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The SURVIVOR series (Season 26 airs Feb. 13!)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, actually I was talking to someone who followed spoilers asking them about the stuff that'd been disproven so far, and apparently there have been 2 different F3s that were said really early on. And they've been pretty unquestionably disproven.

For Sariku:

I however, hadn't heard anything about the order in which the remaining people are voted off if the supposed F3 has any truth to it, and nor do I really want to, so if it mentions anything about that, just warn me now.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
For Sariku:

I however, did NOT know that that's who the winner was supposed to be. The one you said got the winner's edit is someone that I've been pretty sure is just a distraction since I can think of 4 votes that would be pretty much locked for the supposed winner with a 5th being pretty easy. Oh, also, please note that I've decided to completely boycott and avoid Sucks ENTIRELY for Season 22 so I will be remaining completely unspoiled then and would request that you would respect that and help try to keep me and those that wouldn't want to be spoiled that way. Not a personal jab or anything, just a heads up.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
The winner is the only thing not set in stone. It's not like with Sandra who we all knew had it. Missy never once said who wins and refuses too. it's just the community who goes with him, and I agree with the community (though I'm also biased), x] So don't feel like your spoiled. I have no idea either. I'm just going with the consensus. and sure, no S22 spoilers here, :p


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Cool, thanks. And I dunno, I'm still pretty convinced that Sash is a distraction for whoever does win. Though, I think we can rule out Chase and Jane, lol. I'd also like to say a Dan win would be the most hilarious winner ever.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
That last bit doesn't even need spoiler tags. Dan DESERVES to win this game. He hasn't pissed ANYONE off. Besides, how could he ever pay for his shoes!? D:


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Totally missed your post Sariku, my bad. And well, it's actually not that late. If you look at it in terms of days and rounds, this was probably supposed to be the F7 point of the game, and Naonka/PK quitting took out a round and made them be down an extra person. Normally, the Loved One visit happens at the Final 7.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Totally missed your post Sariku, my bad. And well, it's actually not that late. If you look at it in terms of days and rounds, this was probably supposed to be the F7 point of the game, and Naonka/PK quitting took out a round and made them be down an extra person. Normally, the Loved One visit happens at the Final 7.
Oh, well. You're completely right, I guess it did get screwed up by the quitters. So honest in your heart, we can elaborate more after the episode, (though the way this thread works, Real Gamer will have one post between Wednesday's episode and Sundays's episode, and me and Livey will have an argument in spoiler tags about something x]) but who are guys rooting for, final three?


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Well, fair enough. The conversation shouldn't of been killed that easily though, IMO, lol.

I really wanted Benry to go to the final three, but if that's not the case, Holly, Fabio, and Sash would be mine<3
- Jane is the most obnoxious pile of **** since the tribal swap.
- Chase is even worse than Jane (though I'd love to see his hat take player of the season)
- Dan, lol...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
The way I see it, Dan is such a ridiculous joke that him winning would be like if Bob won without any IC wins. And of course people would declare him worst winner ever when they were up in arms over Bob proving to be hypocritical. Plus, Dan's been like the decoy boot for the entire pre-merge and has been such a joke that it'd be impossible NOT to laugh. But I'm glad people are finally starting to see how vile Jane is. And I'm sure after they see what she did in the promo, they'll agree.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Well, it could be received crazily, I dunno. But explained? I don't think you ever could explain why he took home the cake, x] Maybe if he didn't win the million, he wouldn't be able to buy a new pair of shoes without waiting an extra paycheck to buy his personal jet? X]


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I told ya man, with Dan's "special connections" I highly suspect he'll have to pay to replace his shoes. AND, I think we know how he got on the show, lol.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
After all this talk, I think the final season I'm going to watch this year (besides Nicaragua) is gonna be Heroes VS. Villains again. It, like Tocantins, just has soooo many likable characters. I'm not usually one to fall into hype wagons, but it really was one of the best seasons ever. I think even Jeff did a lot better than he usually does.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Dunno, Tocantins was really meh. What was weird for me was that Cook Islands wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be on a re-watch. I'll probably re-watch Pearl Islands, Marquesas, or Amazon again before the new year to be honest.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I'm having issues with some of the older seasons... It's partially the quality that I find them online, but I just wasn't able to sack up and watch them. I still haven't either started or finished seasons 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. I know those are some of the best, and most all of them have DVD's out. So I need to just find all the DVD's and watch them. For me, I liked Cook Islands and Exile Island, but all the seasons that divided tribes into four never really end up standing out to me. I don't know why, but that's just what seems to happen.

Ozzy should of won Cook Islands, q_q I like Yul, but he's kinda forgettable.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I got hooked on Survivor once Gabon started (thanks to Ken). Now that this season is nearly over, I can easily say that this has been the worst season I've seen by far.

1. The Old vs. Young concept, while looking very cool on paper, ended up being a huge fail. The geezers got their ***es whooped at just about every challenge.
2. The Medallion of Power was the dumbest idea in Survivor history.
3. The strategic play has sucked compared to other seasons. Nearly every tribal is predictable.
4. Very VERY unlikable cast (No Onka, Kelly Purple, Benry, Shannon, Jimmy T., Jimmy J., and Dan ALL suck in their own, unique ways.)

