Character usability and skill/knowledge chart ^.
Although if we're going strictly knowledge Ryu would be up with Mario because I've labbed the hell out of him.
One possible idea for you is to take a small break from the game, in bodybuilding the plateau phenomena also exists and aside from changing workouts sometimes stepping away for a short time (not long enough for atrophy to occur though) can help a bodybuilder break his plateau and continue making gains.
Although changing workouts is what I prefer because I don't like to stop lifting.
Continuing on with this metaphor,
Are there any other characters that you like toy around with, at all?
You'll notice in my list that my bottom tiers (Ganondorf and down) consist of a number of characters, these are all characters that I like to mess around with and actually did consider (and tried maining, for most of them) for a good while alongside

before I re-picked up Mario as my alt.
What I'm trying to say is maybe you could consider toying around with and putting a little time into some other characters, and giving your primary character(s) a little bit of a rest.
For example, when I used to seriously alt

(who is now pocket status) and

(right after Ryu came out, for him), I actually put Link down completely for a
few of my sessions and played only those two characters without switching to

no matter how tempted I became during a series of matches.
I would (and actually still do) set apart separate practice days for each of my characters. Often I'll set aside a day where I play
no matter how poorly I perform (unless it's bad to the point that I'm losing focus). And then do the same for Mario, and sometimes mix it up and do 5 matches with Link and then switch and do 5 matches with Mario.
Back to the main idea of toying with other characters, of course, my situation is different than yours because I seriously considered many more characters for alt or co-main status than you may have; however, that doesn't mean that I won't suggest playing with and learning some other characters to an extent, you don't have to play that character for long, but learning things like guaranteed combos, set ups, safe and unsafe options, etc. for a given character will allow you to better grasp what they can do in general so that you can perform better when you play against that character, especially if you manage to get some MU experience against your own primary characters with this "temporary" character while putting your main on hiatus.
(The above paragraph was a single sentence LOL, but I don't feel like breaking it up into separate sentences).
A lot of this is probably really redundant/repetitive and all of this is rambling, but this sort of strategy has consistently worked for me when I start feeling a litle down about my progression as A) A good Smash player in general and B) A good player of my characters


So that's my advice to you, and I have no idea if it will help but I hope it will at least a bit.