loool I like how in your post you dont really know that much but you think you do, nice attempt though I must give you an award for trying, but let me help you out like the help you asked for with A GIRL LOOOOL.
Banter was brought in my Zeppo so nice try on trying to make a point in your post and then it not being true, I took into account that you tried so no worries.
'Banter' was brought carried on to piss people like you off by repeated it and you are a perfect example of what we love to do with the banter.....sorry I just have to make a shoutout to 'The Banter Kings' consisting of Zeppo, Aiko, TC, Foulplay, PDOT, Professor Pro and Intertia now.
Anyway back on topic....yeah, you came on a website to get a girl, and tbh you saying banter failure is by what has happened on the internet...right??? BUT YOU IN REAL LIFE, AS IN THE FLESH, STILL COULDNT TALK TO A GUY and came to my domain where I am apprently the banter failure and asked for help and begged people to give you advice and the worse thing is even with the advice give.....YOU STILL DONT HAVE HER LOOOL. Time to grow some balls TO BE HONEST. Have you grown them yet, your 16 you know, you might iswell give me her details now so I can do it for you lool.