Hey guys. Got a decent list of issues I'd like to share.
1: I hate my job. I absolutely dread it. Especially in the summer. The previous two summers there have been full-time work and I was really looking forward to avoiding another. Disability was my make-or-break on being able to take fewer hours and go back to school, but I was denied. I know a few others with the same condition who have all succeeded in getting disability and I'm the only failure story I know. Life was already hard enough with it, I had to deal with enough over the years, and now I can't even catch a break after all that.
Yesterday was absolutely horrible, this was when I really contemplated quitting and weighed my other options on breaks where I was hesitant to walk back in. I walked into a 55-top first thing in the morning that I had to take care of myself, the day was nonstop slammed and I constantly had to go through triple bus tubs. The new night dishwasher who was supposed to show never did, so I had to stay quite a while. I have a feeling summer absolutely will get worse, it's been busier than our last one which was already unbearably hard, everyone in town is getting the shaft on employment and being understaffed, and I'm not sure what to do or where to go. This is my first job, so I'm afraid to take the leap of possibly quitting and disappointing my family and coworkers, but I'm starting to not care about that and thinking more about alternatives.
There is a resort I live near that I could work for, two more dollars per hour plus tips, and more break opportunities along with one of my best friends working there, but my buddy's been working 6 days per week lately with 10-12 hour days due to how understaffed it is, and I don't think I can handle that. I finally talked him into saying no more on at least 6 days a week. I'm afraid to apply to gas stations, stores, etc. because it might be worse. I don't want to apply to food ever again, either. My current job is hell and I don't want to take the leap because knowing my luck things will get worse. I don't know what to do or what's generally considered easy or at least easier. I just want a much less stressful job that doesn't make me think of driving off a cliff (which I could never bring myself to do, I don't want to die that bad and potentially living with a totaled car, hospital bills, and permanent injuries would suck) and ending it all on my way home on the days like the one I described earlier. The thought still crosses my mind, but only on the worst days. Every day/week is bad, no exception, even when I'm optimistic every day at work. It eventually breaks that. Low hourly wage and nothing that separates five terrible days in a row from five dead, easy days in a row doesn't motivate me at all. Even after naps or rest after work, I'm still in pain and my head's still in a foggy state where I can't do the things I truly want to accomplish on these hellish days, and I see nothing but them coming for this summer when I have too many goals in mind to afford that.
2: Disability. Like I mentioned earlier, I was the only one I know with my condition who was denied while the others I know are success stories. What I have makes everything more stressful and more of a burden, more difficult for my mind to handle, it alienated me from my peers an extreme amount in school, but I've gotten past many obstacles with it. I'm really bummed out because I wanted to put more time into becoming a teacher and designing games during the downtime between summer hours and semesters with disability $$$. Working full-time at the job I described is going to make it much harder to achieve my goals, but I have to do what I have to do. I tried juggling classes with full-time work, that goes into a weird area where I feel like I don't have time to really enjoy life and I can't afford it now anyways. I'll think of something, I suppose.
Besides trying to get disability $$$, I tried therapy before and absolutely despised every faucet of it. I don't view therapy as a real profession with how bad every therapist I've met has performed or how uncomfortable they make me feel despite how professional they seem, and I refuse to take medication. I don't want medicine to change who I am or cause any adverse side effects, especially after knowing a few people who have died from being incorrectly prescribed and taking the "right" amount/medication. Some of my goals are beating these obstacles. I adamantly refuse to take therapy or become medicated and I'll find a way without them.
3: Women. I feel like I'm a failure no matter what with them. Things get going or look bright and then everything falls apart. That's when I'm lucky compared to what usually happens, where things end quickly or I just get left for a better guy in a handful of circumstances. I either: A: get denied (most common), B: Date for a few days, get dumped, and then I see them dating another guy 1-2 days after, or C: Things take off, look bright, then stop before they truly begin and when I think I've finally won.
After how high I got my hopes up earlier this year, when I assured myself that I would finally win after how good things were looking with the girl I was with and that I couldn't take another heartbreak because things were brighter than ever, when I thought I found a worthy soulmate: I was replaced. That wasn't too long ago.
My hope for that specific relationship was killed and I don't think I'll ever pursue that again. I can't tell if she's dropping hints at rekindling it or not but if she ends up serious about it I'll probably tell her to **** off.
I know things can work out, though. I had a successful relationship in my teens that lasted two years before the girl I was with died due to heart problems. It took me a long time to move on, and I think I finally did sometime in 2013.
That's my only glimmer of hope in being cheated on, replaced, denied, losing after things bright and last a fair amount of time, and not being given much time too many times. I don't feel like I can take or handle it anymore. Yet I did, but I'm even more down from it.
I have trouble approaching women to begin with, and I've had quite a bit of time to move on. There's another girl I like who uses the boards here, but she's seen my worst/most bitter side surface in several threads on other people, in the most unecessary and foolish ways, and I always want to be an admirable person or equal to any woman I approach and I feel it's too late to do that with the kind of person I am. She's in too crucial of a role for me to ruin that with any advances, too. I haven't seen any signs of mutual feelings and don't think I ever will, but letting them slip for either side in a less vague way than this might not be the best idea. Time will tell.
I want to not bother with this area of life after my experiences, but there's some drive in me to not give up just yet here.
Basic premise:
1: I despise my job, how much I'm forced to sacrifice for the workforce, and knowing that others out there have it even worse, so I'm not sure if I'm in a position to complain. I'm too angry about it to care. Nobody should have their lives revolving around their job unless it's a career they worked hard for, and even then they shouldn't be forced to sacrifice too much for it. The world doesn't work that way, though.
2: I strongly disdain how I'm treated by the government. I get a speeding ticket? Better pay it in 20 days, no exceptions, or I need to go to court. I need disability money? I can get rediagnosed a few years ago after my grandmother refuses to hand over any medical records, only to hop through months worth of hoops, only to be denied.
3: Love sucks and I'm tired of seeing success stories from all of my friend circles and closest friends while I'm destined to be denied, or left and replaced when I finally do get in the step of having a relationship. I'm tired of liking women I feel I won't get anywhere with. I can't shake it off as easily as I want. I get incredibly jealous and a little bitter seeing successful couples, and posts over the years from so many friends who have found their own success stories that have lasted quite a while and seem to spout quite a bit of happiness.
I don't feel like I'm a special person or that there's anything special about me. I feel like I'm a waste of time to my friends, family, women, and the average person. I feel far below human in the workforce and from the government. I feel like my disability limits me from winning these battles and I can't get even get compensation for it after years of growing up with alienation, stress, and pain from it alone. It feels more and more true that my own life is a lost battle over time, the only thing I can keep going with is just enjoying my time outside work and other nonsense, even if I feel like I'm getting nowhere with it. I feel like I've lost everything I've had that makes me able to accomplish my goals from it, that things will get worse and I can only move on by amounting to little. I'm completely and constantly plagued by sadness and depression I can't shake, and want nothing more than to fight it when I feel I was unarmed and defeated long ago.
I have more I could get into, but I have a shift I need to be in for soon. Thankfully, it's a short one.