Hey guys,
Secondary organizer here, Deadeyedave's in England for the nonce.
Ok, just browsing the comments, I'll try to answer most of the questions, but let me know if I'm missing anything:
1. Still no word on the Sunday issue. I'm not sure if, realistically, they're going to get back to us before tomorrow. They're organizing an entire gaming con, and I think we're sort of back burner at this point. To be fair to them, Deadeyedave and I told the organizers at Leprecon that we'd have no trouble organizing it, so I don't really think they've given it much thought. As of right now, the plan is to have the singles tournament around 2, have free for all play before and after, and if there's sufficient interest, maybe a doubles tournament Saturday night. If we get both days, we'll adjust the plan from there. Deadeyedave and I will try to be out at the registration desk, so anyone who's smashing can check with us before buying their con ticket so no one spends money unnecessarily. Although, I will note that there's a pretty cool con going on around us that's the main event, so there might be something else there that could be fun.
2. The con has promised us some screens, but we aren't sure exactly how many, so anyone who can bring a tele, please do. If transportation is an issue in terms of television bringing, email me at tadonnen at gmail dot com and we'll see if we can work something out.
3. What we do need are guaranteed consoles and copies of smash. We can provide two copies, and one, possibly two gamecubes. Pika, Lynkx and, I think, one other person committed to a console and a copy, so if I could just get confirmation of that, that'd be great.
4. No one's gotten back to me yet on food allergies, so I'm assuming some cupcakes and possibly brownies will suit everyone. Last chance to tell me that nuts or gluten or sugar or something will make you explode!
5. In terms of sign up, tomorrow should go something like this:
-con opens at 11, arrive at the UCD student center around then (from Clonskeagh entrance, it's the long building just before the 90 degree turn in the road, and after the round about)
-pay your con entrance fee (5 EUR for one day, 8 EUR for two days). Either Deadeyedave or I will be at the front desk to give you up to date info on the situation for Sunday.
-Separately, pay your smash tournament entrance fee. This is 2EUR and will probably be paid either at the front desk or in the room itself. At this time, we will also:
-take down serial numbers of any consoles brought, and tag controllers and consoles with a color coded tag (to avoid mix-ups when breaking that evening)
-(optional) take down names, internet handles, and email addresses so that we can start a mailing list for any future smash events we can organize
-register interest for the doubles tournament. We won't take money then, but just jot down you and your partner's name if you'd participate.
After the front desk logistics are taken care of, we'll set up the room and start playing. Around 1:30, we'll throw everyone's name into a hat to determine who plays whom. I've never been to a gaming tournament before, so Deadeyedave will handle the details of this. At 2, we'll start the tournament.
Anyway, I think that covers all questions and gives a pretty good outline of how tomorrow will pan out, but if I've missed anything, or anyone has any questions, feel free to email me (tadonnen at gmail dot com) or come and find me on campus =).