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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I am curious as to whether it'd be beneficial for me to revise my character roster.


I am interested in competitive play, and come September, my local scene will recommence with weekly tournaments and regular meetups for Smash. I aim to enter now and I want to do well, even make it to nationals some day. The issue here is that I'm kind of unsure as to whether I should stick with the rather expansive roster of characters I have now or ween myself off to a couple, at most, core fighters.

I know it's good to focus on your main and maybe a secondary or two, which is what I tend to do: Pit is by far and away my most-played and best character. Yet I have a small handful of subs under my bet - ostensibly for matchup purposes, yet I feel it's more so that I just like these characters and use them in theory rather than in practice.

I am going to play a good few characters for fun and, most importantly, to keep the game dynamic for me, but I wonder if it'd be best to just focus on my two best characters for competition and then retain the others for "fun" matches.

What say ye fine folk? What do?
Well, who exactly do you play?


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Well, I'm happy to hear that your local scene will be recommencing!

I personally think it's best to conjure up all your knowledge, skill and time on one or two characters, rather than five or six, otherwise it'd be quite difficult. That said, it really depends on preference and the amount of commitment you're willing to have.

I myself am somewhat having a similar scenario; Marth is my main along with Robin, however there are characters that I simply use and wouldn't really consider them as characters I would dedicate actual time to learn, such as Zelda, WFT, Roy and so on. Though when I play them for a significant amount of time, I end up practically forgetting how to effectively use Marth and Robin. I simply lack consistency, and am quite lazy, therefore I avoid learning an extensive amount of characters.

Especially in a more competitive environment, I'd personally say it's good to mainly focus on your "two best characters", and only bring out your other characters if they happen to excel in a particular matchup. In a less competitive environment, having loads of characters under your wing is good!

But yeah, it's really up to you. Do you think you're capable of having an expansive character roster? I recall saying this before, but I found someone on For Glory who was consistent, monstrous and extremely skilled with so many characters, therefore it is possible! It's just a matter of preference and dedication, I suppose~ :happysheep:
Well, as I say, I only really "play" (in a competitive sense) a couple of characters. Really, I spend about 90% of my time on Pit, with the rest divvied up between other characters as I see fit. Pit's the only character I'd feel truly comfortable with playing in a competition. I can get decent results with other characters, but if actual placement was at stake, I'd be a tad more wary of changing to a character I have less knowledge of.

My issue here is that I'm very serious about the characters in my roster, as I feel it represents and defines me. That's why I'm so keen to acknowledge the fact that I am, in essence, a Pit main. The other characters (I tend to break it down to "Top 5" for the sake of convenience) really just consists of characters I like, even if I don't play them very often. I wonder if that's healthy or if I'm just pushing myself to play these characters to justify the arbitrary, unfounded notion that "these characters must be at the top of my roster to prove I like them". In theory, my "Top 5" based on personal preference would be:

:4pit: :4palutena: :4lucina: :4robinf: :4miisword: (the last spot changes frequently, this is about the fourth time it's been switched to somebody new)

Of these characters, the extent to which I honestly play them would be:

:4pit: >>>> :4palutena: = :4lucina: > :4miisword: > :4robinf:

If we consider every character I play, then the extent to which I play each of them would be, from observation of recent matches:

:4pit: >>>> :4lucina: = :4drmario: > :4miisword: > :4ganondorf: > :4palutena: > :4rob: > various other characters > :4robinf:

See what I mean? There's no real rhyme or reason to whom I play, I just play whichever character I fancy the most at the time. I've all but dropped Ganondorf recently, yet I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played Robin to any serious degree in the past few months. Pit is the only real constant. In theory, I don't really need a secondary for the most part, as Pit's matchups are relatively even across the board, but I find the concept of playing a singular character for my entire career to be terminally dull.

I wonder if I should create two distinct character rosters for the sake of convenience and my sanity: a roster for characters I like (which would be first roster I mentioned), in addition to a roster for characters I play regularly in serious competitions (which would be smaller and focus on characters I do honestly play). I think that could work. What do you think, lovely?


