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The Unhappy Thread


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
It's the day of Valentine's day and as I am going through my Facebook, I noticed the report of the death of a specific person from my university group. It turns out she alongside her parents died in a fire in her home around 3:30 AM. The younger sister was the only survivor but she's in a serious and stable condition.

I only knew that girl for only my previous semester in university through lectures of a mutual course, but she was kind and smart. I really don't feel happy right now knowing she died in a fire. I'm extremely sad not only for the loss of her and her family's life, but that she won't be able to reach the full potential of her major (Pharmaceutical Chemistry).

Currently, it's been told that the next kin of her family will be flying in Brampton from Pakistan to take care of the younger sister. It's just so saddening to learn the death of a dear friend of mine, even if I just met her in university first year.
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Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
It's the day of Valentine's day and as I am going through my Facebook, I noticed the report of the death of a specific person from my university group. It turns out she alongside her parents died in a fire in her home around 3:30 AM. The younger sister was the only survivor but she's in a serious and stable condition.

I only knew that girl for only my previous semester in university through lectures of a mutual course, but she was kind and smart. I really don't feel happy right now knowing she died in a fire. I'm extremely sad not only for the loss of her and her family's life, but that she won't be able to reach the full potential of her major (Pharmaceutical Chemistry).

Currently, it's been told that the next kin of her family will be flying in Canada from Pakistan to take care of the younger sister. It's just so saddening to learn the death of a dear friend of mine, even if I just met her in university first year.
I'm so sorry this had to happen to her. I hope the younger sister recovers from this well, and I mean both the fire and the mental trauma of losing your sister and parents so suddenly.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I'm so sorry this had to happen to her. I hope the younger sister recovers from this well, and I mean both the fire and the mental trauma of losing your sister and parents so suddenly.
I absolutely agree. She's suffered third degree burns and smoking inhalation from that fire in an article I'm reading now. ("Brampton house fire Feb 14 2017" if you're interested in researching this)

The thing is it literally came out of nowhere. Like, I just thought nothing was going to happen up until now. To learn the death of someone like just now has taken a toll on me I'll admit.

I'm thinking of going over to my friends tomorrow and ask them what they think. At least one of them has to know about this and I know one of them is dearly close with that person as well.

But man, I can't even think from the top of my head how horrifying this event would've been! I mean, if that was me, it would take me MONTHS to recover from a complete shut down. I've would've also been dead inside. But I suppose that's just how traumatizing that event is if even words can't describe the horrors that truly happened.


Dec 19, 2002
It's the day of Valentine's day and as I am going through my Facebook, I noticed the report of the death of a specific person from my university group. It turns out she alongside her parents died in a fire in her home around 3:30 AM. The younger sister was the only survivor but she's in a serious and stable condition.

I only knew that girl for only my previous semester in university through lectures of a mutual course, but she was kind and smart. I really don't feel happy right now knowing she died in a fire. I'm extremely sad not only for the loss of her and her family's life, but that she won't be able to reach the full potential of her major (Pharmaceutical Chemistry).

Currently, it's been told that the next kin of her family will be flying in Brampton from Pakistan to take care of the younger sister. It's just so saddening to learn the death of a dear friend of mine, even if I just met her in university first year.
My condolence to the family, especially the girl who survived but lost all that. It's sad.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Update post regarding the fire tragedy. So the university is planning on organizing a memorial service for my poor friend this Friday at 2:30 pm and I'm for sure will be attending. If there's one thing the students in my university pride themselves for, its for their ability to share their compassion and generosity together so no one's alone.

Pretty much a multi-faith service to honor her memory and how much of an impact her death affected us all. It is important to realize that no matter how hard life gets, no matter how painful this loss is, we are not alone. Just thought I update for those that wanted to keep up with the recent response from my university.
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Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
So, I have this friend. She is awesome. Definitely one of my best friends. I talk to her often, usually over email, and we get along really well. We like a lot of the same things, both love music, and etc. Once upon a time, I had a HUGE crush on said friend before we were friends, which was why we became friends in the first place; because I had the courage to talk to her in class on a regular basis. I brought up the topic of crushes to her (over email, which wasn't the best idea, but it was something) and told her I liked her back in the summer of 2014. She also liked me, but revealed in a later email that she didn't want a boyfriend due to her being constantly busy all the time. I understood, and proceeded to lose interest in romantic relations with her while looking around for other girls to talk to. It's been three years since, and we've remained very good friends. Why am I telling you this? Because I like her again. I don't know why, or where this came from, but I do. What I've been feeling isn't new; I've felt good around her for a while and just assumed it was part of becoming good friends. But recently I've realized that the real emotions I've been feeling are those of interest, not kindness. I've been trying to shove away any romantic feelings for her so I could just get along with her while keeping to her wishes of not worrying about a relationship.

