Looks like I'll be siding with Hoshido since I absolutely LOVE Japanese culture! >w< That and I'm a peace maker, so it's only natural that I side with the army that values peace. Also, I've watched the trailer a dozen times now just for the music alone and I can't stop. Plz help me.
Now for the most controversial Fire Emblem news that came out of the Direct. SMT x FE.
I liked what I saw. I didn't know what to expect from the crossover but I'm getting alot of Persona vibes from it, so that's awesome. And it has a cool anime/fantasy style to it that I enjoy. All in all, I'm just overjoyed that it still exists and now we have seen a taste of what it be like. I for one am excited to see the potential of SMT x FE and look forward to seeing more. ^w^
As for the rest of the direct, here's what I'm looking forward to:
-Mario Maker
-Yoshi's Wooly World
-Smash Bros DLC with the promise of more characters to come besides Mewtwo and Lucas.
-Mario Kart 8 DLC plus 200cc mode
-N64 and DS VC finally out (DK64 HYPE!

-LOTS of new Amiibo and Amiibo support. (My poor wallet ;_; and Yarn Yoshi is SO cute! :D

-Xenoblade Chronicles trailer was dope
-Codename S.T.E.A.M. patch for faster enemy turns
Overall, probably the best Nintendo Direct since the one in January 2013. I was throughly satisfied with what I saw and SO much more. Nintendo really showed off alot today and I'm super excited by the content that was presented.
