I'm just taking a guess here, but a lot of Brawl players... left Brawl when Project Melee become bigger in West Michigan due to the fact West MI had a larger Melee scene already, and would draw in those players in higher numbers. I have no problem with Brawl tournaments, but I'm curious as to how many West Michigan smashers even play Brawl competitively anymore. I'm not saying they don't exist - far from the truth - I'm just saying I can name only a few off the top of my head.
1. Legit
2. Lordy
3. L_Cancel
4. Red?
5. Jawsome?
6. Sarix?
7. Tbird?
8. Bflake?
9. Torvus?
And that pretty much clinches what I know of the West MI Brawl Scene. Question marks mean I don't know if they still play Brawl, but I assume they do. Project Melee, on the other hand...
Myself, Robjoe, Flan~, Red, A2, Artificial Flavor, Root, Punctuation Man, McK, ColdCut, Lordy, L_Cancel, MoneyMatchMike, Tbird, Sophy, CSock, Bflake, Storm/Smalls, ManaX, Torvus?
Granted I go to Project M tournaments more than Brawl tournaments, but that's a massive difference in players I know exist. If there are more, they are quiet, and they need to make themselves known so we can run tournaments to cater to what they want to play. But I'm seeing nearly 20 confirmed Project M players and only 9, at best, Brawl players, and that's assuming they all play Brawl still. Now, obviously, I could be missing people. And I'm obviously leaving out East MI because we're focusing on more local players.
Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong, but I just don't see enough interest for a Brawl tournament. And many of the Brawl players we do have are also Project M players, so running tournaments side by side would be very time consuming as many players would be running between tournament brackets.
Lordy brought in SE MI for his Monthlies a lot, and plenty of them would play Brawl, but we saw a very obvious trend toward Project Melee among West MI smashers, and currently we have not had many tournaments since Lordy had to stop his monthlies.
1. Lake Effect 1
2. Project M: Red Edition
3. Coldcut's House Tournament.
I think that about clinches it. The first one was a Melee/Project M tournament, which still had branching out, just not in Brawl's direction. The other two are house tournaments - the second one doesn't have a ton of useable space for tournaments(but it's hella chill), and the third one was confined to a basement. Good fun, but we were near capacity in the playspace and having a Brawl tournament as well likely would not have gone over well. They were smaller, local tournaments, not meant to bring in many from East MI. If Project M does host a major tournament, I'd be willing to bet we'd run a Brawl side event. However, the Gentlemen's Open is a Melee/Project M tournement run out of the K-Zoo area, which I've really not dealt with often! Small aside, I hope I can go to that. But work johns.
Of course, if I've got anything wrong, please feel free to correct me. I've only been paying mind to one Smash game recently and have not been following developments in the others. Consider this just casually observing.
Much higher known(to me) PM players than Brawl players (More than double) in West Michigan
No major tournaments in a location that can cater to both games and multiple regions(East MI, OH, IN, IL).
Feel free to correct!