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I am curious as to whether it'd be beneficial for me to revise my character roster.


I am interested in competitive play, and come September, my local scene will recommence with weekly tournaments and regular meetups for Smash. I aim to enter now and I want to do well, even make it to nationals some day. The issue here is that I'm kind of unsure as to whether I should stick with the rather expansive roster of characters I have now or ween myself off to a couple, at most, core fighters.

I know it's good to focus on your main and maybe a secondary or two, which is what I tend to do: Pit is by far and away my most-played and best character. Yet I have a small handful of subs under my bet - ostensibly for matchup purposes, yet I feel it's more so that I just like these characters and use them in theory rather than in practice.

I am going to play a good few characters for fun and, most importantly, to keep the game dynamic for me, but I wonder if it'd be best to just focus on my two best characters for competition and then retain the others for "fun" matches.

What say ye fine folk? What do?
It's better to enter a competitive scene with a character you're proficient at than switch to a better character you have no knowledge of.

Keep it serious with your mains, play everyone else casually. It's why my skill lies with Samus and Bowser.

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
Well, as I say, I only really "play" (in a competitive sense) a couple of characters. Really, I spend about 90% of my time on Pit, with the rest divvied up between other characters as I see fit. Pit's the only character I'd feel truly comfortable with playing in a competition. I can get decent results with other characters, but if actual placement was at stake, I'd be a tad more wary of changing to a character I have less knowledge of.

My issue here is that I'm very serious about the characters in my roster, as I feel it represents and defines me. That's why I'm so keen to acknowledge the fact that I am, in essence, a Pit main. The other characters (I tend to break it down to "Top 5" for the sake of convenience) really just consists of characters I like, even if I don't play them very often. I wonder if that's healthy or if I'm just pushing myself to play these characters to justify the arbitrary, unfounded notion that "these characters must be at the top of my roster to prove I like them". In theory, my "Top 5" based on personal preference would be:

:4pit: :4palutena: :4lucina: :4robinf: :4miisword: (the last spot changes frequently, this is about the fourth time it's been switched to somebody new)

Of these characters, the extent to which I honestly play them would be:

:4pit: >>>> :4palutena: = :4lucina: > :4miisword: > :4robinf:

If we consider every character I play, then the extent to which I play each of them would be, from observation of recent matches:

:4pit: >>>> :4lucina: = :4drmario: > :4miisword: > :4ganondorf: > :4palutena: > :4rob: > various other characters > :4robinf:

See what I mean? There's no real rhyme or reason to whom I play, I just play whichever character I fancy the most at the time. I've all but dropped Ganondorf recently, yet I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played Robin to any serious degree in the past few months. Pit is the only real constant. In theory, I don't really need a secondary for the most part, as Pit's matchups are relatively even across the board, but I find the concept of playing a singular character for my entire career to be terminally dull.

I wonder if I should create two distinct character rosters for the sake of convenience and my sanity: a roster for characters I like (which would be first roster I mentioned), in addition to a roster for characters I play regularly in serious competitions (which would be smaller and focus on characters I do honestly play). I think that could work. What do you think, lovely?
Okay, answer these two questions

Who do you have the most fun with?

Who are you best with?


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Okay, answer these two questions

Who do you have the most fun with?

Who are you best with?
Pit for both.

The question isn't really, "Who should I play?"

It's, "Should I make a whole other roster for competitive characters?"

It's a trivial issue, of course, but I'm very fastidious about these aesthetic details~ :3


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
@ Wintropy Wintropy

I'm not the master of liquidating characters.., but I tend to play :4robinm: and :4ness: the most consistently. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the rest of my favorite characters... But I personally think I'd find it more rewarding if I spent, perhaps, 80% of my time on :4robinm: and :4ness: , and the remaining on the others, I'd get the most satisfaction.

That's just my two cents. I haven't even attended a tournament in person yet, so I can only give so much advice without straying into territory I know nothing about.

Take it with plenty of salt.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Pit for both.

The question isn't really, "Who should I play?"

It's, "Should I make a whole other roster for competitive characters?"

