Something needs to be done for Jigglypuff's rest. It's basically the opposite of Bayonetta's Witch Time. Bayonetta can throw out her Witch time and it becomes hard to punish. Time it too early and you get hit by Witch Time. Hit it just a little too early and your cool down frames become longer from Bat Within. (I think.) it has a somewhat long range too. Jigglypuff's rest has a super short range, is hard to kill with, is not guaranteed to not be punished even if you do killl, and so can often cost you your stock, while Bayonetta's Witch Time can often cost the opponent their stock. Oh. And fix Sing. That thing is stupidly hard to hit. Also, increase Jigglypuff's air speed or increase the range of it's aerial attacks. Even Little Mac doesn't suck as much as Jigglypuff when it comes to range, because of his super armor. Speaking of super armor, why not give Jigglypuff super armor on all it's aerials. (Jkjk plz no kill) TBH, I think Jigglypuff just needs a rework on the aerials and specials to be good.