For Rosalina and Luma, I think Luma should be even more strong than he/she is now (yet easier to remove to counterbalance it's new strength and give the low tiers a leg to stand on) but Rosalina herself should be weaker, I've always wanted RosaLuma to be the strongest and Rosalina to be the weakest, it just makes the most sense to me.
Here's today's suggestions
Here's their results:
Here's Megaman's poll:
You may vote for any of thesethingies pleasant individuals.

Here's today's suggestions
I like how we have the exact opposite approach to this lol.Today's suggestions said:
- nerf Luma, buff Rosalina
- Make Rosalina even weaker but Luma even stronker, along with making Luma a bit easier to remove.
Here's their results:
Here's Megaman's poll:
You may vote for any of these