He most certainly opened up a can [of worms]. However, to me, reading it was no shock. I may not agree (or even disagree because Im not too knowledgable about the pikachu and fox match up) but I'm
glad to see people recognize that fox and ESPECIALLY falco are
not as good as their melee counter parts. Not because of the frame data (since it's pretty much exactly the same) but because other characters that are now both new and/or viable present scenarios that did not exist in melee, which can at times even shut down falco and maybe fox. So even if you think he is completely wrong, at the very least you should recognize that in PM it is
understandable why someone could even make such a statement. For example: In melee, tell me what you think the falco vs mewtwo match up is..... kay, cool.....
apologies for posting this video twice.... and yes I understand that one match in one video does not cover everything about the match up
Now in PM, tell me what you think the mewtwo vs falco match up is? I personally think it's in mewtwos favor, but guess what? You have every right to argue that it's not. However, what someone would be
completely dead wrong about is to say that the falco vs mew two match up is exactly the same as melee. If people would begin seeing the differences between melee and PM like this, they could
understand why people make, what may seem to be, such crazy claims because it really is not as clear cut as it use be. That's why I say fox and falco are no longer next to each other on the tier list (probably not even in the same tier but that's a much more complicated discussion for another time).