I have a feeling I could have gotten over these feelings already if she didn't so obviously like me back. And that's where I'm getting conflicted. I want to be with her, but I need to respect the fact that she's trying not to make any more commitments. But at the same time, she smiles whenever she sees me, blushes hard when we talk, and somehow always makes time to hang out with me when I ask (not always, as she's canceled a few times due to schedule, but the important times she's ALWAYS been there). Every time I tell her something good that happens in my life, she always replies excitedly, with frequent uses of the phrases "I'm so hyped for you!", and "This is SO EXCITING!" And was also ecstatic when I agreed to do a duet with her. She's funny, smart, talented, relatable, and amiable; She's not the prettiest girl in the world, but not a single girl I've met since has had the type of personality like she has. She's one of those people that only exist once in a lifetime. It's frustrating how a girl like her exists so close to me, seemingly the perfect person, and yet I'm unable to even get a chance to be with her. I just don't know what to do. I understand her position and respect her wishes, which is why I can't do anything, but I want to do something badly. Yet at the same time I want to move on and find someone else, but there isn't really anyone else willing to give me a shot. I have options, yes, but when girls look everywhere else but in front of them when you talk to them, it makes it hard to find someone actually willing to go out with you. It sounds like I'm starting to like her again because of desperation, and before today I would have agreed with you and continued to swat away the feelings, but now I'm not so sure.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do... Nothing I guess. My hands are tied until she tells me herself that a relationship is possible, which is unlikely to happen. I think I'll just have to keep swatting the feelings away until I can find someone else and forget. I really have no other options. I can't wait for her, because as obvious as it seems, she may not even like me at all anymore. You never know. And if I do wait for her, I'm hamstringing myself by not meeting other girls. But if I go after other girls and she does still like me, she'll start to lose interest because she starts to think I don't like her anymore, ruining any chance I could possibly have with her. And I can't do nothing at all, because I really want to talk to more girls and work on my social skills. If anybody has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

I'm glad this wasn't too depressing. It's more of conflicting disappointment than crippling depression like some of my other unhappy posts. BTW, anyone else think a "Dating Advice/Help" Thread would be useful?
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 6, 2016
BTW, anyone else think a "Dating Advice/Help" Thread would be useful?
With how often dating and stuff is brought up in the unhappy and happy threads, yeah, it would be nice.

I actually have a similar experience with some girl I used to like. If they're busy, you can't do a lot to plan around that. But she might. You told her that you liked her 3 years ago right? Her schedule has probably changed since then, so maybe try to figure out what she's so busy with all the time now and see if she can set aside time just for the two of you.

But that's just what I think, don't let my advice dictate your life right now. It seems to be a pretty nuanced situation, so try to get more than one point of view on it.

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
With how often dating and stuff is brought up in the unhappy and happy threads, yeah, it would be nice.

I actually have a similar experience with some girl I used to like. If they're busy, you can't do a lot to plan around that. But she might. You told her that you liked her 3 years ago right? Her schedule has probably changed since then, so maybe try to figure out what she's so busy with all the time now and see if she can set aside time just for the two of you.

But that's just what I think, don't let my advice dictate your life right now. It seems to be a pretty nuanced situation, so try to get more than one point of view on it.
Maybe I'll make a thread myself and see how much it takes off.

I've been thinking about the whole schedule change thing myself, but I'm not sure if there's any more time now than three years ago. It almost seems like she has more to do nowadays, but then again I know very little about her schedule. I'll try to ask more about it. I know she has piano lessons, play practice, church choir practice, and needs to practice her instrument (very musically and artistically inclined if you couldn't tell). But I'm not sure when any of those are. And actually, we've already been planning to meet up during the summer and hang out to practice our duet, so that's something to be excited for.

Thanks for the advice! I'll probably ask some friends about it to get more points of view. Usually I'd talk to my parents about it, but I already did 3 years ago, and when I bring up my friend in the light of relationships, they immediately shoot it down with the phrase "I think you just need to get over her." It's unfortunate, but my best resource for advice refuses to hear about her in regards to the topic at hand, even though they aren't fazed when I bring up other girls. It's almost like they think I'm just being desperate; Although before a couple weeks ago I would have agreed wholeheartedly. Now, I'm not so sure.
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Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
This is not really something that makes me feel unhappy and I honestly don't care about it enough to go out of my way to do something about it, but I've always found it pretty annoying when other Dominicans tell me about how I NEED to know how to speak Spanish just because I'm Dominican. I even get told this from some people who are not even Dominican or speak Spanish. I can speak some Spanish and I can understand about 85% of what people are saying in Spanish as long as they don't speak really fast. I swear Dominicans are the ONLY ones who have to deal with this if they don't happen to be fluent in Spanish. I've never heard of anyone who isn't Dominican having to constantly be annoyed by other people from their ethnicity about not speaking their language in a country where it isn't the common language. I definitely wouldn't mind learning to speak Spanish fluently (I would learn Spanish over any other language), but I'm not ever going to learn it JUST to make other Dominicans feel that I'm a "real" Dominican.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
Sorry to double post, but this is unrelated to the one I posted above. For the past few years my family has been taking care of a lot of cats. It started with feeding and taming stray cats that liked to come to come to our backyard everyday and now the children and grandchildren of those cats just live here (we let them out of the house, but they stay inside most of the time). It is A LOT of cats and I love them all, but we have to get rid of most of them. We are planning on keep two of them and get them neutered so they can't have kittens and then we end up in the same place we are now. The two cats I want to keep are not the ones my dad wants to keep. He wants to keep the two youngest ones, but we all have a lot more of a connection with the two I want to keep. If we give the two youngest, then they are pretty likely to get adopted, but one of the cats I want to keep is almost an adult cat, and I know a lot of people prefer to adopt cats while they are still small. My dad pretty much has the final say in it, and he is way too stubborn to change his mind, so there isn't much I can do about this....I'm also pretty worried about the two oldest males, because I can't imagine a lot of people wanting to adopt a big, almost 3 year old cat that are pretty beat up from fighting each other a lot.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I kind of wish I could be more hedonistic but I have a personality and was raised to repress any desires of such. I'm not exactly happy for doing so, even if more hedonistic desires can lead to bad decisions and consequences in life.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2017
Somewhere in Sinnoh
Well, any under the circumstances, I would love my school. Is it the work of high school piling on me that leads me to dread it? No, I would be perfectly fine with the work.

