nice event cheezit most likely will be back during FC unless I get a ride to a new york bi weekly
@velocity man I dodged the bullet again, owe you matches
@triad ^^ same story
@emblem lord gg's
@Lord knight
U missed getting games with you good **** in teams
@Tunes, sry for picking gay stages
. Thx bass for housing, thx treble for samus training and thx for the heavy dose of falco training.
@Atomsk thx for jiggs practice, because I needed it
@my guys *sighs*.......*re-sighs* outback!!!!! *shakes fist @ heavens* lolz
@andre, rob, and john thx for second night housing Rampart = too good. Thx for hating of my fav animez j/king. Boros = teh win