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Didn't you hear? Ike and Lucario are broken now. 3.5 is just 2.1 engine with more characters.Now we're calling for Ike nerfs? Everything has come full circle.
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Didn't you hear? Ike and Lucario are broken now. 3.5 is just 2.1 engine with more characters.Now we're calling for Ike nerfs? Everything has come full circle.
It's seven frames. That's the earlier that Ike can act out of QD. Significant enough that teching towards a QD'ing Ike that isn't on the other end of the stage means he can't punish you. QD isn't actually that good for tech-chasing, approaches, or a lot of things that people think it's good for. It expands Ike's punish zone by enabling him to close distance quickly and actually extend combos. He hits too hard and has too much start up on most move to have a good combo game without QD and most of his conversions need to be off grabs.How significant is that? How long does it take to act out of? Is there a certain range you can punish him for attempting to quick draw? Maybe I just never found that range and thus got issues with it.
I feel honored for being quoted. Thanks.I mean... yeah. It's mostly either that, masturbate to Ganondorf changes, or talk about how much your character wasn't changed... and the latter isn't great conversation material.
OMG, they changed Marth's dash grab and jab2!
They made Wolf's laser faster (maybesupposedtobeanerfbutnotreallyanerf?) and made some changes that don't change him all that much! (much of this almost seems like change for the sake of change, actually)
Collision fixes and sfx buffs are damn nice btw, gotta admit that. Delicious buttery wavelands.
Wall o text incoming, you've been warned.
Alright, I'm gonna walk you through this in roughly the order that things happened.
ZSS had a few moves that straight up did not work properly for various reasons in 3.02. Among these are fair and usmash. They were probably the first things changed, and these changes represent fixes.
Tether nerfs happened at some point. This kills the ZSS, a character already perceived as pretty mid-tier. Utilt, dtilt, nair, jab3, dash attack buffed in damage to compensate.
Down-b changed subtly in various ways.
A few BNBs got toned down somewhere along the way. Nair range and BKB reduced (big change, was a staple combo option), fsmash adjusted (backwards hitboxes no longer function as effective combo starters), dair got nerfed a bit (probably warranted, and the hitlag adjustment fits in with a broader design goal), dsmash got nerfed.
The last part is where things get somewhat disagreeable, but it's workable and if that's all that had happened the grumbling from ZSS players would be more in line with anyone else that got nerfs. Hell, ZSS even got a couplebuffsfixes! But there's more. The stuff from here onwards is where everything goes to hell in a handcart.
ZSS has a slow as balls tether grab and it makes certain things harder/more complicated. Also her (old, tether) dash grab is really awkward because it's suuuuuuuuuuuper slow and the distance is weird.
So somebody had an idea: give her a normal grab! No need to try and adapt other tools or just balance around a given weakness. So they did. And it changes everything. Her conversions, her defensive play, everything changes because suddenly she has a much more viable grab. Some of those nerfs above might've even happened as a direct result of this, I don't know. What we do know is that this made her throws really ridiculous, so those got changed too. IASA frames were set later, dthrow angle was adjusted... and uthrow is now a spacie chaingrab thanks to a shiny new 82 degree angle. While obviously this buffs her against spacies (historically a bad matchup for her), this is the same update that just removed a bunch of chaingrabs. Oh, and the old uthrow/dthrow mixups and followups off of each no longer exist as a result of these changes.
There's still one looming elephant in the room: dash cancel paralyzer (DCP) into grab is kind of a big thing after this change. So the dash cancel gets canceled, as it were. Uncharged paralyzer shots are also no longer transcendent, but I suspect that was happening regardless. Anyway, now paralyzer sucks. So they buff the startup, travel speed, let her drift during aerial shots. To be honest it still sucks, but there's another problem.
Removing DCP and changing her grab fundamentally changes the way ZSS plays. DCP beautifully emphasizes her speedy, slippery, ultra-mobile playstyle. The tether is less fundamental to her playstyle, but DCP cannot coexist with the new grab and opinions on the old one were not overwhelmingly negative by any means. Subtle changes to dash grab likely would've relieved the most widespread complaints.
The end result is that ZSS's modus operandi has lost much of what made her unique and interesting, replacing those elements with an emphasis on a more traditional style based on DDing and CQC.
tl;dr this quote epitomizes the different ZSS playstyles:
They changed ZSS from a character that could do both reasonably well but somewhat favored the latter approach to focus more on the former instead, and she's immensely less interesting and unique for it.
Each side considers different elements of her game important. Things like DCP are, to the former camp, nonessential flavor elements. They prioritize a solid moveset base over flair elements that define that character's playstyle in small (or not so small) but meaningful ways.
Imagine if vBrawl suddenly changed and Salem had to start playing ZSS less like Salem and more like old Nick Riddle play (no disrespect Nick, you know what I mean). It's not the best analogy (you can tell I'm struggling for an analogy when I reference vBrawl lol), but 3.02 ZSS -> 3.5 ZSS is kind of like that.
