Quick shoutouts-
LK- You're funny, bro. Thanks for the advice....even though I still got beat -_- It sucks we never got to play.
Pikachunoob- Dude....sorry I was playing that gay, with my controller broken, I had no other choice. I could go all technical on you, ^_^() GG, though
Eggm- Sorry my matches weren't better, see Pikachunoob, lol. Oh, btw, did you like my "Present"? Did your ears bleed?
Brotherhood- GG, I wish I could have played you a lil' better, next time though.
EZ- you're mad funny, bro. We gotta play.
DJ Nintenndo- GG, I'll get you next time ^_^
Slikvik- Peach dittos....when I get a better controller, I'll win them...or at least bring it to last stock mayhem. Oh,and tellyour friend to keep working on that Falco.
Ame- You sucked, you played like a scrub.
Cactuar- Do I really need to say it? lol
Scar- You were awesome as always, bro.
Magus- Thanks for playing with my nephew. You're not THAT far away, we should play sometime...soon, lol.
Gotta get back to work, sorry if I forgot anyone.
"Crank that Roy"