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We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
Okay, I take it back. Joining Team Lobster so I can S-Support that glorious man in the diamond shirt in the back.

...And then he's related to you I'm sure.:cry:

I like the crouching girl on the Hoshido cover too.

Also, it seems like that pink-haired maid is actually on Team Lobster despite people guessing she'd be on Team Fabulous.

Also, I almost kind of wish both Kamuis were present now as twins with the one you choose siding with the side you choose and the other being on the opposing side.
I think its a guy.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'm definitely intrigued by SMT X FE and FE If both. Naturally SMT X FE is looking really... weird, and I dislike the fanservice, but otherwise I'm kinda intrigued by it and would like to know more...

Also, like that FE If is basically two full games the size of Awakening. With one being more similar to past FE titles. Although I do find it weird that its split in two, at least each game is roughly equivalent to Awakening.

I'll have to go with Nohr first. The whole Black and White thing I think is definitely a red herring; they purposely made it seem like its all black and white, but it ultimately will not be.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Okay, so I have listed all the known characters and their afflictions. For the unnamed, I had a little fun and gave them a placeholder, so hopefully you'll know who I'm referring to. If I missed any, I'll get them later.

Dancer Lady

Saint Garon
Handsome Dark Mage
Marx's Father?
Felicia's friend?

Ryouma, Lobster Lord of Hoshido
Glorious Man
Hoshido Ruler?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2013
FE: if looks fantastic, and I couldn't be more excited. Like with Robin, they didn't go overboard with differentiating the two default Kamui designs, which pleases me, and I just love the look of F!Kamui. Can't wait to play as her, especially since the Avatar will be getting alls the spotlight this time around. I just hope that doesn't mean they'll be boring, generic characters, but I have faith after seeing how Robin was handled.

Personally I'm not bothered by the two versions thing. I don't really care if the do the same thing in NA, I'm perfectly happy to get the ultimate edition with all the bells and whistles. I guess it's just because I'm used to this sort of thing via Pokemon, the Zelda Oracle series, etc., but I also think that IS will do a good job of making the individual versions have a satisfactory amount of content for those who decide to pick a side and stick with it.

SMTxFE... I was incredulous at the trailer too. I didn't even spot a single FE or SMT reference, so I thought it was a new JRPG IP until the very end, lol. To be clear, I don't have an issue with the anime style, as that is just generally my jam, but like others, I am pretty baffled by how loosely this first trailer seemed to relate to either game series. It just looked so weirdly generic... you really think they'd play up the crossover concept more strongly, but oh well. Maybe future trailers will do a better job of that. I didn't have much interest in the concept from the start, so I can't be disappointed by an underwhelming first impression.

All of that is in the far-flung future, however. In the present we have Smash DLC to look forward to and an imminent balance patch to bite our collective nails over. Will our beloved tactician receive some quality-of-life improvements (y no grab gaem sakurai)? Or will we despair over unwarranted nerfs as our speedster overlords crush us beneath FD-sized Uairs? The day of reckoning will soon be upon us...


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
FE: if looks fantastic, and I couldn't be more excited. Like with Robin, they didn't go overboard with differentiating the two default Kamui designs, which pleases me, and I just love the look of F!Kamui. Can't wait to play as her, especially since the Avatar will be getting alls the spotlight this time around. I just hope that doesn't mean they'll be boring, generic characters, but I have faith after seeing how Robin was handled.

Personally I'm not bothered by the two versions thing. I don't really care if the do the same thing in NA, I'm perfectly happy to get the ultimate edition with all the bells and whistles. I guess it's just because I'm used to this sort of thing via Pokemon, the Zelda Oracle series, etc., but I also think that IS will do a good job of making the individual versions have a satisfactory amount of content for those who decide to pick a side and stick with it.

SMTxFE... I was incredulous at the trailer too. I didn't even spot a single FE or SMT reference, so I thought it was a new JRPG IP until the very end, lol. To be clear, I don't have an issue with the anime style, as that is just generally my jam, but like others, I am pretty baffled by how loosely this first trailer seemed to relate to either game series. It just looked so weirdly generic... you really think they'd play up the crossover concept more strongly, but oh well. Maybe future trailers will do a better job of that. I didn't have much interest in the concept from the start, so I can't be disappointed by an underwhelming first impression.

