Smash Lord
PLS. Most characters didn't have mechanics outright removed, and when they did, I didn't like the changes. Nerfing fireball damage doesn't and iasa doesn't really change mario at his core. I mean, think about it, everything that spacies do is completely shine based. If you removed (jump cancel) shine, their playstyles would be unrecognizable. As a zss player, I hated her changes because they took away a lot of what made zss zss, but she still basically plays the same minus throwing out blaster every time she touched the ground. She's not a totally different character, but even that change was a little too far imo. I spent a long time practicing zss, and a long time studying her, but my time wasn't made wasted by the changes. There are very few if any characters changed as much as no shine spacies.>Balancing character around broken move
You're basically saying that 3.5 was a waste of time then and that we should all go back to playing 3.02, where pmbr tried to balance everyone to Fax/Flaco with that
And look how that turned out
And srsly, this whole "becuz maylay" **** needs to stop. Who cares if you spent years practicing Fox ****? What makes that time worth more than the time I could have put into one of the brawl PM characters, only for all of that time to be wasted because of major changes?
Also, I think it's obvious what makes the years spacie players spent mastering him more valuable than the years you didn't spend mastering characters that didn't exist during most of those years.
Plus, I'm not saying "Don't nerf fox." I'm also not saying "Don't nerf shine." I am saying "Don't remove shine." Reducing it's effectiveness is certainly on the table for me, but I don't think it's too broken to be balance able. Let's be honest, shine is a really fun thing for the player to use. It's just not fun at all to play against because of how overpowered they are atm. Reduce the range, the damage, the effectiveness etc. Also, nerf the absurd aerial damage and some other things and fox will be fine. For wolf, just don't make shine such an insane combo starter. No one should get zero to deaths off of a frame 1 safe move.
You and plate both need to calm down with your strawmans. I never said anything like that. I have absolutely no fox bias. If I had to delete one character from the roster, it'd be fox. I wouldn't even think about it. Also, I don't like changing any character that drastically in terms of playstyle. Like, you have to admit removing jc on shine would make spacies totally new characters.THIS
Seriously, why is it so special for some characters to "retain their developed meta", but then in the same breath be like "Ah, lets totally change up other characters to be nigh unrecognizable to their old mains"
Who died and gave you the right to decide what we are allowed to talk about? There's lots to be discussed about spacies and top tiers, but there is very little to be discussed about the low tiers, and everyone above low tier and below top tier is in a pretty good spot. If you don't like that, you can try to start a new discussion and hope people want to talk about it. If not.....i mean what can you do its a tier thread
every tier thread is talking about the best character in the game for a while then some fking guy with 2 post and an avatar that was screen cap'd with a potato is like "hey guiz what do u think of my low tier character" and then a ****storm ensues. someone then mentions something about the top tier character and the cycle repeats
idk why i even go on these anymore i hate you all

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