So I play Robin as a "secondary", by which I mean I'm always too scared to pull her out ACTUALLY in tourney...
But at the last weekly, I decided, "screw it, I'm pulling her out first every match today".
I got 9th of 32. On par of what I usually get or better with Duck Hunt. This leaves with an odd feeling. Now I want to main Robin because she finishes stocks way better than doggy does, and I'm still having fun. But at the same time, I want to advance both their metas in my region. I'm 1 of 2 Duck Hunt (even though the other Doggy plays more Diddy than anything else), 1 of 2 or 3 Robins in my area.
What do I do?! I really hope they fix Doggy's smashes in the next patch so I can finish stocks faster, but I love them both so much, I can't choose between them. T~T