It's the PEOPLE at my high school. You see, I moved to this town back in sixth grade due to being severely bullied at my old school. It got so bad at my old school I had to go into First Step, which is a psychiatric thing.

Except now the same thing has been happening in this school. Around ninth grade more people on picking on me, I had a girl who intimidated me and bullied me. Once she threw a peppermint at me, and I told the teacher and she and her followers all called me a snitch.

Though that problem has been taken care of, and sophomore year passed uneventfully for the most part.

Then comes junior year. I go into it thinking everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows. I chose to go into Music Technology thinking I might go ahead and try to learn something new. Boy, was that a mistake. No later than a month did literally everyone in Music Technology begin picking on me and bullying me, completely ruining the class for me. And it's spread to other classes too. Some boys in my language arts class are constantly trying to goad me, there's a girl in Chemistry who is currently acting like a female dog towards me for no discernible reason, there's another one acting the same way in Housing and Design/Personal Finance, and there's always that kid who finds me between classes and begins picking on me. I'm legitimately considering dropping out of school at this point because I doubt the teachers and staff will give a flying rat's rear about what's going on, the ones at my old school definitely didn't, because who cares about the autistic girl being heavily bullied when you got some kids who brought out their phones in class? But at the same time my mom will hate me for dropping out, but I'm being slowly drained of my sanity and becoming more depressed from all of this, which my already existing clinical depression (or schizoaffective disorder with depressive symptoms, my psychiatrist can't decide if it's that or both schizophrenia and depression) is not helping at all.

Space Stranger

space cowboy
Aug 31, 2014
Toy Hell
Are your parents aware of the issues at your current high school? Getting them involved will allow them to take the necessary steps to ensure your educational experience turns positive as you near your senior year and to hold the authority figures at your school accountable.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Well, any under the circumstances, I would love my school. Is it the work of high school piling on me that leads me to dread it? No, I would be perfectly fine with the work.

It's the PEOPLE at my high school. You see, I moved to this town back in sixth grade due to being severely bullied at my old school. It got so bad at my old school I had to go into First Step, which is a psychiatric thing.

Except now the same thing has been happening in this school. Around ninth grade more people on picking on me, I had a girl who intimidated me and bullied me. Once she threw a peppermint at me, and I told the teacher and she and her followers all called me a snitch.

Though that problem has been taken care of, and sophomore year passed uneventfully for the most part.

Then comes junior year. I go into it thinking everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows. I chose to go into Music Technology thinking I might go ahead and try to learn something new. Boy, was that a mistake. No later than a month did literally everyone in Music Technology begin picking on me and bullying me, completely ruining the class for me. And it's spread to other classes too. Some boys in my language arts class are constantly trying to goad me, there's a girl in Chemistry who is currently acting like a female dog towards me for no discernible reason, there's another one acting the same way in Housing and Design/Personal Finance, and there's always that kid who finds me between classes and begins picking on me. I'm legitimately considering dropping out of school at this point because I doubt the teachers and staff will give a flying rat's rear about what's going on, the ones at my old school definitely didn't, because who cares about the autistic girl being heavily bullied when you got some kids who brought out their phones in class? But at the same time my mom will hate me for dropping out, but I'm being slowly drained of my sanity and becoming more depressed from all of this, which my already existing clinical depression (or schizoaffective disorder with depressive symptoms, my psychiatrist can't decide if it's that or both schizophrenia and depression) is not helping at all.
Please know you are not alone when it comes to this problem.

I have a background of getting severely bullied while I was in school as well. Most of the stuff you've experienced I have experienced, and more. It was so bad I simply couldn't try at anything. My school work suffered because I simply didn't care and didn't see the point. Hell, I barely even bothered to take care of personal hygiene because I thought "Why bother? No matter what I do they'll still treat me like garbage". People in my school was simply rotten to me even if they had no real reason to be.

I wouldn't even have to know them, nor be in the same grade or classes. Heck, if I even attempted to make a friend with someone new, they would eventually turn them against me. Even when telling the teachers about something all of them would claim I was a liar and the teacher wouldn't believe me, because "Majority rules, the whole class can't be lying!". It was just a horrid experience.

The truth is people in schools are just down right ***holes.

Sometimes they don't have to have a reason. Sometimes it can be just the tiniest thing you did. It catches on because everyone wants to fit in, and what better way to fit in than join in on targeting the schools newest punching bag!? Be friends with you...? Oh no they can't do that because they'll end up getting targeted too! It's better to be with a crowd than against them even if it's wrong!

Even worse, the school system doesn't really do much about the problem. Even if they punish them with detentions, a scolding, or getting their parents involved, the kids will still end up doing it. Some punishments simply don't phase them sometimes and it only encourages them to become worse to the person they're bullying because they want payback. It's things like this that makes the bullied person feel trapped. Nothing seems like its working and it feels like you have NO ONE there to help you either.

