Obligatory "Oli isn't bad" post.
Also, tier lists are opinions that stay opinions until tournament results back them up and only if those results aren't a outlier or a result of a lucky bracket. AKA need more data from multiple tournaments instead of jumping the gun every single major (gaw salt post paragon, anyone?) or when ripple does ripple things and gets top 8 with a pretty bad character.
Maybe post reasoning behind some of the more out of place placings on your list (to no one in particular)? Though it's probably "I feel this character is good/bad." in all likelihood rather then a thorough analysis of the character's neutral game, punishes and edgeguards and if said elements work well against perceived tops.
And regarding possible changes in how tourneys should be run, based on the fact that half (or more) of the cast has a ridiculously underdeveloped meta (*cough*Olimar*cough*), most MUs aren't certain and people can (and probably will) develop secondaries for bad MUs if the need arises after the MUs have been completely explored. So wait a bit and see, imo.
Also, when does Oli get grab armor/priority/whatever so someone can't poke on my shield with a long limb and get off scot free? When do Pikmin stop getting stuck in the ledge somehow when I'm ledgebouncing/dashing? Or stop midair due Fox lasers? Will people flip when they realize Oli's Uptilt has head intangibility for frames 1 through 10 (from start of the move till the last active hitbox frame) and find ways to use it in clever ways so I can copy it?
Idk. Let's talk more random tier lists that probably do nothing other then show your opinion (without the reasoning, ofc) and will change come next major.
Discussing findings that could advance the meta for certain characters seems better, though 9.9
I think when olimars grabs get fixed (as in bug fixed) and MAYBE a not so bad up B then i think olimar trashes alot of MU's and becomes A tier. And i dont think im being horribly unreasonable with expecting throw fixes (they are all bugs anyway so they should be fixed).
Also, I was at a monthly local in cincy (which i won) and a few people were like "why is bowser so broken/overpowered/good?" and i kinda laughed. For the record i only used air flame approaches, Janky Klaw down throw dunks, and up Bs and very well spaced air attacks and safe smash attacks until semi finals.
Anyways ill get to my point, Flame air approaches absolutely wreck dash dance camping falcons. My last two matches were against falcons and i learned two very interesting things when it comes to fast falcon and fox MU.
1. The koopa dunk outright kills or sets up for ledge grab edge guards against fast-er fallers
2. You can safely short hop air flame approach (with proper aiming of the fire) and stop alot of dash dance camping.
These two reasons are why i think the falcon match up is 40-60 and no longer 20-80.
I know im known for complaining about bowser, but i took a new approach and i learned a great deal from it with a more positive attitude.
With all this said, In the lab i learned alot of things about bowser and his upsmash. On characters marth fall speed and more, the down hit of up smash puts them right into a Fsmash (with some charge even) for a kill. Klaw dunk into a backwards crawl (towards ledge, release to grab ledge in about 3 frames) also really wrecks most characters towards ledge.
HOWEVER, do we think bowser could use 1 or 2 more recovery mix ups without making him crazy OP? I mean all he has is a momentum halting claw stall (that will kill you if you fail the already pretty specific inputs) and bowser bombing to the ledge (highly punishable with death ledge grabs) and a straight across up B that can be traded with or just ledge grabbed to death. And i am being very generour on the first two options being usable.
Anyways Do i think bowser sucks, no i think he can for sure be used with patience.
Is he still bottom tier, yea probably.
Does he still lose all but two match ups? I honestly don't know, flames, koopa klaw, and up B OOS really are good tools but its hard with bad frame data on both sides of the spectrum (start up and end lag) if you dont play patient and "lame".
Oh also, I dont think flame needs a rework (or removal) unless theres a secondary move set. (flames may be better than a projectile actually but its hard to tell with nothing to compare it to.)