All of that is in the far-flung future, however. In the present we have Smash DLC to look forward to and an imminent balance patch to bite our collective nails over. Will our beloved tactician receive some quality-of-life improvements (y no grab gaem sakurai)? Or will we despair over unwarranted nerfs as our speedster overlords crush us beneath FD-sized Uairs? The day of reckoning will soon be upon us...
Once people figured out it was SMT X FE, it was easy to spot and determine who a lot of the characters are, and they do use traditional FE weapons and mounts, so there is that.

As for If, yeah, according to what I've been reading, each side is about equivalent to Awakening. You just choose which you want first then purchase the other side. One is more traditional FE, another is more modern Awakening-style.


We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
Once people figured out it was SMT X FE, it was easy to spot and determine who a lot of the characters are, and they do use traditional FE weapons and mounts, so there is that.

As for If, yeah, according to what I've been reading, each side is about equivalent to Awakening. You just choose which you want first then purchase the other side. One is more traditional FE, another is more modern Awakening-style.
Wouldn't Team Hoshido, aka the more traditional FE, also classify as the more modern Awakening-style? Or is there something I'm missing?


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Better quality box art.

Dem sexy boxart. <3

So my plans for Fire Emblem: If is as follows:

-Purchase digitally
-Join Hoshido
-Complete game
-Purchase both DLC stories (Nohr and unknown faction/storyline)
-Play both DLC stories
-Play all three stories again. :p

As a side note, I am SUPER stoked that all three story lines will be as lengthy as Awakening and will be very different early on in terms of content and tone. That pleases my Levin Sword greatly. :awesome:
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Wouldn't Team Hoshido, aka the more traditional FE, also classify as the more modern Awakening-style? Or is there something I'm missing?
Its the more traditional story-wise, but structure-wise its closer to Awakening. Nohr is something more complex story-wise, but is more traditional in structure.

But yeah I'm probably the first whose planning on doing Nohr first. I like the idea of a more complex story. Granted, I FRICKIN REALLY WANT THAT NINJA CLASS.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2013
Nohr sounds much more interesting to me simply by virtue of having a different concept from the traditional FE story. It sounds really interesting to be put into a position of having to both wage war against your homeland and attempt to reform your own country from the inside. I can see the potential for some very different character dynamics on the Nohr side, as Kamui is likely to be torn between loyalty to the family he grew up with and their conquest-seeking ideals. Sounds like there will be a lot of intrigue and exploration of the various character's motives.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Yeah, one thing that I messed up is that Kamui grew up in Nohr and was born in Hoshido. I actually mistook it and thought it was the exact opposite.

Anyway, I do NOT think that Nohr are going to be outright villains at all. That's what the game is portraying, but just the fact that they're using "black" and "white" symbolism implies to me... its not all black and white. There's a lot more to Nohr than being mere outright villains. And that's intriguing; I want to find out why this is the case.

...its also interesting how Kamui is a dragon. That was not something I was expecting. Interesting how they continue to make the Avatar character have an original style.


We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
Its the more traditional story-wise, but structure-wise its closer to Awakening. Nohr is something more complex story-wise, but is more traditional in structure.

But yeah I'm probably the first whose planning on doing Nohr first. I like the idea of a more complex story. Granted, I FRICKIN REALLY WANT THAT NINJA CLASS.
What do you mean by structure? When I personally think of structure, I think of how Hoshido, like Sacred Stones and Awakening, has been confirmed to have an overworld whereas experience and funds are more limited in Nohr as it is in earlier FE games.

I do agree, however, that Nohr has a more interesting story premise.


Bring me my booty!
Jun 9, 2014
No, I am not hype for FE 14 at all. Obviously. Nope.