Bullying is just hard to control; however I wonder how different it would be if it was treated like adult harassment.

In any case...

Despite how bad it may seem, never give up. Don't drop out because of the idiots you have to put up with. There's no point in ruining your future for them. I know it's hard to deal with, especially when you have to deal with it five days a week. I know it's gonna cause stress, depression, and a lot of other problems; however you will be alright. Things get better once you no longer have to put up with it. Flip everyone off at graduation if you want, because they're no longer going to be your problem afterwards.

Don't let them break you. No matter how bad it gets NEVER allow them to break you.

You aren't alone. I'd be more than willing to talk with you through SmashBoards Message system if you ever need to talk or vent or whatever. Bullying is definitely toxic and causes a lot of problems, and can even leave psychological scars on the victims too.

Just remember... They're just idiots. All of them. Idiots.

... Did I mention they were idiots?


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Undertaker, possibly the greatest wrestler of all time retired in a lacklustre match vs a trash opponent. My childhood has been **** on.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
My week was going great until my dad suddenly told me that we are getting rid of our two cats next week Tuesday. I was in a good mood and really excited for tomorrow to go on spring break and new music I've been waiting for to come out, and now that is all gone. Just about 3-4 weeks ago I thought I convinced my Dad to keep them and now he just changes his mind.

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
My friend has been really out of it all week, and I'm really worried. She has just been... exhausted. Between going out with her new boyfriend (which I'm heartbroken about because she was my biggest crush) and a band trip to New Orleans over spring break, I really hate to see her like this because she's always so happy and cheerful, even when deep down she's tired from her commitments. I'm going to try and hang around her as much as I can after the end of the last class of the day tomorrow and try and comfort her. I mean, there's only so much I can say because of her boyfriend, and I don't think she'll want a hug or anything, but I'm going to try my best as a good friend. I know she doesn't like me as anything more than a really good friend, but I have to do SOMETHING. It broke my heart she didn't feel the same way I did, but it breaks it even more to see her as a shell of herself. I know she'll be alright, but I'll be worrying about her all weekend. I'm going to try and get her to email me if she has access to wi-fi (email has been our form of out-of-school communication) so I can make sure. Maybe I'll finally get her phone number so we can talk. I'm kind of stepping over my boundaries as a friend, and I know these things won't chance her feelings about me, but I just HAVE to or else I'll have trouble sleeping at night.

*Sigh* it's stupid. I'm trying to get over my feelings and yet I'm all concerned and worried. I shouldn't like her like I do anymore because I got the closure I needed. But here it is, plain as day. She's never going to like me like I do her, so I don't know why I'm still so attached to my feelings. I thought I got over all of this...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 6, 2016
User was warned for this post
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Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2016
Content redacted yet again, since no one around here gives the slightest **** about what I have to say. Obviously none of you are worth my precious time, anyway. Off I go to the 64 Facebook page.
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Smashboard's 1st Sole Survivor
Oct 9, 2007
It is so unbearably hard to stomach when I go to a club with my brother...and women literally throw themselves at him. Oh yeah, that's a hyperbole? No no no, as me and my brother sit in the smoke pit there (I don't smoke I just go with him), A women walks up to him and says "You're really hot". I sit there feeling small as ever.

Walk back in, a women starts hitting on him cause she saw his tattoos. Go onto a dance floor to get through the crowd, a women basically throws herself onto him and starts dancing him up. Meanwhile no girl is acknowledging my presence.

End the night with me briefly talking to a girl before closing...exchanged numbers since we had to part ways.

Hahaha. Nope. She gave me a fake number as I texted her. No reply.

And a girl my brother knows sees him and shares a cab back to his place since they are in the same neighbourhood.

If my brother wasn't dating, he could have had at least 5 women that night...just by standing there. He initiated none of these. I had to initiate hard just to get one fake number.

I feel so godamn hideous compared to him, and I do look after my health and body (workout 5 days a week).

Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!

Anyways first day of nursing semester 5 tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be back here to report on that.

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
It is so unbearably hard to stomach when I go to a club with my brother...and women literally throw themselves at him. Oh yeah, that's a hyperbole? No no no, as me and my brother sit in the smoke pit there (I don't smoke I just go with him), A women walks up to him and says "You're really hot". I sit there feeling small as ever.

Walk back in, a women starts hitting on him cause she saw his tattoos. Go onto a dance floor to get through the crowd, a women basically throws herself onto him and starts dancing him up. Meanwhile no girl is acknowledging my presence.

End the night with me briefly talking to a girl before closing...exchanged numbers since we had to part ways.

Hahaha. Nope. She gave me a fake number as I texted her. No reply.

And a girl my brother knows sees him and shares a cab back to his place since they are in the same neighbourhood.

If my brother wasn't dating, he could have had at least 5 women that night...just by standing there. He initiated none of these. I had to initiate hard just to get one fake number.

I feel so godamn hideous compared to him, and I do look after my health and body (workout 5 days a week).

Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!

Anyways first day of nursing semester 5 tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be back here to report on that.
Man do I know that feeling. It feels like all of my friends have had at least ONE girl with a crush on them, while I'm stuck with ZERO. They get successful dates, girlfriends; and if it doesn't work out, they have 2 or three more behind them. Even the ones who say "I never want to get married" or "girls don't interest me" have at least ONE. Yet I don't think a SINGLE girl has ever had a genuine crush on me ever. I mean, I'm likable because I have a lot of girls as friends, but none of them have ever, or will ever think of me as more than a friend. It also doesn't help that every single girl I try to talk to ends up rejecting me in the same fashion.

