Maybe I made it sound a bit too much like I'm expecting there to be some instant solution, like there's some single thing I can do to take me to the top level overnight. Obviously I realise there's no such thing, that the only way to truly improve is simply to keep at it over however many months and years it takes.
I can tell that of course I'm a better player than I was say 12 years ago, when I didn't even know tilt attacks existed, or whatever (hey, it's called Super
Smash Bros., not Super
Tilt Bros., right?). But when I look back at, say, where I was at the 3DS release, and now, I see no difference. Not to take For Glory as any real serious indication of skill, but my win rate there has been stuck at 53% since last November, and I somehow feel like, if I was improving at all, it should have increased even a little by now - I'd be happy if I could even get it to over 55%, but it's never happened. Similarly, the likes of Dedede or Ness remain constant problems for me, no matter how many I've played in the last 10 months or so - I feel like I could play against nothing but Dededes for the next 10 months, and still never be able to beat one.
Maybe it
is just that I myself don't consciously see any improvement, but I don't see any evidence that I'm improving either (increasing win rates, other people telling me I've improved, that sort of thing), and I'm the sort of person who needs to see solid, tangible proof that I can see and understand for myself, if I'm to believe anything.
Another source of minor irritation is the fact that there are people who weren't even born when I started playing Smash (a little while after the release of Smash 64 in late 1999), who are by now far better at the games than I'll ever be, but I guess that goes with the simple fact that I'm older than them, and younger people are bound to replace their elders eventually.
Are there any other characters that you like toy around with, at all? [...] What I'm trying to say is maybe you could consider toying around with and putting a little time into some other characters, and giving your primary character(s) a little bit of a rest.
This would be an appropriate time for me to do my "pyramid" of characters, then:

:4isaac: :4greatjustice: (make it happen Sakurai pls)

I've tried every single character in each of the games released so far, and Marth is the only one to "click" with me in each of them (except 64, obviously). Particularly in Brawl, where literally no other character worked for me, even the ones I listed above for Smash 4. It's sort of a similar situation with this game - outside of the ones above, I don't particularly care for any of the other characters. Maybe I should just give them a try anyway, maybe I'll have more luck with them this time.
Except Ness (and therefore Lucas). It's been almost 16 years, and I still cannot grasp how people are even remotely capable of making PK Thunder go where they want it to.