I disagree (not with the above post, but two above); deceiving some one is more than just misinformation, it affects the personal relationship between people. For example, telling your girlfriend you go out every Friday night for bowling and it turns out you go to the movies with friends and she finds out, despite going bowling with friends and going to the movies with friends are equivalent in terms of social magnitude, the fact you felt the need to personally deceive her hurts your relationship.
Successful relationships (not just socially, but from a business perspective as well) depend on trust or else they splinter or dissolve. Lying is taking advantage of a trust you have earned over your experience with your friend/associate. If they are your friend, then a truth small enough to be covered by a white lie should not be a hindrance to your relationship. If the truth is too large and you need a large lie to act as a facade, then you need to look at yourself for getting into such a large, unfortunate truth. If you try to cover it, it's almost all risk and no reward; yes, you may momentarily move forward a step, but at the cost of completely destroying everything you earned over time to get to that point.
Children are predisposed to lie for this reason; they have not gained enough rationality through experience to comprehend the consequences of lying with the consequences of truth. They do not comprehend plans of action that benefit more in the long run than the short. It's an immature trait.
Successful relationships (not just socially, but from a business perspective as well) depend on trust or else they splinter or dissolve. Lying is taking advantage of a trust you have earned over your experience with your friend/associate. If they are your friend, then a truth small enough to be covered by a white lie should not be a hindrance to your relationship. If the truth is too large and you need a large lie to act as a facade, then you need to look at yourself for getting into such a large, unfortunate truth. If you try to cover it, it's almost all risk and no reward; yes, you may momentarily move forward a step, but at the cost of completely destroying everything you earned over time to get to that point.
Children are predisposed to lie for this reason; they have not gained enough rationality through experience to comprehend the consequences of lying with the consequences of truth. They do not comprehend plans of action that benefit more in the long run than the short. It's an immature trait.