It all sucks; It really, really does. However, while I'm complaining about how fickle and oblivious girls can be sometimes, there's someone out there for everybody. It may seem like the silliest thing in the world to hold on to and hope for, but it's absolutely true. I mean, there are people who are happily married where you look at the couple and say to yourself: "Why the HECK did she get with HIM/HER?" All this is is a matter of patience, perseverance, and positivity. A key step in dating and life in general is learning to see the positive side of every situation. And I mean EVERY situation. The more positive you are: the happier you are, the more likely people are to notice you, and the happier that future partner will be with you. For the longest time I felt like nobody had any idea I existed until I started smiling more around school and really showing my personality. Now, people are starting to look. It's not much, and perhaps it doesn't mean much, but it's a start. And if you're anything like me, don't expect girls to come up to you. It sucks, yes, but they just won't ever do it. That's up to you (and that's by far my greatest weakness; I hate going up to someone I never talk to to ask them out. It kills me, so I've never done it).

If you take anything from me telling you all this, let it be this: Stay positive. Everything else comes naturally. Trust me. It's not easy to start if you're used to sulking and ranting about how much you think your life sucks, but it's going to be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. Good luck, man.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Apparently the thing these days is doing random hookups with people and not really dating

And while that's not really something I want to do, I kind of feel what I want in life is archaic and maybe what I want is wrong and I should just do what everyone else is doing. Maybe I'm just missing out. I dunno.


A+B smash tech is my baby <3
Mar 23, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
So this is the story of something that happened to me quite some time ago, so I'm not really affected by it anymore, just wanted to share and see some other people's thoughts about a situation like this as I never bothered to talk about it at the time and at this point am rather curious about what others would've done or if my actions/reactions were justified in this scenario.

First, some exposition; It is my junior year of high school, and I had just become especially close with a girl who I had known since freshman year who was in the school marching band with me. Predictably, I catch feelings for this girl. However, much to my frustration, I would soon see just how much I was not alone in this regard, as practically a third of the school was gunning for her as well. Despite this, she would go on to senior year single, with myself appearing to be the best candidate out of that army of suitors (Most of our peers and classmates supported us dating, if not outright believed we already were).

Enter the latter half of senior year; My relationship with her is as strong as ever, and now the schools annual Tolo dance is fast approaching (For who don't know, Tolo is a school dance akin to Prom or Homecoming, but with a few notable differences, such as girls asking guys instead of the usual vice versa, and couples wearing identical, matching outfits rather than formal wear). She meets a new student who had recently moved into town, and unsurprisingly, he attempts to hit it off with her. I was unaware of her involvement with this new guy until 1 week before the dance, when one of my friends informed me that she was unsure of who to ask to Tolo, myself or this new student (who btw was generally regarded as highly attractive by most of the girls in the one class I happened to share with him). Now, I analyzed this situation countless times, and came to conclude that 3 outcomes were possible:

Outcome 1; She goes to the dance with the new student and all my hopes are dashed. This, I felt, was the most likely outcome, as she had recently begun to spend most of her time with him and not me, and the fact that she was even questioning the choice between someone she had just met or someone she had known for far longer and got along extremely well with, needless to say, rose some alarms in my mind.
Outcome 2; She opts to take me to the dance and I emerge victorious from this little love triangle. As stated above, her recent behavior makes this outcome less likely, but still possible. I deigned to not hold my breath, though, and had accepted that outcome 1 was almost a certainty.
Outcome 3; She chooses me for the dance, but maintains a romantic relationship in secret with the other guy. This was a fleeting thought, and I practically dismissed it altogether, as in the years I had known her, I did not think she would have it in her to do something so deceitful, especially to me. But little did I know.........

Indeed, the nearly inconceivable Outcome 3 comes to pass. She asks me to Tolo 2 days before the dance, and I couldn't have been more excited. The day before the dance, another one of my friends came to me bearing dark news; she had witnessed my newly acquired tolo date making out with the very same new guy she hung out with. I immediately dismissed the claim, believing my friend had merely seen a lookalike; after all, what did I have to worry about? She chose me, that was that, I believed.

The dance passes.

The following Monday, I see her coming by my cafeteria table at lunchtime to sit down, same as usual. However, rather than sitting, she tells me, "I need to go catch up on some chemistry work, so I cant hang out today" (Or something along those lines, I cant perfectly recall the wording at this point) but I had to only look to my right, over at the cafeteria entrance, to see the lie for what it was; for HE was standing there, waiting for her to return to him so they could run off and do whatever it is they do when they are alone. To further confirm that this was the case, I stopped by the chemistry classroom almost immediately after they left to see if she actually was doing work like she said. She was not. I later spotted them together roaming the halls hand-in-hand, and that was the last nail in the coffin. I felt immensely betrayed.

After hours of thought over it throughout that afternoon, I came to a singular conclusion; that any feelings I had towards her, romantic or otherwise, have been rendered worthless, and I said to myself "I can't let her do this to me and have her get away with it! She needs to pay for this, somehow!" Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do in this situation in terms of vengeance, but I knew the one thing I could do, if nothing else, was to take away our friendship for good. So that's what did in the end. I unfriended her on Facebook (mostly to send a message) and essentially shunned her for the remainder of senior year. My old feelings for her persisted, but I remained strong and denied them to the end.

