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The Wofl House (Video Thread)

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
against snake wolf isint good.

you wanna start this again ;)
only caz you main one of snake's worst match up
Lol and its still a 50-50 matchup. broken much?

Play a good one in tourney that know the wolf matchup. you'll change your opinion.
omniswell, tbh, i just believe u don't really use the right strategy vs snakes as a wolf. U lost to a bad snake from my region @ apex
I'll settle this myself. I'll play candy's snake with wolf next time I go to tourney. And he used to main wolf so he knows how to beat it.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2006
omniswell, tbh, i just believe u don't really use the right strategy vs snakes as a wolf. U lost to a bad snake from my region @ apex
Yeah i'm bad at the snake wolf matchup, I agree with you fully but i think your misunderstanding and my hate twords snake. When i say its a 100-0 matchup i REALLY MEAN 60-40 snake. I'm stating a good snake beats wolf, so if you fight panda ally razer or candy you really have to outplay them.

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I agree with Omni, at worst its 6:4. See Snake is a terribly broken annoying character. If he hits you with a nair offstage at 60% your dead. Yes he can't really camp you but tell me exactly what you expect to do vs all of his mindgames. His f-tilt, his kill power, his amazing weight. A good snake with good DI won't die til 150% or more. Snake can kill you around 110% with a fresh up-tilt. You don't understand how gay and good snake is, don't come up here without knowing what he can do. Snake is a terrible, terrible, co-co for coco puff, knucklehead.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
See Snake is a terribly broken annoying character.

Snake is a terrible, terrible, co-co for coco puff, knucklehead.

However, you can shine out of the nair (or SDI it like crazy, if you prefer), so that saves us a good bit of trouble. Mindgames can't really be taken into account for matchup discussions, since it depends on the player and not on the character... unless the mindgame you are referring to is more of a brickwall type thing, imo. Snake's punishing is better than ours :( and yeah, as I mentioned as well, he kills you far earlier than you kill him, and once you hit the right % all he has to do is patiently wait for an utilt... there's not way too much you can do to avoid that if you're down in %.


Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA

However, you can shine out of the nair (or SDI it like crazy, if you prefer), so that saves us a good bit of trouble. Mindgames can't really be taken into account for matchup discussions, since it depends on the player and not on the character... unless the mindgame you are referring to is more of a brickwall type thing, imo. Snake's punishing is better than ours :( and yeah, as I mentioned as well, he kills you far earlier than you kill him, and once you hit the right % all he has to do is patiently wait for an utilt... there's not way too much you can do to avoid that if you're down in %.

Snake mindgames are in account. He has random BS that works and if you get hit by that, a few f-tilts and grab your in kill range. I'am extremely biased when it comes to Snake and I think he is the best character and can't reach a point in his Meta-Game to where it can't progress.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
i just love omniswell's new avatar of vegeta. and his location makes it even better. omniswell rules

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Mini update. I found some more videos of Xzax' Wolf on Vex' Youtube channel.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Link please. I haven't actually checked this thread...I just stumbled upon the vids @ youtube after watching some other vids and I happened to see them.

Edit: Nvm, I already found them.



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Watching xzax's new vids. Definitely seeing some good stuff :) A few general comments/curious questions though (sorry, I can't help it ._.):

Your fair usage is very good, but it looks like you still need to work on autocanceling it. Are there any situations where you decide that it would be worth doing a lagged fair? Because you got away with most of them...
Dair usage, also very good :) It's nice to see people using this move.
SideB usage, very very good. You seem to have a great sense of where the move is taking you, I often saw you ending the animation right above the floor so you land as quickly as possible with little landing lag for a safe getaway (great stuff, really, makes sideB a lot safer). You also kept scarring tricks to a minimum, never getting predictable/punishable. Great stuff, really, it brought me such joy :p
Jab mixups, I see you go for these a lot. Sometimes I feel like you're overdoing it and risking too much, but you definitely have great mixups.
Crossup game, I don't recall many specifics but I do recall that it was strong :)
Ledgehopped uairs and lagged fairs, don't know if it was intentional or not to get rid of the BSL, but well done.
UpB stalling on the ledge... when you go straight up, even from that close to the ledge I'm not entirely sure if you can move enough to land on the stage if you get hugged, and the low priority makes it relatively easy for a stagespike... I've never tried it, but it seemed very unsafe. Looks like it did the job though, so idk, just something I found interesting.
Dashgrabs on the ledge, you do a good job of getting these off. Might I suggest learning to buffer sideB out of air breaks for some nice kills against some characters? It might be suicide, but it's practically a free stock past 90% for the characters it works on.
I didn't see a lot of FH bair game from you, it definitely has it's uses (although I don't know of any great use it has in this matchup, more for larger characters that will **** you OoS), so just wanted to throw it out there to remind you in case you don't really use it much. Similar thing goes for jumpshines.
Jabs, you put just enough space in between to make it combo, yet catch someone with the last hit if they spotdodge, nice.
I don't recall seeing you use momentum cancelling, I might be wrong, but anyways, nair (uair is 2nd) is the way to go, in case you didn't already know.

Overall, I really like your wolf. It's interesting to see the different things a great player that used to main a much different character adapts into their gameplay. Keep it up :)



Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
My Wolf... has problems, so cretique it please :D

Some matches from HOBO 18:

Wolf vs. Lucario

Wolf vs. Snake

Wolf vs. Diddy

Wolf vs. Lucario

Wolf vs. Lucario (same person as above)

I was going to have another video of my Wolf vs. jS's DK, where I tried changing my playstyle a bit and including more Dtilt and less Fsmash, but youtube was mean and wouldn't let me upload it.

Anyways, I don't like how my Wolf looks in these videos, at all. I need to change it somehow...

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
K krd i watched your first two vids. one thing you did a bunch was play like my old reckless style. be patient when planning to recover. side b'ing on stage isn't a good option most of the time because of landing lag. also you played snake wrong. though it was razer.lol. against snake you should be trying to camp more with lasers and space bairs. aaa and throw up. if snake gets in the air then proceed to ****. also you got a little overzealous with trying to kill. random dsmash's. try to mindgame or force someone to be pushed or forced into a kill move. one mindgame that works a lot for some reason is just air dodge behind someone and dsmash. lol. and yea to much fsmashing as you yourself stated......


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Actually, recovering high works a lot better me than recovering from low, once I get warmed up to having my flash cancel timing. Though maybe it's because I'm always playing against DK, and if you don't recover onto the stage against him then you get gimped :/

As far as how I did against Snake, yeah, I guess I kind of screwed that up :/

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I sd so much online that it is amazing. LOL. Every match I think I sd'd once. I usmash'd too much in these vids. Needs more grabs. Ohs wells. Xzax come to md/va ;) for some sexy dittos offline.
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