Fear is an innate ability to detect and act on a situation that may be unsafe. Being scared of wild animals and acting accordingly is fine. Being scared of people however, is not. (Granted getting shot, or killed in a situation u have no control over is quite scary). No person should edit your behavior, whether it be actions or speech, because you are afraid of them. It should be every man's goal to get to a point of mental and physical confidence in which they fear no other man. Any one with pride and self respect would work towards this goal.
tbagz its fine if u say ur not scared of anyone, but chances are, you're probably wrong. You may not be scared of any 17 year olds where you're from, but you are entering the realm of MEN of different backgrounds and personalities. See where you fit in in person before you run off at the mouth. I'm sure you wouldnt like rookie to check you in person or someone like myself.
As for smash. It is COMMON mistake for people to over rate themselves when they do not have a better competitive figure to compare themselves to. I have this kid at Rutgers named Kashif, wow he blows. Like he thinks he is so good, but in a real tourny he would get WRECKED! I mean seriously, me yehs Keitaro, we just let the kid dream and we act like he is better just because his ego is so amusing.
I play TONS of characters in this game, and I always get to a point where I'm like daam im beastly with this char. But its not until I try the character out in tourny or vs other good playerssssssssssss, that I'm convinced I'm doing well.
Granted, Inui's elitist attitude is hard to impress when you are playing on any level under placing top 5. So don't bet your sanity or your reputation on proving him wrong. People will respect you if you aren't placing highly, just not everyone. I am NASTY at this game, and I don't place very high. But people know I'm a beast, I've proven that to MANY people. You have proven it to literally no 1.
You gain recognition as a good smasher at tournies not in the smashboards tab next to the meatspin tab on your labtop.
Also, don't ever,ever,ever, brag about your out of school life. If that was even a characteristic I looked for in naming someone cool, I wouldnt be friends with TONS of people that I am now. You're having fun with ur hs chicks thats wassup, but don't talk to grown men about things you aren't ready for. Blackwaltz always brings his gf to tournies. Dm has a girl he's been with for a long time. Inui and Atomsk have been together for who knows how long. Don't ever assume ur the only person gettin some wet wet, cuz u aint.
Check yaself ma dude, you still have time to save yourself and your rep in this community.