Okay, seriously, I am so ****ing hype for this game. The whole "choose which side you are on" thing is amazing, the characters look great, the music is stunning, the gameplay looks like it's everything I've wanted - now I don't need to decide if I like the new or the old gameplay more, because I have both in one game with different playthroughs.
As for the "two versions" thing; I am pretty sure we guys in the west will only get the "All-inclusive special edition" that releases later in Japan. Think Pokémon Yellow, Crystal, Emerald or Platinum. And if we don't, I am getting the game digitally with all DLC, because I don't really want to choose beforehand. As a player, I am finding Hoshido's setting more appealing and interesting, but who knows how I feel after the first six chapters of the story? I kinda doubt we will have the same system here, though. It wouldn't be a clever move of Nintendo; Japan is much more accepting of the system "if" is sold with, in comparison to us westerners. And since HW DLC is sold differently here, with season passes and packs, instead of different, small pieces of content to choose from like in Japan, I do think Nintendo will market differently, since they show with that that they /can/.

As for SMTxFE, I think it looks interesting. I couldn't see the FE in it on the first glance, but it will be more apparent in the actual game, I am sure. And on second glance, I do see a ton of nods to FE. As for the people who say the game looks to light and bubbly, the trailer also had a ton of hints that this might be not the case beneath the shell. It reminds me a bit of the situation the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games are in; a fun, light atmosphere that evolves into some of the darkest plotlines of the Pokémon, heck, even the Nintendo games.

As for the rest of the direct, Lucas is back. Oh my lord I missed him so much. I'd wouldn't have expected this at E3 2014 or so, but now that he was gone, I realized how important his presence in Smash is to me. I was internally screaming "YES" through the entire trailer. And it was really surprising, too. He literally came out of Nowhere. Mewtwo looks really good, too. Wasn't too interested in him to begin with, but it's great to see him in the game. The fan voting thing is amazing, instantly voted Isaac because more RPG love.

Mario Kart 8 has now a Lunatic 200cc mode, which sounds amazing, since I wasn't too challenged with 150cc in this specific game. The Animal Crossing stuff looks gorgeous, I can't wait for Dry Bowser, and the new Mii suits look pretty nice.

Splatoon looks good, too. Don't know if I'll buy it, but it's definitely taken into consideration. The faster enemy turns thing makes Codename STEAM even more considerable for me, too. Dangit Nintendo, my wallet. Puzzle and Dragons Mario Edition looks OK, but it's nothing that would really interest me.

I missed a bit of information about Xenoblade X, but hey, we are getting our own directs. It's not too bad. I just wish there was a release date in the near future.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
What do you mean by structure? When I personally think of structure, I think of how Hoshido, like Sacred Stones and Awakening, has been confirmed to have an overworld whereas experience and funds are more limited in Nohr as it is in earlier FE games.

I do agree, however, that Nohr has a more interesting story premise.
That's exactly what I mean by structure. I can't say "gameplay" because the gameplay is identical, but the "structure" of the game, how the game progresses, is more open like Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Gaiden.

Meanwhile, Nohr is closer to traditional FE games in structure; the path is linear and you don't have much room for exploration, so less time to level up and recruit party members.

Btw, I'm pretty sure Trinnen said in the direct no matter which path you take you get the same characters. That's what I heard, anyway. So presumably, you'll get them in different ways, perhaps taken as prisoners of war or something depending on the path. But it'll work like in Sacred Stones in that you still get the same characters, just with a different storyline context and in a different method and probably order, too.


We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
That's exactly what I mean by structure. I can't say "gameplay" because the gameplay is identical, but the "structure" of the game, how the game progresses, is more open like Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Gaiden.

Meanwhile, Nohr is closer to traditional FE games in structure; the path is linear and you don't have much room for exploration, so less time to level up and recruit party members.

Btw, I'm pretty sure Trinnen said in the direct no matter which path you take you get the same characters. That's what I heard, anyway. So presumably, you'll get them in different ways, perhaps taken as prisoners of war or something depending on the path. But it'll work like in Sacred Stones in that you still get the same characters, just with a different storyline context and in a different method and probably order, too.
Ah, it seems I misunderstood your initial post then (although clearly I also misread your second post). When you said that one will be more "traditional FE style" I thought you were referring to Hokido because that's how Trinnen described it and I was also thinking in more terms of story when you said traditional FE style. Thanks for the clarification.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
@ mimgrim mimgrim Serenes analysis of the January direct apparently confirmed Pair-Up is in there somewhere:

Source: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-if/january-analysis/

@Elezir @Delta Fist @Burigu @ mimgrim mimgrim @Yoship At this point you've probably noticed I'm just tagging all your ***** because on a scale of one to salt we were Rold ****ing Gold about this. Don't panic, it's intentional.
Le *sigh*. I'm still gonna be getting the game and still excited for it. But goddammit I had hope the mechanic would have been gotten rid of.