It's a trivial issue, of course, but I'm very fastidious about these aesthetic details~ :3


I have no idea how to help

Do you think your Pit needs some chars to back him up?

And would you be willing spend lots of time with both chars?


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Well, for reference's sake, characters I like in theory, organised by tiers of preference:

:4pit: :4palutena:
:4lucina: :4robinf: :4miisword:
:4drmario: :4rob: :4ganondorf: :4duckhunt:
:4shulk: :4myfriends: :4ludwig: :4wario: :4lucas: :4falcon: :4miibrawl: :4miigun:
Characters I honestly play (friendlies and casual fun), organised by frequency of use:

:4lucina: :4drmario: :4palutena: :4miisword:
:4rob: :4ganondorf:
:4robinf: :4shulk: :4myfriends: :4ludwig: :4wario: :4lucas: :4falcon: :4miibrawl:


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Since a few other people are asking questions tonight, I guess I may as well get this off my chest...

So for the last few weeks, maybe even months, I've been feeling like I'm simply not getting any better at the game. I sort of feel like I've reached my limit, that I can't improve any further from where I'm at now, mainly because I haven't improved from this point for so long. But at the same time, I don't see myself as being particularly good at the game at all, and I know there are a lot of areas I can improve on... but no matter how much I try to work on those areas, I just can't seem to go anywhere.

I guess the main thing is that I'm not exactly sure what more I can do to improve my game. Playing the game, seeing what I did right or wrong, and working from there, doesn't seem to work for me anymore, nor does watching other people play and seeing what they do that I don't (because when I watch other people play, I genuinely can't see anything they do that I don't, except technical stuff like perfect-pivoting), so what more can I do? Or do I just accept that I've gone as far as I can go, drop it, and move on?

tl;dr I feel like I've hit the wall; is there any way to break through it, or am I done?

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
:4jigglypuff: :4mewtwo:
:4wiifit: :4gaw:

Pretty much my selection. If Paper Mario is ever confirmed he'll be right up there with Robin though.


A+B smash tech is my baby <3
Mar 23, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
Since a few other people are asking questions tonight, I guess I may as well get this off my chest...

So for the last few weeks, maybe even months, I've been feeling like I'm simply not getting any better at the game. I sort of feel like I've reached my limit, that I can't improve any further from where I'm at now, mainly because I haven't improved from this point for so long. But at the same time, I don't see myself as being particularly good at the game at all, and I know there are a lot of areas I can improve on... but no matter how much I try to work on those areas, I just can't seem to go anywhere.

I guess the main thing is that I'm not exactly sure what more I can do to improve my game. Playing the game, seeing what I did right or wrong, and working from there, doesn't seem to work for me anymore, nor does watching other people play and seeing what they do that I don't (because when I watch other people play, I genuinely can't see anything they do that I don't, except technical stuff like perfect-pivoting), so what more can I do? Or do I just accept that I've gone as far as I can go, drop it, and move on?

tl;dr I feel like I've hit the wall; is there any way to break through it, or am I done?
I suppose a very simple answer would be to learn more characters and thus push your overall understanding of smash even further, unless you have tried this already?


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
OMG STAHP. Just adorable...
Excellent end to a very awful day.
That's lovely to hear! I do hope the next day will be better for you~ :3
Well, as I say, I only really "play" (in a competitive sense) a couple of characters. Really, I spend about 90% of my time on Pit, with the rest divvied up between other characters as I see fit. Pit's the only character I'd feel truly comfortable with playing in a competition. I can get decent results with other characters, but if actual placement was at stake, I'd be a tad more wary of changing to a character I have less knowledge of.

