So I went to a pretty big tournament today. The best players in Ireland were in attendance, and I had a great time. Even though I drowned in pools (I had a former ranked player and a currently ranked player in my pool, both of whom beat me; I beat everybody else in pool, but didn't score high enough to make it out), a few very fun things happened:
- I got to play the best Pit in Ireland (AdamAplz) in friendlies. While he beat me in most of them (we played about seven or eight games), every set was very close and I managed to take two games off of him in the end!
- I now have a much better understanding of the Mega Man, Captain Falcon, Peach, ZSS, Cloud, Lucas and
especially Shulk and Pit (ditto) matchups. Very happy I got to experience these characters in much higher levels of play than I'd otherwise be accustomed to.
- I tried Dark Pit for the first time in bracket, since I wanted to see if the hype over the side-b buff was justified. It is. He feels great to play and I found myself switching to him for a few matchups I wouldn't normally! Definitely going to keep him on hand in future (and as far as I'm concerned it's still playing Pit, so I'm remaining loyal to my main~). I also got to practice my Palutena and Doc, and I'm very happy with how I've been doing with them.
- I made some great new friends, especially a Shulk main named Amax (his Shulk is
insane, definitely the best I've ever met in person), and I even got to meet
in person (spoiler alert: she's super cool)!
Overall, it was a great day and a very beneficial experience! Definitely gonna keep going to tourneys outside of my own region, it was so fun and exciting~