Well, I guess it is a good first step that the enemy can use it as well. But man. Here's hoping that it at least got a major overhaul as well.


Anyway. As for what version I'm going to get... Well Imma see about getting the legendary collection thing (if we get it here in the US) since it will come with all 3 paths that are already in it.

If I had to absolutely chose between which of the two games I have to get first then I would go with Nohr since the level structure is more akin to that of traditional FE in that it is more linear with only limited exp, money, and items along with the story being complex.

But really. I'm just hoping I won't to chose like that and can instead get all three paths from the get-go (as DLC isn't a reliable option for me on the 3DS).


We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
I suppose the two different leveling structures are an interesting way to appease both casual and hardcore fans and everyone in between.


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
I'm always a huge fan of having multiple storylines, especially for these types of mass scale war stories. Dynasty Warriors has always done a good job of this, especially in the past few games. Seeing the same events, but from a completely different side, learning that maybe these factions aren't so different. That in the end both sides are all still just humans, fighting for their beliefs, and what they hold most dear in their hearts, prepared (or maybe not) to die on the blood soaked fields of battle. Hopefully this new world of Fire Emblem will be cast in shades of grey, and not stark lines between white and black. That's my hope.

Oh by the way, have you guys voted yet for the Smash Ballot?


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
I don't get it, are they going to go Pokémon with this game? As in having two versions? Or is it just the possibility of having two box arts for the same game?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I went for Isaac in the end. Fingers crossed he wins and creates enough hype that we get Golden Sun 4 as well :p
I still don't get where people seem to think there will be a clear-cut winner. They wouldn't go through this massive poll and everything and just pick one winner. They'll look at the results for future titles and probably consider a few characters to do for this game as well. A few, not merely one.

I don't get it, are they going to go Pokémon with this game? As in having two versions? Or is it just the possibility of having two box arts for the same game?
In Japan they've gone Pokemon. No idea how it'll work in the west yet. They haven't indicated anything about it being two separate games.
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I don't get it, are they going to go Pokémon with this game? As in having two versions? Or is it just the possibility of having two box arts for the same game?
Having two different storylines already makes it better than Pokémon though.



Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Oh by the way, have you guys voted yet for the Smash Ballot?
Heads up to anyone who's going to vote multiple times - Vote more than 5 times in a row and it will block you for a while. I found this the hard way.

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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I really just want to try and vote for multiple characters, honestly. I voted K. Rool on my PC and Isaac on my phone. I'd potentially like to do maybe Lip on my 3DS and perhaps Dixie on Wii U or something. Not that it probably matters much.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Having two different storylines already makes it better than Pokémon though.

Exactly! I'm tired of seeing the Pokemon comparisons because that's not what's happening here. Each game is a full FE game with a drastically different storyline once you reach chapter 7 I believe. The characters, story, tone, content and difficulty will be very different. With Pokemon, you just get a few exclusive Pokemon depending on which version you get and some slight story tweaks to the villains. That's it. It's nowhere near like Pokemon given that your essentially getting two new FE games, plus a third one as DLC. Sound's like an awesome idea to me.
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I still don't get where people seem to think there will be a clear-cut winner. They wouldn't go through this massive poll and everything and just pick one winner. They'll look at the results for future titles and probably consider a few characters to do for this game as well. A few, not merely one.
I get that, of course. I meant it more as "hopefully he gets enough support as to show them that a fourth GS game would be worthwhile". If I remember correctly, Camelot said a while back that a fourth game would be more likely if they received enough support from fans.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Here's my two cents on IF.

I don't really mind the two seperate versions. FE is very popular in Japan, so it warrants it over there. I hope we get the full version, but I won't mind having to choose then purchase the rest.