My issue here is that I'm very serious about the characters in my roster, as I feel it represents and defines me. That's why I'm so keen to acknowledge the fact that I am, in essence, a Pit main. The other characters (I tend to break it down to "Top 5" for the sake of convenience) really just consists of characters I like, even if I don't play them very often. I wonder if that's healthy or if I'm just pushing myself to play these characters to justify the arbitrary, unfounded notion that "these characters must be at the top of my roster to prove I like them". In theory, my "Top 5" based on personal preference would be:

:4pit: :4palutena: :4lucina: :4robinf: :4miisword: (the last spot changes frequently, this is about the fourth time it's been switched to somebody new)

Of these characters, the extent to which I honestly play them would be:

:4pit: >>>> :4palutena: = :4lucina: > :4miisword: > :4robinf:

If we consider every character I play, then the extent to which I play each of them would be, from observation of recent matches:

:4pit: >>>> :4lucina: = :4drmario: > :4miisword: > :4ganondorf: > :4palutena: > :4rob: > various other characters > :4robinf:

See what I mean? There's no real rhyme or reason to whom I play, I just play whichever character I fancy the most at the time. I've all but dropped Ganondorf recently, yet I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played Robin to any serious degree in the past few months. Pit is the only real constant. In theory, I don't really need a secondary for the most part, as Pit's matchups are relatively even across the board, but I find the concept of playing a singular character for my entire career to be terminally dull.

I wonder if I should create two distinct character rosters for the sake of convenience and my sanity: a roster for characters I like (which would be first roster I mentioned), in addition to a roster for characters I play regularly in serious competitions (which would be smaller and focus on characters I do honestly play). I think that could work. What do you think, lovely?
Exactly what @ LIQUID12A LIQUID12A said.

Just keep the two characters you're more proficient and comfortable with. I use Marth more than ZSS (who was fighting Marth for my "main" title when 3DS was released) simply because Marth felt more familiar, I had the fundamentals already down from Brawl, (despite his drastic change) and he generally clicked well with me, despite ZSS being the "better" character by quite a mile.

Judging from your character list, you play the more proportionally human characters. If you love these characters and feel like they represent you as a person in the most effective way, keep said characters. But from the first list, I'd suggest, focusing on two. Coming from a more personal perspective, I'd say Pit and Robin should be your focus'. A "projectile heavy" character, in this case, Robin, along with a character who's all about the grab combos, aggressive playstyle, Pit, is a good combination and cover each other well. Though, that's simply an idea of my own since I have Marth who likes to space, and Robin who's about the projectile follow-up life, and it really does work wonders for me in terms of matchups. I also play them because I feel like they represent me well and I love them both. Especially my precious Hero King. :4marth::drflip:

The idea of having two distinctive character rosters sounds good, though! You'll get more of an insight of what works best for you~:happysheep:

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
Pit for both.

The question isn't really, "Who should I play?"

It's, "Should I make a whole other roster for competitive characters?"

It's a trivial issue, of course, but I'm very fastidious about these aesthetic details~ :3
Well, disclosing Pit, who do you play most and who are you best with?

Well the answer to that is who you have most fun playing with real. Example would be, it's great if you are the best Bowser in your area, but if you aren't having fun, what's the point? It's not bad to play characters that you are a fan of their series. Just if their character doesn't fit your style, you should force yourself to play them, even if they are your favourite character.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Since a few other people are asking questions tonight, I guess I may as well get this off my chest...

So for the last few weeks, maybe even months, I've been feeling like I'm simply not getting any better at the game. I sort of feel like I've reached my limit, that I can't improve any further from where I'm at now, mainly because I haven't improved from this point for so long. But at the same time, I don't see myself as being particularly good at the game at all, and I know there are a lot of areas I can improve on... but no matter how much I try to work on those areas, I just can't seem to go anywhere.

I guess the main thing is that I'm not exactly sure what more I can do to improve my game. Playing the game, seeing what I did right or wrong, and working from there, doesn't seem to work for me anymore, nor does watching other people play and seeing what they do that I don't (because when I watch other people play, I genuinely can't see anything they do that I don't, except technical stuff like perfect-pivoting), so what more can I do? Or do I just accept that I've gone as far as I can go, drop it, and move on?

tl;dr I feel like I've hit the wall; is there any way to break through it, or am I done?
I get that a lot. I still do, very frequently, especially when I get beaten consistently in a set and find myself shocked at how poor my performance was.