Now, a few years have passed and I have begun a career in the USCG, and this is all behind me, though the memories are still fresh on my mind. And so ends my story :p

(Holy crap, this may just be the single longest post I've written on Smashboards lol)
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Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2016
Guess it's time for me to have a stab at this.

I've hated my life for years. It feels like no matter what I do or how hard I work for something, it never happens. I have no friends, my family is distant with me, and of course I've never had a girlfriend - matter of fact I've never had a girl as a friend. I don't exist to anybody but myself and it's destroyed my life; my autism definitely does not help with this. I suppose I scared myself into this silent corner because when I tried to be social as a kid I knew I always came off as creepy. I haven't been a good student either, usually it is on and off with good grades and bad grades, and when I fail at school too it digs my hole further. I'm finally learning to work on this, but it doesn't make me feel much better.

I have thought that suicide is inevitable for me. All I want to do is get past high school and go to college to become a programmer/artist, but apparently that is too much to ask. I had mentally prepared a goodbye letter in my head for the most part as well.

But I don't want to do that. I've always played video games, and use them as an escape from this life. Sometimes playing them makes me depressed now. I know they are just fictional characters, but I'm... jealous of them? Like how my life can't be that interesting. Smash is a frequent passtime for me and I have fun, but now I'm not what I used to be.

You see, I used to be 'in competitive Smash' as in, competed in tournies and even went to a major albeit under a different tag. (My current tag is AGES.) I was even a part of a team. But while everyone else improved as time went on, I kind of walled at a certain point. At that point I did nothing but lose, placing embarrassingly and got no where near the latter rounds of pools at the major. I felt like a disgrace to the community; I felt like I didn't deserve to be with other members of the league anymore. I slowly stopped showing up at weeklies and near the end of last year I finally signed off that team. I changed my tag to clean the slate. I decided I would settle for more casual play with Smash. It really hurt to not even be good at a game you love and you play so often for so many hours.

My social life is just the same. I've accepted the fact that no girl will ever like me, understandably so, and after I get my life together and have a stable job with good money I will try to adopt a kid as a single parent. But I know this fact will eat at me for a long while.

I do have a dream to make games of my own. And I know that is my one purpose in life. So no matter how hard things get, I will fight like a ************ to make sure I can fulfill that purpose. These past years have been the kick in the ass I needed to be a better person and a contribution to society for once. If I can do that, I will be happy.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2016
Rutgers, NJ
I quit smash until it gets fixed or someone convinces me otherwise
here's my june tier list, see you in arms

S :4cloud::4bayonetta::4diddy::4sheik:
A :4fox::rosalina::4sonic::4mario::4mewtwo::4zss::4ryu::4marth::4lucina:
B :4metaknight::4pikachu::4corrin::4megaman::4luigi:
C :4lucario::4dk::4greninja::4lucas::4ness::4falcon::4olimar::4tlink:
you can forget the rest even existed

(I have no other game to go to so I guess I'm stuck here. But the opinion above *stays* for now)
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Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Here's a story which left me unhappy. It was back in 2013 right before autumn I wanted to go to a festival that was all about Japan. Since we couldn't go in mother's old car, we took the train and a bus to the convention center. But due to my mother's deteriorating sense of direction, we got off at a mall, nowhere near the convention center the festival was being held in. We couldn't get to the festival in time, so we took the bus back to the train station. Boy, was I distraught. There was a bright side though: that mall had a place in the food court where they sold Japanese food, which cheered me up a bit. I said to myself afterwards, "There's always next year."

And that's my sad story. Do have a blueberry muffin for reading.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Aww. That sounds pretty cute, to be honest. Atleast it wasn't totally for nothing.

I don't usually use this place anymore, but I do need to vent a bit.
There's something wrong with me. I've been sick a week straight, with no option to miss out on college to boot. I have 4 tests and one presentation this week, and that's way too tiresome...
Also, I've been working on the new hitbox visualization thread for Marth and Lucina (little link) but I'll be flat honest: This was so hard to make, so tiresome and I feel like my health has deteriorated so much more because of it that I almost feel like it wasn't worth it.
Even with help from the Marcina labbing discord, this took 3 hours to shoot all the pictures, 3 hours to retrieve all the pictures, another hour to record all the WebMs, some two hours of having to fiddle with buggy ass gfycat to upload all the WebMs and another hour or so to even write it. Writing it is not even the problem, to be honest: It's the fact that it's 4 in the bloody morning and how it's the only free time I'll have this week to even post it.
We still have 3 weeks aside from this one in June, yet they decide to give us tests almost all this week?...
Why the hell have I been feeling sick for so long, anyway?... Last year I spent most weeks sick, but I knew damn well why. This year is no different except I'm still trying to find an explanation...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Well, guess this is a place for open venting? Appriciate the openness some of you guys expressed. I do have some issues in my life, but never really got to let them get me down too much. As my life has been in extreme ups and downs, I've learned to take each moment as is.

This moment right now is all we have, so don't worry too much about the past and future, if you have your goals and determination and discipline set, nothing should worry you. Tackle obstacles as yet come, and try to be as adaptable as you can, as things won't always work as you want, but things will work out as they should in the end. The challenge is to keep standing, and believe in whatever pushed you into pursuing what you want out of life.

