Claire Diviner
Never be afraid to seek help in keeping your schizophrenia under control. The label wouldn't necessarily ruin your life, especially if you are getting help for it. The way I see it, if you don't get help soon, it could potentially worsen, and you really don't want that.I have schizophrenia. I can't go for help because the label would ruin my life and I'm not a danger to others as much as to myself.
I find myself believing things without any base like I thought my brother drown to death and I went to the funeral and everything. He never went swimming.
Also for years I thought nidoking was in melee, he was just an underrated mid tier no one really used. And now I know why.
Once I sat down next to a bush for half an hour and I changed my personal in how I talked and I didn't even know it till someone asked who I was talking to.
I have short hallucinations that pop up about once ayear to 2 times a day.
But i swear I can hear static in the air of other imcomplete thoughts. But i can't hear anything. It's frustrating to be so sure of it.
Just scary I'm the most stable person around and have a good paying job and am somehow on top it all. Just annoyed by extra thoughts in my head right. It's not voices just like thoughts of thoughts or static imcomplete words or images
Let go of fear, as easy as it is to say than do, and I understand it's easier said than done. If you find you can't get help on your own, get someone, be it a friend or family member, to help motivate you into doing it. You can do it.