At the same time, of course, I am always impressed with how much I improve every time I play, even without realising it. Even when I consider how I played a week or month ago, I realise the small things I learned that made me a better player. True progress doesn't happen overnight, and you will very rarely, if ever, discern the results right away. Often, you won't even realise you've improved until you suddenly realise, "Yeah, I remember when X matchup / Y tech / Z stage used to be difficult for me, I understand it now."

To my mind, true progress is achieved by accumulation: even if you don't consciously realise it, you're constantly picking up new details every time you play. Your mind will register small things that are too trivial to consciously recognise, but which will ultimately help you improve, very slowly but surely. It isn't a process of "do this, get results": there's no fast track to success in any discipline. You just do your best and keep going even when it gets tough.

My advice would be to acknowledge your frustration and choose to keep going anyway. I'm the world's worst for getting psyched out by trivial mess-ups, but I know that it's good to make mistakes, because that's how we learn. You can either choose to let these feelings compromise your integrity as a player, or you can accept that you have more to learn and keep at it. The moment you feel you've learned everything is the moment you have nothing more to achieve. If you feel you've really and truly reached a plateau, then my advice would be to either take an extended break from the game and return when you feel more confident, or push yourself to even further extremes: you'd be amazed at how much better you can feel about yourself if you just choose to fight on and make every defeat a tiny victory!


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Also, my "most used" tier list regarding this subject:


The upper half are the ones I mainly use in competitive matches, while everything below I bring out when my explicit intention is fun.

If Sylux ever makes it, though, Samus is getting booted right off.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
That's lovely to hear! I do hope the next day will be better for you~ :3

Exactly what @ LIQUID12A LIQUID12A said.

Just keep the two characters you're more proficient and comfortable with. I use Marth more than ZSS (who was fighting Marth for my "main" title when 3DS was released) simply because Marth felt more familiar, I had the fundamentals already down from Brawl, (despite his drastic change) and he generally clicked well with me, despite ZSS being the "better" character by quite a mile.

Judging from your character list, you play the more proportionally human characters. If you love these characters and feel like they represent you as a person in the most effective way, keep said characters. But from the first list, I'd suggest, focusing on two. Coming from a more personal perspective, I'd say Pit and Robin should be your focus'. A "projectile heavy" character, in this case, Robin, along with a character who's all about the grab combos, aggressive playstyle, Pit, is a good combination and cover each other well. Though, that's simply an idea of my own since I have Marth who likes to space, and Robin who's about the projectile follow-up life, and it really does work wonders for me in terms of matchups. I also play them because I feel like they represent me well and I love them both. Especially my precious Hero King. :4marth::drflip:

The idea of having two distinctive character rosters sounds good, though! You'll get more of an insight of what works best for you~:happysheep:
Yeah, I'm that cat that likes the cute animu fighters, ahaha~

I really do like Robin as a character, but she's a seriously intense commitment and I wonder if I could do her justice with the amount of interest I honestly have in playing her. I remember I wanted to play her before release, then played her and quickly dropped her because I didn't care for her playstyle, then picked her up again recently...then kind of forwent her when I realised she's too technically demanding to really focus on. I think she's fun to play, but to be frank, I don't have quite the same amount of fun with her as I do others.

If anything, I think I'd be more comfortable with Palutena as my other main, as I've always intended. The only issue there is that it'd kinda have to exclusive to customs tourneys, 'cos default Pally is...yeesh.

Maybe I could have a different sub for default tourneys? Might be an idea.

Well, disclosing Pit, who do you play most and who are you best with?

Well the answer to that is who you have most fun playing with real. Example would be, it's great if you are the best Bowser in your area, but if you aren't having fun, what's the point? It's not bad to play characters that you are a fan of their series. Just if their character doesn't fit your style, you should force yourself to play them, even if they are your favourite character.
This is essentially how I operate. I could play Marth and probably get better results, for example, but I just prefer Lucina, so I choose to play Lucina.

I could never play a character I don't care for. If Pit was the worst character in the game, or the best, I'd play him because he's freaking Pit!


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
Since a few other people are asking questions tonight, I guess I may as well get this off my chest...

