Awesome tourney, even if there was a really lowwww tournout I had a blast and the room was really nice. We even had a decent number of setups.
I'll post detailed information about matches and such in the Melee PR thread.
Foxy - wow you're gay
Ace - Still amazing me with Ganon, your huge volume HYAHHHHHHHHH homerun contest surprise was INCREDIBLE. And Bill blamed it on Vilt. x3
Karn - You're too good... especially in doubles. Lots o' fun playing you, I think you should totally pick up Fox, it's probably your best Falco counterpick.
BEHF - Sorry that you choked. =[ Then again, I was mad about losing to you first round so when I played you in losers (as everyone noted) I went ANGRY RAGE MODE and my face gained the expression of a vengeful wolf and I was just furious about everything. I even changed to ANGRY RED FALCO. So your choke + beast within = my win. =\ Your Fox is so **** though, your combos are great and you tech chase much better than I do with him... I was really impressed, didn't know you were so good. xD
Vilt - BRO! Your Atlantic Ocean DI was RIDICULOUS, I'm so ready to write a story about it and post it. Our batman friendlies were great and your Jiggs sings-rest so much.
Bill - Dear god our doubles was AWESOME. "NC-Echo and Killersauce" was too good for a team name. Nobody can kill us with rest, even at 150+ percent.
David - You rooted against me all day. =[
Spoon - You rooted for me all day. =] Good job in our MM, you've definitely got skill! It was nice meeting you.
Slasher King - Nice meeting you too, and thanks for hosting. You're also a skilled player and I was surprised at how much better UNCW Melee guys were than I was prepared for. And thanks for finding the last energy drink for me. xS
Anyone else - Thanks for coming!
About videos + commentary: I would love to see these up soon, but don't stress over it, just have them eventually! I had a lot of cool stuff recorded, and I can help you figure out who is playing in which matches if you have any trouble. The matches I played that might have been recorded, in chronological order, were:
Losers Quarters: Foxy vs Behr (2 matches)
Losers Semis: Foxy vs Vilt (2 matches)
Losers Finals: Foxy vs Karn (3 matches)
Grand Finals: Foxy vs Ace (7 matches)
Money Match: Foxy vs Spoon (1 or 2 matches)
Doubles: Foxy and Bill vs Spoon and Slasher? (2 matches)
Doubles: Foxy and Bill vs Vilt and Behr (2 matches, EPIC REST SAVES)
Doubles Grand Finals: Foxy and Bill vs Karn and Ace (3 matches, nothing epic)
Money Match: Foxy vs Ace (4 matches, not sure if it was recorded)
Money Match: Foxy vs Slasher King (can't remember if it was recorded)
Hopefully that helps a bit, can't wait for those matches, commentary was actually quite hyped for grand finals, I was amazed. There were about two people watching them when they started, and then it was everyone.