Why are people hurt that we haven't been running brawl? A lot of us have realized that brawl isn't a balanced game, and that's just the sad truth about it. You wanna be good? Then you can't necessarily look at the entire roster and play whoever you like. You could, but in most cases, you're setting yourself up for failure.
Then to be told to run a tournament for it when you're trying to learn a different game? Melee is far more comparable to P:M than brawl, and has the same sort of speed and hype to it that P:M generates. This can, in some ways, appeal to Melee players more and appeal to P:M players because it's more like the game they most often play. I realize brawl can, in some cases, do that. But that's it; it's all about the circumstance.
In some match-ups, you're FORCED to play a different character if you want to have any chance of winning. It's join or die. I'm not against running a brawl side event (in fact, that's what I had planned for my next house tournament), but I see no reason for people to believe P:M players should feel it's their "obligation" to host brawl side events for brawl players. That's ridiculous to say.
Lots of people are migrating to a game where the effort is constantly towards a point of balance, and I find that a good thing. Suddenly, it doesn't become about a game where you're forced to a pick a different character, or to go to a certain stage just to have a chance at winning. It puts people on a more level ground. A lot of people did switch over to P:M because they were bad at brawl, but I don't see how that's any different from people switching from their main to MK in a 2/3 so that they can more easily obtain a win. He's SS tier for a reason.
Roller's post about picking up a high tier in order to prove you actually have a desire to win and don't wish to set yourself up for a failure is a sad truth, and one that I refused to accept simply because I played the game for a specific character. I'd like to reference this as an idea:
Wanna play Ganondorf? Look how this puts it into perspective for your chances of victory.
Wanna play MK? Yeah, I thought so.
Wanna quit brawl? I don't blame you.
I won't hate on Brawl players. Heck, I still play the game for fun sometimes. No one is, in any way, obligated to run a tournament for it though. You want a brawl tournament around in West Michigan? Host it. I'll help with a side event in my own tournament, but I won't host a straight-up, main brawl tournament. I'm always also willing to help with any brawl tournaments going around here. Hosting a melee side-event could generate the same amount, if not more players than brawl could in its own right as well. To say Brawl would get you more, especially in West MI, seems rather bold to say. It could, but it's not a definite truth.