So for the last few weeks, maybe even months, I've been feeling like I'm simply not getting any better at the game. I sort of feel like I've reached my limit, that I can't improve any further from where I'm at now, mainly because I haven't improved from this point for so long. But at the same time, I don't see myself as being particularly good at the game at all, and I know there are a lot of areas I can improve on... but no matter how much I try to work on those areas, I just can't seem to go anywhere.

I guess the main thing is that I'm not exactly sure what more I can do to improve my game. Playing the game, seeing what I did right or wrong, and working from there, doesn't seem to work for me anymore, nor does watching other people play and seeing what they do that I don't (because when I watch other people play, I genuinely can't see anything they do that I don't, except technical stuff like perfect-pivoting), so what more can I do? Or do I just accept that I've gone as far as I can go, drop it, and move on?

tl;dr I feel like I've hit the wall; is there any way to break through it, or am I done?
You may not see the improvement, but trust me when I say that others are seeing the improvement; it's just a matter of consistency. As awfully cliche as this sounds, you can only get better, not worse. Think about this, every single day you play Smash, you're learning something knew, even if you can't noticeably tell.

Watch top players over and over again, ask for matches constantly, ask for advice, tips, anything that'll help you get better. It really doesn't happen overnight, it takes months, even years, but said advice and experience will get you a long way. Even play different characters in order to expand your knowledge of the game in terms of MU and general fundamentals.

All I gotta say is, just be patient. Don't give up, especially given that Smash 4 is still a new.

As for my favorite quote; there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You're improving, you always will~ :happysheep:

Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
I'm not really sure what to say on the competitive discussion. Showing off our most used though? Might as well hop on that train
:4falcon: (Obviously)
:4bowserjr::4lucas: (I kept these two secret until know, no one knows i've spent hours trying to get falcon level with these two :') )

About time I made an appearance here.

Hello, tacticians! LOOOOONG time lurker here (no seriously, I've lurked since around the 300 page mark)
Been maining :4robinm: since 3ds launch, chose to 2ndary :4shulk: a month or so in, and picked up :4ryu: bout a week after his release :estatic:
Pleasure to make your'e aquantances!

Since it seems we're discussing username pronunciations, I'll give mine freely; uhv-AW-kuh :upsidedown:
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here! It's filled with wonderful people, although you know this by now.
August 10, 2015

It has been about a month or so since i came to these here "Smashboards" and here I have lurked since. During my lurking I have explored and observed the various communities that make up this site and so far the majority have been quite enjoyable. However, there is one community that caught my fancy: The Robin Forums. This group of smashers confuses, yet intrigues me. For the majority of my time here I frequently come to this particular part of the forums and just watch. These "Tacticians" as they like to call themselves appear to be a very friendly group both to new members and each other. I may not be a good Robin player as my alliances belong to "The Plumber's Guild of Green 'stache, but they may yet improve my skills. I must meet these good people. With any luck they will like my introduction and accept me as one of their own.

I wish myself the best of luck...

Hello beautiful people! I finally decided to get and account here because i wanted to join the rest of you in everything that is Smash Bros. My intro pretty much speaks for myself and I hope I'll be able to enjoy with the rest of you rather than just by myself.
Hot damn, not only two new people, but that's quite the entrance! Enjoy your tme here!
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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Are we doing char pyramids now?



I don't even know which one is my best. I think I'm the same with all of them :ohwell:

It all depends on the opponents MU experience and all that maybe? :ohwell:
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2015
We making some sort of most used character pyramid?
That's definitely not a pyramid :drshrug:
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
We doing Pyramids? very well
Second main::4pit:
For fun, style or being annoying::4littlemac::4falcon::4link::4feroy:

This is essentially how I operate. I could play Marth and probably get better results, for example, but I just prefer Lucina, so I choose to play Lucina.

I could never play a character I don't care for. If Pit was the worst character in the game, or the best, I'd play him because he's freaking Pit!
Excatly. You may go better with Marth, but if you find Lucina more fun or just love her more, then go for Lucina.

Again, my point exactly. Even if Pit is the worst character in the game, if you have the most fun with him, why stop playing him?