Be you, be willing to grow and let go of old beliefs as you grow. Don't let people's opinions let you down, learn to take criticism and let it be a challenge to do better. As long as you are doing better than your past self, in whatever area in life you're focussing on at the moment, that alone is a blessing and an ultimate motivator.

As for things am unhappy about... Quit drinking for a week now. Plan is to not drink a drop till am 30 (will turn 27 on July 28th). Yet, had a long weekend, today (monday for me) was off, and tomorrow wage slavery starts again. So I'd really like a beer right now. Grown quite accustomed to my spliff and beer combination, but I'll be a better person without the booze. Motivation for my 3 years break is that I quit drinking 3 years earlier, and have been drinking about 3 years again now... So I take no drinking till 30 as the ultimate challenge, to keep the magic number 3 thing going.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
Aww. That sounds pretty cute, to be honest. Atleast it wasn't totally for nothing.

I don't usually use this place anymore, but I do need to vent a bit.
There's something wrong with me. I've been sick a week straight, with no option to miss out on college to boot. I have 4 tests and one presentation this week, and that's way too tiresome...
Also, I've been working on the new hitbox visualization thread for Marth and Lucina (little link) but I'll be flat honest: This was so hard to make, so tiresome and I feel like my health has deteriorated so much more because of it that I almost feel like it wasn't worth it.
Even with help from the Marcina labbing discord, this took 3 hours to shoot all the pictures, 3 hours to retrieve all the pictures, another hour to record all the WebMs, some two hours of having to fiddle with buggy *** gfycat to upload all the WebMs and another hour or so to even write it. Writing it is not even the problem, to be honest: It's the fact that it's 4 in the bloody morning and how it's the only free time I'll have this week to even post it.
We still have 3 weeks aside from this one in June, yet they decide to give us tests almost all this week?...
Why the hell have I been feeling sick for so long, anyway?... Last year I spent most weeks sick, but I knew damn well why. This year is no different except I'm still trying to find an explanation...
It sounds like you are really stressed. They say that stress can actually make a person feel physically sick, so try to take a break as soon as you can. Are you getting enough sleep? Because I would imagine a lot of stress + a lack of sleep would make things even worse. Just try to relax about the tests a bit. I assume after this week you won't have so much work to get done, so at least you are close getting it all over with.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Stress sounds like the only explanation tbh. It's why I was sick all the time, last year. I was never not stressed.
This year has been far less stressful than last one, though. Yet I still seem to get sick just as often. I wonder if there might be something wrong inside me.
Next week I still have 2 tests, and the week after 2 as well, but it's far less if a big deal.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
Stress sounds like the only explanation tbh. It's why I was sick all the time, last year. I was never not stressed.
This year has been far less stressful than last one, though. Yet I still seem to get sick just as often. I wonder if there might be something wrong inside me.
Next week I still have 2 tests, and the week after 2 as well, but it's far less if a big deal.
I saw that you posted a new thread about hitbox visuals for Marth and Lucina. Try to see if you can get a mod to take care of any mistakes for you, at least until the end of the week. If I were you I would just spend all of my free time doing things that relax me. Sometimes we just end up stressing ourselves out, so don't push yourself too hard.
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Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
I was reading a pretty old thread here about how somebody preordered a Smash bundle from Best Buy but couldn't pick it up from the store. That is what discouraged me right away, so I cancelled the pre-order for a :4bayonetta2: amiibo I'd planned on getting for my 27th birthday next month. I shan't take the chance of going over to my friendly neighborhood Best Buy to pick one up only for them not to have it. So I said, "Eh, **** it and order again another day. These action figures ain't going anywhere." To sum it up, after reading that thread, I fear that the same **** may happen to me so I cancelled the pre-order and decided to forget about these collectibles for a while.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I was reading a pretty old thread here about how somebody preordered a Smash bundle from Best Buy but couldn't pick it up from the store. That is what discouraged me right away, so I cancelled the pre-order for a :4bayonetta2: amiibo I'd planned on getting for my 27th birthday next month. I shan't take the chance of going over to my friendly neighborhood Best Buy to pick one up only for them not to have it. So I said, "Eh, **** it and order again another day. These action figures ain't going anywhere." To sum it up, after reading that thread, I fear that the same **** may happen to me so I cancelled the pre-order and decided to forget about these collectibles for a while.
Well there's always the Shipping option, although you have to pay a little extra for it.

It also depends on what type of collector you are I suppose. Shipping may not be the best for In-Box collectors as the boxes can end up damaged through the process. Personally though, any Amiibo I have ever Pre-Ordered/Ordered in general has never caused me any problems. It's rare for me to get a slightly damaged box (OOB collector anyways minus a few who are special to me) and I've always gotten them without an issue. Heck, I even gotten Lucina & Pit 2 days early when their Re-Stock/Re-Release occurred.

Either way, I haven't had a single issue with ordering Amiibo.

Don't sweat it so much, and it's better to have them Pre-Ordered now instead of wait later on. If you wait you may end up facing more regret and worry down the road because you passed up the chance to get it when you had it. Don't pass up the chance.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Do I have another upsetting story for y'all. I got a tablet two Christmases ago, and y'all know what happens yesterday? The thing froze up unexpectedly while I was watching tournament match vids on Smashvods with my girl :peachmelee: kicking some ass in Melee competitive play. I shut off and reset but it's stuck on the tablet's startup screen. *sigh* I'm no expert at this, but I think my tablet's beyond recovery. Then again, I wasn't used to using it anyway so I ain't gon' cry over this.

