"On the Defense of Pac-Man" by L1N3R1D3R
I've seen two posts above me dismissing

as low tier. It saddens me partly because I play the character, but mostly because you guys are still following the trend and not giving him the attention he deserves. Now I'm not saying that Pac-Man is definitely a high tier character by any means, but
he most certainly should not be low tier.
Ideally, a tier list should not be based solely on theory or solely on results, but a combination of the two, what I call
~In science and mathematics,
"theory" is the summation of observations made on experiments. In Smash, that means all the traps, setups, combos, etc. a character is capable of doing ideally.
~In contrast,
"theorem" is a theory that has been proven. In Smash, that would be done with high-level representation and results.
I'm sure you guys can agree that
Pac-Man has a pretty good theory. Sure, he has a terrible grab game and some moves are a bit too laggy, but he has plenty of strengths to mostly outweigh it. He has a great recovery that goes far, has a bit of super armor, and boasts great hitboxes. He has certain moves that have great frame data and so are very useful, with Pac Jump and N-air having very low startup as escape options, and Dash attack and F-air having very low end lag as combo options. And, most famously, his trap game is arguably one of the best in the game, with eight different projectiles in his Power Fruit that all have different properties and his Fire Hydrant which can either push you or the opponent or set up another obstacle for the opponent to try to avoid. His theory isn't
too solid, of course, but
it does have high potential, especially with the trapping game.
Now, for most people right now, that is where the positives of Pac-Man stop. Sure, he has pretty good theory, but that means very little until it's proven as "theorem" with results. And I will agree with the majority that he doesn't have good results at the moment. His only true mains ATM are Tea and Ginko in Japan, Sinji and Zage in the US, and Elexiao in France, with Abadango and Koolaid reserving him as a secondary or doubles character instead, and their placements are nothing extraordinary.
you can not dismiss the results he has gotten in the past, which are quite high. Abadango truly figured out Pac-Man back then, and he used this knowledge to place very highly in stacked tournaments, and that's no small feat. If anything, it should mean more now, considering that Pac-Man has been (albeit slightly)
buffed since then. Granted, there are more characters who have made larger rises both in theory and in results, which will inevitably move Pac-Man lower than the high tier position he held in the past, but the point still stands that
contrary to popular belief, his theory has been proven a lot. And it is this "theorem" he has which puts him above the characters we can unanimously agree are low tier, putting him at least out of bottom fifteen.
[A side note unrelated to his tier list position, but I thought was worth mentioning: Another argument people have against Pac-Man is that once you learn the matchup, he becomes very predictable and easy to beat. While I don't think that's true (because his trap game has so many different possibilities that
every Pac-Man player has a different play style), it's not a problem even if it is true. Again, his representation at the moment is pretty low, meaning that most people will not have faced a competent Pac-Man and learned the matchup. And even so, adapting to a specific Pac-Man is more on the player and less on the character.]
I hope you guys can now see that indeed,
Pac-Man has a good "theorem", more than enough to prove he should not be low tier. Stop ignoring the past, because those results still mean a lot, especially for a pre-buff version of the character.