I had a similar situation with my mains. I really want to play Link or Toon Link as Link is my favourite character of all time but neither of them fitted my style or just didn't seem right. That's why I am playing :4robinm:, :4pit: and :4sonic:, because not only do I enjoy them the most, I really love the characters as well.
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Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2014
Ontario Canada
Neat are we doing the mains thing again? I've never really been interested in joining the competitive scene, but I play a lot of characters casually.


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
EDIT; forgot the "pyramid" alignment~
Matsushi's tier list;
Yeah, I'm that cat that likes the cute animu fighters, ahaha~

I really do like Robin as a character, but she's a seriously intense commitment and I wonder if I could do her justice with the amount of interest I honestly have in playing her. I remember I wanted to play her before release, then played her and quickly dropped her because I didn't care for her playstyle, then picked her up again recently...then kind of forwent her when I realised she's too technically demanding to really focus on. I think she's fun to play, but to be frank, I don't have quite the same amount of fun with her as I do others.

If anything, I think I'd be more comfortable with Palutena as my other main, as I've always intended. The only issue there is that it'd kinda have to exclusive to customs tourneys, 'cos default Pally is...yeesh.

Maybe I could have a different sub for default tourneys? Might be an idea.
I can relate! Animu fighters are lovely~

Trust me, I felt the exact same way with Robin when I first picked him up during the 3DS period. However, I practiced, practiced and practiced. I watched Nairo's Robin and consequently left Marth in the dust for a month or two. If you do honestly have fun playing with her but feel as though she is complicated and "technically demanding", that's fine. But if you do have fun playing with her, that gives you an incentive to carry on, and soon enough you'll be able to play her naturally, practically forgetting that she is "technically demanding."

Palutena may be lacking when it comes to kill confirms, but I've seen some people that make her work! And besides, you do have Pit to make up for that. Also, because custom Palutena is quite crazy, you can demolish those poor souls in those custom tourneys. >:D So yeah, having a different sub for default tourneys is quite good. Referring back to your previous list, R.O.B and Robin would perhaps be worthy contenders of reaching your sub place!
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Deleted member

Main/Character Expert::4link:

Co-main/alt, learning to attain expertise::4mario:

Mostly former mains, have learned a good deal and could push if I ever come back to the them to become an expert:

Character usability and skill/knowledge chart ^.

Although if we're going strictly knowledge Ryu would be up with Mario because I've labbed the hell out of him.

@ Moydow Moydow

One possible idea for you is to take a small break from the game, in bodybuilding the plateau phenomena also exists and aside from changing workouts sometimes stepping away for a short time (not long enough for atrophy to occur though) can help a bodybuilder break his plateau and continue making gains.

Although changing workouts is what I prefer because I don't like to stop lifting.

Continuing on with this metaphor,

Are there any other characters that you like toy around with, at all?

You'll notice in my list that my bottom tiers (Ganondorf and down) consist of a number of characters, these are all characters that I like to mess around with and actually did consider (and tried maining, for most of them) for a good while alongside :4link: before I re-picked up Mario as my alt.

What I'm trying to say is maybe you could consider toying around with and putting a little time into some other characters, and giving your primary character(s) a little bit of a rest.

For example, when I used to seriously alt :4ganondorf:(who is now pocket status) and :4ryu: (right after Ryu came out, for him), I actually put Link down completely for a few of my sessions and played only those two characters without switching to :4link: no matter how tempted I became during a series of matches.

I would (and actually still do) set apart separate practice days for each of my characters. Often I'll set aside a day where I play only :4link: no matter how poorly I perform (unless it's bad to the point that I'm losing focus). And then do the same for Mario, and sometimes mix it up and do 5 matches with Link and then switch and do 5 matches with Mario.

Back to the main idea of toying with other characters, of course, my situation is different than yours because I seriously considered many more characters for alt or co-main status than you may have; however, that doesn't mean that I won't suggest playing with and learning some other characters to an extent, you don't have to play that character for long, but learning things like guaranteed combos, set ups, safe and unsafe options, etc. for a given character will allow you to better grasp what they can do in general so that you can perform better when you play against that character, especially if you manage to get some MU experience against your own primary characters with this "temporary" character while putting your main on hiatus.