I love the idea for the Black/White storyline... it seems that it's more than just black and white morality. I'm assuming that Norh has a complex cast that doesn't always always want to be at war with Hoshido, and Hoshido probably has some internal issues while always veiwing Norh as the villain. I can't wait to dive into the choices.

The game looks good, and more cohesive in transitions.

I love the idea behind the avatar... more or less a 'pawn lord' instead of a self-insert. Kamui will more or less be your represenative in IF, a proxy for tactics/descisions. Robin was really the same, but Kamui seems more obvious.

Can't wait for 2016. Now let's discuss without prejudice or spite.

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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Exactly! I'm tired of seeing the Pokemon comparisons because that's not what's happening here. Each game is a full FE game with a drastically different storyline once you reach chapter 7 I believe. The characters, story, tone, content and difficulty with be very different. With Pokemon, you just get a few exclusive Pokemon depending on which version you get and some slight story tweaks to the villains. That's it. It's nowhere near like Pokemon given that your essentially getting two new FE games, plus a third one as DLC. Sound's like an awesome idea to me.
Others have noted that a better comparison would be the Oracle games. Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons. Two games with similar names and a similar concept that link to one another, but with different storylines and settings.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Having two different storylines already makes it better than Pokémon though.

But i feel like that kinda defeats the point, i mean the point is to CHOOSE a side depending on how you like the characters and story direction. I feel like choosing between two versions is like just choosing between sides without even knowing how the story goes.
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Others have noted that a better comparison would be the Oracle games. Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons. Two games with similar names and a similar concept that link to one another, but with different storylines and settings.
An apt comparison. That's probably be the best way to describe what Fire Emblem: If's two separate versions are like, more or less. It's FAR better than calling it a cheap cash grab that copies the Pokemon model by releasing two versions that are pretty much the same, minus a few small changes in Pokemon and storyline.
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Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr

I don't see the point in even attempting to vote, tbh.
Why? I see no reason NOT to vote. If nothing comes of it, oh well, just wasted a few minutes. But if Nintendo actually takes these votes into consideration (obviously overlooking all of the Shreks, Chuck Norris', etc) the possibilities of future DLC characters could be extraordinary! My heart quivers at the thought.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I don't want anymore DLC. ;-;

I'm fine with Mewtwo since I'll be getting him free.

But I'm already afraid of not being able to get Lucas for free and having to pay for him.

It isn't good on my wallet.

And I have a very big dislike for character DLC in fighting games because it is a totally dickish move to do for fighting games.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Someone just pointed out that the female FE:If lord has two left feet. :laugh:

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Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
I didn't notice this on the official artwork until someone pointed it out. Camilla is wielding an axe. Also Dancer Lady's weapon of choice appears to be a lance.

If you were to incorporate a Dance Battler moveset to go along with the lance, the dancer may have a chance to be inSmash. Be it Smash 4 DLC or Smash 5. If only she had a name so I could nominate her.

By the way, this is pertaining to amiibo. Wave 4 is supposed to go up on GameStop around 3:00 EST though from what I heard, it's web-in-store. Ordering them from the website is at a later time I believe the same day.

:4ness: is GameStop exclusive. The pre-orders are coming up today. That tweet was announced yesterday.
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
I remember during the January Direct when the new Fire Emblem game was revealed but I was disappointed to see that Awakening's pair-up was back. While this mechanic was fun to use at first, I finally found it to be broken in a boring way. Then in the new Direct I watched the new Fire Emblem trailer and while the two story thing was interesting I was hoping for more gameplay informations like a dual system overhaul. Looks like we didn't see that, but oh well.

Hours later today I randomly remembered about this trailer like "Wait... wasn't a moment in the Fire Emblem trailer when the enemy used the dual system?" Then I checked and it was actually true. While I'm still waiting for more informations about how dual system will be handled in this FE, it gives me some faith that IS recognized pair-up's brokenness. Unless the enemy uses it the exact same way as the player uses it in Awakening, then the only thing it could do would be increasing the game's amount of unnecessary randomness :glare:

The moment when Kamui built a bridge was also particularly cool. This probably means advanced field control which is something that would add a lot to Fire Emblem imo. (Unless such a thing was already featured in a previous game?)
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