Oh, and reconsidered on the :4bayonetta2: amiibo last night and per-ordered it to have it delivered at my door, so it looks like my 27th birthday will be a decent one.
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Smashboard's 1st Sole Survivor
Oct 9, 2007
Hey everyone, glad to see everyone isn't posting here...lol! So it must mean we are getting better moods, right?

Anyways, I've been doing better too because I've been doing well in psych nursing school.

Only reason why I'm back here is because I had a pretty bad depressive relapse again yesterday night while out with my brother at a club. Once again, he just stood there and 2 women walked up to him, vigorously flirting with him while not even acknowledging my existence. He did say he had a gf which he does, to their great ****ing dismay painted on their face before ignoring me again and waltzing off.

Makes me feel really ugly in comparison tbh. I thought of myself as an ok looking guy at least. Sigh. My brother is s good guy though, I'm just not gonna go to a club with him for a while again cause I can't handle it. I shut down when I get depressed enough which is what happened, I went silent after the 3rd women approached him. Again, he STANDS there and they come flocking . Yeah I know, he's the Brad Pitt of everyone I know .I need um...uglier friends lol.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Most of my life I have aspired to see the rest of the world. Well back in when I was in my sophomore year, my mom and her boyfriend took a trip to New Orleans for the weekend and I wasn't invited. My aunt had a business trip in New York City another time and I wasn't invited. But last year I got to go to Savannah for a dinner cruise, so that was something. Mother is retiring soon, so I hope we can take more road trips.

Edit: Yesterday, purchased a tablet from a Fourth of July sale and it craps out on me. It was brand new, and I ain't had it for even 24 hours. Suffice it to say, I am ****ing through with owning a computer. I really don't surf around the Internet that much anyway. Only to talk with y'all sugar pies on these forums every once in a while or buy the occasional Yu-Gi-Oh card. Good Lord, it is like every time I stop by here, another anecdote of misfortune befalls me...
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Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2015
Northern Ireland
It's been a while since I have even logged onto this website, I've just found myself drawn back here to type up my rambling to random people on the internet for some reason... anywho here goes.

For the past year or so I've had this crush on a girl who I work with. Her name is Sarah, I'll not bore you with the details but she is an Architecture student and she worked with me while she was in her placement year in my firm. We became good friends, we seen each other regularly outside of work to an extent where we were hanging out 2 or 3 times a week. She's a very clever girl and got offered a two year scholarship in Munich Germany around 2 years ago. Which at the time, I was selfishly upset that I wouldn't be seeing my friend for a while but non the less happy for her and persuaded her to go, which she did.

Fast forward a year later when I realize, "oh poo, I really really like this girl now". We had been keeping in contact while she had been out there, face timing most weekends and sending each other regular messages. Again, fast forward another 6 months until today, (my birthday yaaaay) where I am preparing to fly out to see her next week. I build up the courage to tell her how I feel. I was totally honest and told her how I missed her, how I really like her. I am not at all a confident person, so much so that this is only the second girl ever who I have said this to. I only 'go for it' if I think in my head and in my heart that this is the right thing to do and if I think she feels the same way.

I'd love to be posting this in the Happy Thread right now but unfortunately I am here... She let me down gently and at the same time she was brutally honest. She told me that she had no idea I felt that way and that she has no romantic feelings towards me. She even told me that she began dating a guy a few months a go and that she really likes him.

Fast forward to now, a few hours later and I still feel sick... It's my birthday and at the grand old age of 26, I cannot stop crying... I feel absolutely and totally crushed, even know she done nothing wrong. She still wants me to visit her next week, I've already paid for all my flights and booked the time off work, but its not about the money or the time. I know for a fact that the moment I see her lovely face in person at the airport, I know I'm going to just start crying. I don't think I have the will power to do this anymore.

I don't really know what else I want to say so I shall leave it there... worse case scenario, I fly out, don't see her and have a holiday to myself for a week to clear my head.

Thanks! I needed to get that off my chest!

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Hmm...that reminds me of a time when I was in elementary school in fifth grade. I had feelings for a girl myself, but then she reveals she had a boyfriend. I'll tell you what, that made me distraught for the weekend ahead. I got over it the following week when we got out of school for summer break. Just decided to stay friends. But then come sixth grade, me and my family moved to another county, and I haven't seen her since. That was then I done forgot all about girls over the years. Now here I am, about to be 27 in three weeks time, enjoying my single life.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2015
Northern Ireland
Hmm...that reminds me of a time when I was in elementary school in fifth grade. I had feelings for a girl myself, but then she reveals she had a boyfriend. I'll tell you what, that made me distraught for the weekend ahead. I got over it the following week when we got out of school for summer break. Just decided to stay friends. But then come sixth grade, me and my family moved to another county, and I haven't seen her since. That was then I done forgot all about girls over the years. Now here I am, about to be 27 in three weeks time, enjoying my single life.
That's great that you didn't let it get for you for too long! How did you get over it? Just by keeping yourself busy? I'm really dreading flying out to see her next Thursday, I know for a fact I'm going to have some sort of break down when/if I see her and her boyfriend together... I don't suppose Munich has a Project M scene that I can escape to for a couple of nights? lol
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