Toad Brigade members! Maybe a Toadsworth alt that subs his cane for a substitute for Captain Toad's pickaxe? Perhaps even a classic Toad alt as well with him in a traditional blue and gold vest would be a great nod to the original Toad as well if possible! Keep up the smiles everyone, that's what Toad would want afterall! :D
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Smash Cadet
Mar 15, 2018
Wow I didn’t know that there is Captain Toad/Toad support thread!

Add me in as a supporter please.


This link is about Nintendo E3 leaks and they just got their first prediction correct relating to the online service. This also mentions about Smash with Captain Toad, Crash, Spyro and Ice Climbers being announced at E3. With the online prediction being completely correct. There is now hope to see a Toad finally playable in Smash.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
Wow I didn’t know that there is Captain Toad/Toad support thread!

Add me in as a supporter please.


This link is about Nintendo E3 leaks and they just got their first prediction correct relating to the online service. This also mentions about Smash with Captain Toad, Crash, Spyro and Ice Climbers being announced at E3. With the online prediction being completely correct. There is now hope to see a Toad finally playable in Smash.
mmmmmm no. a lot of is just no. a lot of it seems like fanfic to me. honestly


Smash Cadet
Mar 15, 2018
mmmmmm no. a lot of is just no. a lot of it seems like fanfic to me. honestly
I’m not going to buy it into too much either. But the first prediction being correct makes me think that some of it may be true. I just hope to see Captain Toad, Spyro and Ice Climbers in Smash Bros.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
I’m not going to buy it into too much either. But the first prediction being correct makes me think that some of it may be true. I just hope to see Captain Toad, Spyro and Ice Climbers in Smash Bros.
it just seems underwhelming for an e3 presentation but thats just me.


Smash Cadet
Mar 15, 2018
it just seems underwhelming for an e3 presentation but thats just me.
Personally I’m not really bothered about the rest of the leaks. I never really had a lot of interest in a lot of the Nintendo franchises. I only care about Mario, Kirby and Smash so I would be pretty hyped anyway.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I have played a bunch of Mario Games. Definitely add me to the supporters. Also, here is the list of Mario games I've played:
Mario Party 3 (N64)
Super Mario Sunshine (GameCube)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GameCube)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GameCube)
Super Mario 64 DS (DS)
Mario Kart DS (DS)
Super Mario Strikers (GameCube)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
Super Paper Mario (Wii)
Mario Party 8 (Wii)
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Mario Party DS (DS)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)
New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)
Super Mario Maker (Wii U)
Super Mario Run (Android)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Add me too.
done, welcome aboard please dont ride yoshi inside the starshroom

edit: on the subject of the e3 "leak" didnt nintendo say that was their plan for the online services ages ago? it rings a bell, so the one thing that may have given the credibility is something we already knew about
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Wow I didn’t know that there is Captain Toad/Toad support thread!

Add me in as a supporter please.


This link is about Nintendo E3 leaks and they just got their first prediction correct relating to the online service. This also mentions about Smash with Captain Toad, Crash, Spyro and Ice Climbers being announced at E3. With the online prediction being completely correct. There is now hope to see a Toad finally playable in Smash.
Crash and Spyro in Smash would be amazing! How ironic would it be that PlayStation All-Stars didn't have those two but Super Smash Bros. does?

Ice Climbers coming back is nice.

Toad finally getting in Smash as "Captain Toad" would get me more hyped than when Smash Switch and Inklings were confirmed!!!!

I hope they are true but we will have to wait and see what happens at E3 2018.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've played Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker before. I don't know why I stopped playing it, but it was a good game. Also, add me to support list.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Whilst the leak has me cynical, I've got to be honest that is a near perfect triple threat for my childhood.

Did a picture to celebrate!

Also doubles as a small sneaky peek at what I've been working on regarding Captain Toad...



Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Whilst the leak has me cynical, I've got to be honest that is a near perfect triple threat for my childhood.

Did a picture to celebrate!

Also doubles as a small sneaky peek at what I've been working on regarding Captain Toad...

View attachment 143422
Love the artwork!!! Good job!

If I'm being honest I am neutral on the idea of Crash and Spyro. They don't get me hype, but I also wouldn't be sad if they didn't make it!

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Whilst the leak has me cynical, I've got to be honest that is a near perfect triple threat for my childhood.

Did a picture to celebrate!

Also doubles as a small sneaky peek at what I've been working on regarding Captain Toad...

View attachment 143422
Aww, that's really cool! good job

Love the artwork!!! Good job!

If I'm being honest I am neutral on the idea of Crash and Spyro. They don't get me hype, but I also wouldn't be sad if they didn't make it!

My thoughts exactly, I'm mixed on the leak, part of me doesn't believe it, part of me thinks it MIGHT be true. (part of me hopes it isn't true so I still have surprises and hype for E3) but if it does turn out to be true. I get Captain Toad who is one of my top 10 wants. so that's a good thing. Crash and Spyro are both characters I have some childhood connection towards, and I'm not opposed to them being in smash, they certainly fit (even if they'd fit better in a playstation allstars game) and revealing the two together would conjure memories of those Spyro Orange and Crash Purple crossover GBA games. which gives them a Nintendo connection to help them feel like they belong. but that said, there are other 3rd party characters i'd rather see get in *cough*BANJO*cough*
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