yeah lool I hate spacing with this -_-Perhaps the most annoying thing with a controller is that gay snapback loool.
It just messes up your spacing, your lasers, your moves, your everything.....
But yeah as you said earlier I tihnk you should just play sonic riders cos the only way you're gonna loosen it is by over using it by spinning it in circle and going crazy with it.
There prob is a shortcut but I def don't know how to do it lol.
Sonic Riders method looks tempting because of those gay corners where you just spin it around and around and around really fast.
Do you mean getting the stick off of my old controller and putting it into my new one? Might work, it'd let me see whether its the stick or the mechanism too xD (like Joe said about putting the c-stick in the same position).Alex why dont you just put your fancy new coloured controller onto a old stick? ive got plenty of controllers knocking about that are worn in.