Nothing disgusts me more than moths.
If I didn't like cold weather (although I really do) I would still wish it was cold all of the time so moths could never exist.
I despise having to come up to the porch in the warm seasons (which is March - November where I live... Or I could say February after this "winter" -_-) because there are always moths swarming the light. and sometimes they touch me, which freaks me out.
I can not stand the thought of those things even touching me, and when they do I'm always going for the local faucet to clean off wherever they touched me. It's so bad that I will literally start freaking out.
One time when I was in high school I saw one of those HUGE ones outside of the band room... It wasn't moving, fortunately... but it was so big, and if it had flew anywhere near me, it would not have been good... I have no idea what I would have done if that thing had touched me... D: *shivers*
Last summer I stepped on a bug on the porch, it wasn't a moth, but the problem was is that I was completely barefoot... and I did freak out until I had my foot cleaned off good. XD