And no, Oro is not singlehandedly responsible for these changes. He's well known for the particular playstyle the PMDT elected to emphasize, however.
Much of what I've said regarding the process of her changes is corroborated by statements from a PMDT member here.
http://www.twitch.tv/gameunderground/b/589229988So how bout dat GnW still having a frame-1 get outta jail free card that leads to just about whatever he wants.
... run towards him.I personally fear it in neutral. When ike does it I got no idea what he is gonna do and he don't gotta commit to any option and can react to me. I end up over respecting it but feel that there is no way it can't be dealt with or other people would complain. Any tips for shutting down Ike's quick draw?
unwinnable? you have no idea how to play against G&W and it showed it how much you got punished. get better. its obvious what your mistakes were and you didn't try to fix them at all.http://www.twitch.tv/gameunderground/b/589229988
Shoutouts to unwinnable matchups. Btw, Ness got nerfed harder than Mewtwo, Lucas, Metaknight and Snake tbh.
I'm pretty much joking, but I always appreciate tips and constructive criticism. Just a preemptive thank you for being such a supportive community member, my dude in the case you give me any help.unwinnable? you have no idea how to play against G&W and it showed it how much you got punished. get better. its obvious what your mistakes were and you didn't try to fix them at all.
Illuminate bat signalSpeaking of ZSS, wtf is up with these hitboxes
Seeing as you play Roy, use FTilt. A lot. It's terrifyingly good for a lot of situations against Ike and will stuff virtually any QD approach (and in case of a WD backwards, just a reset to neutral). It can effectively outrange Fair and Nair. Outside of that, dash in with DTilt and that will really screw up any QD options as well.@Thane of Blue Flames Thanks a lot. I'll rethink that move and learn to deal with it. You are correct, I believe my issue mostly came from salt, due to losing to an Ike player who kinda spams it and it being seemingly effective. I'll learn to expose him for it instead of QQing.
WELCOME TO BEING A ****ING MEWTWO MAINThe whole problem with Ness is that, yeah, PK Fire was a silly gimmick that had to go- but it was a silly gimmick that stood in as a poor man's substitute for his complete lack of a neutral game. They took it away and gave him nothing to replace it, so now what does he have? Fair?
Improved offstage edgeguarding ability doesn't really mean anything if every other character dunks on you hard onstage. Getting beat to **** or playing runaway all day, hoping and praying your opponent makes a mistake so you can actually punish, without having any tools to force them to do anything or control space, is not really a fun and satisfying way to play the game.
I mean, I'll get over it and keep playing and looking for ways around it, but it's kind of a punch in the gut, you know?
You can still force them into their shield with the new/old PK fire. Kind of like bad Falco lasers with extra reward when you do hit.The whole problem with Ness is that, yeah, PK Fire was a silly gimmick that had to go- but it was a silly gimmick that stood in as a poor man's substitute for his complete lack of a neutral game. They took it away and gave him nothing to replace it, so now what does he have? Fair?
Improved offstage edgeguarding ability doesn't really mean anything if every other character dunks on you hard onstage. Getting beat to **** or playing runaway all day, hoping and praying your opponent makes a mistake so you can actually punish, without having any tools to force them to do anything or control space, is not really a fun and satisfying way to play the game.
I mean, I'll get over it and keep playing and looking for ways around it, but it's kind of a punch in the gut, you know?
Do you have any videos? I'd honestly like to know what I'm doing wrong here, because everything he has now feels either really limited or predictable. That's not a 3.5 thing, it's a Smash thing. Having a projectile that everyone had to be afraid of just let him threaten some space for once.saying Ness has a bad neutral game now that 3.0 pk fire is gone just shows how much you relied on that tool, and how little you explored the rest of the character.
Ness was one of my mains in 3.0 and i hardly ever used pk fire. It's amazing the things he can do with the rest of his move-set
Use magnet in neutral to mix up your movement. That move just gained a true purpose because of the pk fire nerf.
Huh. Didn't think I'd be right on that.you could just play fox and approach with down b if you wanna be risky.
I can't tell how significant Falco's dair nerf was- Falco and Roy because they both got better thanks to overall better cast balance and Falco getting his Melee Up+B back instead of the WORSE recovery he had before (woo)
can you explain to me what this means exactly 'cause all I hear when I read it is hurrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrThis update is where players with good fundamentals will shine over those that relied on 'gimmicks'.
I personally think Ness has a lot of tools now. He needs his ability to sweet spot while facing backwards fixed. That's the most important thing.Frankly I expect the next update to be a buffpatch and for Ness to be somewhere on that list.
I mean keep the positivity Ness mains, but I do feel y'all need some more tools.
Do you actually want me to explain or are you just being a child?can you explain to me what this means exactly 'cause all I hear when I read it is hurrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr
kids are always the first to bring up who's a kid and who ain'tDo you actually want me to explain or are you just being a child?