I just came to a very ****ing stupid conclusion, that makes no sense that has logic among the lines of Illuminati confirmed.
Read if you like, more salt than the pacific ocean.
So lets see the damages between Mewtwo and Fox.
They both had decent neutral b's that had great space control.
Beautiful aerials that are great for combo game, gimping, and even kill moves.
Combo extending specials that act as projectile killers.
Linear recoveries that can even be utilized as combo extenders (If you're that much of a nut with fox, or feel like being disrespectful like I do) and even act as ledgestalls.
Smashes that act as pretty decent kill moves, and get decent range.
Tilts that can extend and start combos.
Grabs. That are great.
A killer down special.
Mewtwo gets his neutral b nerfed, some of his aerials and tilts nerfed, his grab range nerfed, his up special nerfed in like 4 different ways, his down special nerfed.
Fox gets more like melee besides his upsmash, which is just, PAL.
Seems legit.
No one reply to this. No one quote this. Its stupid. I couldn't resist.