(The above paragraph was a single sentence LOL, but I don't feel like breaking it up into separate sentences).

A lot of this is probably really redundant/repetitive and all of this is rambling, but this sort of strategy has consistently worked for me when I start feeling a litle down about my progression as A) A good Smash player in general and B) A good player of my characters :4link: and :4mario:.

So that's my advice to you, and I have no idea if it will help but I hope it will at least a bit.

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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Yeah I just realised I'm thinking way too hard about this.

I'm just gonna do what I do and play :4pit: and :4palutena:

I'm going to campaign for custom variations in my locals (either as a side-event or a week-on / week-off basis), so I will be able to get good mileage out of ol' Pally!

So I guess, for me, my roster would look like this (this presumes customs are on):

:4pit: :4palutena:
:4lucina: :4rob: :4drmario: :4miisword:
:4robinf: :4ganondorf: :4shulk: :4duckhunt: :4ludwig:
:4myfriends: :4wario: :4lucas: :4falcon: :4miibrawl: :4miigun:
Top row are my mains, i.e. the characters I'd use in a serious competition.

Second row are characters I'm decent with and would maaaaybe use in a competition, either to cover a really terrible matchup or just for the fun of it.

Third row are characters I'd like to be better with or have a very rudimentary knowledge of. The distinction here is that I either used to play them and therefore have a very elementary understanding of the character, or just think I'm better with the character than the final row.

Everybody else is a character I'd play exclusively for fun. I am universally weak with these characters, but it's fun to mess about and it's always good to keep it fresh and dynamic!

Anything after the second row is a character I wouldn't use in a serious competition. Just for fun, yo~
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Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
are we really making a pyramid?
(the biggest of gaps)


A lot of people have Pocket Swordfiddles, I blame the Chrom Irving, the Black Knight
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
are we really making a pyramid?
(the biggest of gaps)


A lot of people have Pocket Swordfiddles, I blame the Chrom Irving, the Black Knight
I love how your main section says :4pikachu: when it's obviously :4miisword:

I've been a fan of Swordie since the reveal trailer, just didn't really get back into her as a serious sub until the coincidental alignment of the Chrom outfit and tasty buffs~

Seeing this made me remember
My :4palutena: is absolute garbage
This is simply unacceptable and must be rectified.
Anyone got tips to help improve my grip on this character?
You can fight me sometime if you want.

I find practice makes perfect~
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2015
Seeing this made me remember
My :4palutena: is absolute garbage
This is simply unacceptable and must be rectified.
Anyone got tips to help improve my grip on this character?
Down throw to fair/bair is always a good option
and just using fair/bair in general
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Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
I love how your main section says :4pikachu: when it's obviously :4miisword:

I've been a fan of Swordie since the reveal trailer, just didn't really get back into her as a serious sub until the coincidental alignment of the Chrom outfit and tasty buffs~
I used to have a Pikachu but then I went to Swordfighter when I got frustrated at my pikachu i chose not to change because you don't get a Swordfighter Icon just a Mii Icon but my Gunner and Brawler are garbage


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
Seeing this made me remember
My :4palutena: is absolute garbage
This is simply unacceptable and must be rectified.
Anyone got tips to help improve my grip on this character?
>f-air is so good
>teleport cancels are beautiful (even though I always fail and fall to my demise when I try)
>jab is lovely
>b-air is the most satisfying thing to land


A+B smash tech is my baby <3
Mar 23, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
I love how your main section says :4pikachu: when it's obviously :4miisword:

I've been a fan of Swordie since the reveal trailer, just didn't really get back into her as a serious sub until the coincidental alignment of the Chrom outfit and tasty buffs~

You can fight me sometime if you want.

I find practice makes perfect~
I'll definitely take you up on that offer sometime! NNID is on display :seuss:

Thanks everybody, tips are appreciated. I remember how satisfying up-smash feels, so I imagine part of my issue is my sheer thirst for landing it, along with up-air and, well, side-taunt after killing with those moves (I am guilty :crying:)
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