The rAt
Smash Ace
I was going to get involved in this little debate awhile back, but Smashchu was doing such a good job, and this arguement has happened so many times that it's hard to say anything without repeating what countless other people have said multiple times and in better words. However, I think I can say something here without repeating everything that's already been said before;TP Link is about as adequate representation for the dominant style of current-day Zeldas as Samus is.
AKA: Not adequate at all.
You've basically taken it upon yourself to declare WW Link a silly idea and portray it as factual, and imply that Sakurai agrees with you. Sakurai doesn't say "omg WW Link is just some ghey design change and sux and shouldnt be in" - see, Sakurai has this funny idea that biased stupidity has no place in picking the characters.
And hypocrisy? Oh, right, sure, Paper Mario may be the exact same entity - not a different Mario with a different design, but the same person as Mario, but it's the same situation as two different Links, with different backstories, personalities, relationships, appearances, techniques, etc. Characters are included to represent what warrants representation. Do games featuring this design of Link not warrant representation, since they clearly have not gained any at all thus far?
Your logic basically argues that popularity, uniqueness, workability, appearance, notability, and history is all unimportant in determining if this Link warrants inclusion.
So I gotta wonder how people applaud someone for arguing that all these points should be ignored.
First of all, Link to a Snitch, if you're going to debate this, do it without insulting people. Ad Hominem is a logical fallacy, and it weakens anything else that comes out your mouth (or hands, since you're probably using a keyboard).
Second of all, for all of your arguements against people's objections to Wind Waker Link's inclusion, you've yet to give a solid reason for why he should be in it. Wind Waker has no current representation? True. Neither does Link's Adventure. Or Link's Awakening. Or the Oracle series. But assuming you can justify why the cell-shadded graphical style needs more representation, why does it have to be Link? After all, there are several characters in Wind Waker who aren't Link that could be included. How about Tingle?
Wind Waker Link isn't the same Link as TP Link. I'll give you that one. They're two distinct people who share the same name, same basic physical abilities, carry the same sword, wear the same outfit, and carry around at least 50% of the same items at any given time. They fight the same villain, save a princess by the same name, and solve similar puzzles, none of which they do in conjunction with one another or in a way that is significantly unique to that Link. They inhabbit the same world, visit many of the same places, and usually have a similar background. They both have the Triforce of Courage, they are both lefthanded (except when the gameplay demands otherwise), and they are both orphans. And they share all of these traits in common with every other Link in the series.
So maybe in comparison to some of the other Links, Wind Waker Link is slightly more unique, but in comparison to basically any other prospective character (with the exception of some Pokemon) his uniqueness is almost completely lost due to the inclusion of another Link. History and appearance I've already addressed. Workability has very little to do with inclusion, since Captain Falcon, Fox, ect. feature moves which have nothing to do with their abilities in games previous to their Smash appearances, however, even if it did, you're arguing that WW Link should be included because of his uniqueness, so that means his moveset would have to consist of moves/items unique solely to Wind Waker. That significantly downsizes the options. Popularity and notability are issues of opinion, and subject to change, and vary depending on their source.
Just out of curiousity (the Mods will probably kill me for asking this), what's your position on whether Sheik (if included) should be a part of Zelda's moveset or not?
NOTE: The above question is not intended to start a debate about whether or not Sheik will/should/won't/shouldn't/potato return, as that issue has already been argued to death everywhere, with all evidence for or against having been presented, and anything that can be said, has been said. I'm just asking a person's oppinion, folks.

These are the kinds of AT updates we should have. I mean, if Sakurai doesn't want to confirm a character, the next best thing is deconfirming a character, right?Holy crap, it looks like a double whammy as far as deconfirmations are concerned. Both Waluigi (somebody who I said AT status was the best he could hope for) and Stafy (somebody I listed as a probable character in the Other category) both get deconfirmed. Well, at least I get to update my thread. Looks like we may be getting nothing out of CoroCoro, since there was not a character update tonight.
Um... I think I missed the connection between a character update tonight and the CoroCoro information on Saturday. Perhaps you could elaborate?