Best to worst so far for me:
1.Heroes vs. Villains
2. Gabon (OK season but KEN was in it!!!)
3. Samoa (Russel ftw *****es)
4. Tocantins
5. Nicaragua


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
If I had to rank the last 5 seasons it would be like....

1. Pre F6 Gabon
2. Nicaragua (so far)
3. Heroes vs Villains
4. Tocantins
5. Post F6 Gabon
6. Samoa


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
@Real_Gamer, you got hooked onto Survivor the same way as me, :p But I guess I took it a step further and watched nearly every other season multiple, multiple times.

Just a fun fact about the Medallion from Sucks spoilers, it was supposed to last until the merge. But they realized how unfair and dumb it was, so they decided to take it back when they did the tribal swap. If I were to rank the last five seasons, I'd say...

1. Heroes VS. Villains
2. Samoa - Russell is interesting, whether you like or hate him. Plus I love Mick, Jaison, Shambo, Dave, Ben, and Erik<3
3. Tocantins - It started off kinda slow, but Tyson, Coach, and Stephen made the season for me. I could rewatch this countless times. <3 Sierra
4. Gabon
5. Nicaragua

Nicaragua is good, it's just... the season after Heroes VS. Villains. It's like Survivor All Stars. If it didn't happen to take place after Pearl Islands, which is amazing, I don't think it would of got so much hate. And Guatemala, Gabon would of been more likable if it didn't take place after Fans VS. Favorites...

I think of my favorite seasons, period though, is China. It has one of my favorite Survivors ever on it<3

And I think Benry is VERY likable, x]


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Let me actually point out, it's Vanuatu, that gets neglected for being "that post-*** season". All-Stars really DOES get hate because of it's boot order. People wanted to see the likes of Hatch, Colby, Ethan, Rob C, Kathy, and Tina just go wild and take over the game. Instead we got a merge where the people that were seen as being the least deserving All-Stars (Shii-Ann, Alicia, Amber, Boston Rob [arguably since he was pre-jury], Jenna Lewis, and a still unknown as of filming Rupert) made up most of the final 9, leaving the only really big known ones as Lex/Kathy/Big Tom.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Let me actually point out, it's Vanuatu, that gets neglected for being "that post-*** season". All-Stars really DOES get hate because of it's boot order. People wanted to see the likes of Hatch, Colby, Ethan, Rob C, Kathy, and Tina just go wild and take over the game. Instead we got a merge where the people that were seen as being the least deserving All-Stars (Shii-Ann, Alicia, Amber, Boston Rob [arguably since he was pre-jury], Jenna Lewis, and a still unknown as of filming Rupert) made up most of the final 9, leaving the only really big known ones as Lex/Kathy/Big Tom.
You mean people hate on Vanuatu? I love that season, because Chris is easily one of the best strategic players to play the game. Or at least all the TERRIBLE people on his season made him look that way, :p He's very likable and has great quotes either way.

You have a point about All-Stars though. Shii-Ann and Alicia were garbage that season. I didn't even find them interesting. Though if anyone really complained about Rob, they're crazy. He and Big Tom made that season for me<3

And a side note about Marquesas, I LOVED Kathy. The season was kinda meh, but she really stood out to me<3

Watching All-Stars was probably a bad move for me, but I felt like I had to after I saw the cast for Heroes VS. Villains about a year ago. I have absolutely no appreciation for Rob C. and Ethan. I know they're good players, I won't deny that, but I need to watch their seasons. x]

I really want to watch Thailand, since I hear that Brian was extremely entertaining. But no spoilers, x]


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Livewires how could you POSSIBLY be more hooked on Nicarauga than you were with HvV... whether you knew the boot order or not?
It lacks Russell and Parvati, that, and that we don't have to hear "I'm the best, I'm Russell Hantz!!" ad nauseum (sp?) instantly makes it better than Samoa and HvV, even with Jane.

And Sariku, Brian's entertaining in the sense he's a sociopath. Robb is a real character in Thailand. Also, people don't necessarily hate on Vanuatu so much as go "what season was that again?" because it was after All-Stars. Which is a shame because it has a pretty good cast aside from John K and Chris is awesome.

You really should watch Amazon, it's a surprisingly good season that, like Pearl Islands has kind of an old-school AND new-school feel to it. Borneo and Australia are good for the pureness and nostalgia (Borneo's psuedo documentary, lol), and Africa's alright, but the location limited some things. But I can't stress enough that anybody who hasn't seen Pearl Islands NEEDS to see it. That thing wrote the freaking book that Micronesia and HvV tried to re-read.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
It lacks Russell and Parvati, that, and that we don't have to hear "I'm the best, I'm Russell Hantz!!" ad nauseum (sp?) instantly makes it better than Samoa and HvV, even with Jane.

And Sariku, Brian's entertaining in the sense he's a sociopath. Robb is a real character in Thailand. Also, people don't necessarily hate on Vanuatu so much as go "what season was that again?" because it was after All-Stars. Which is a shame because it has a pretty good cast aside from John K and Chris is awesome.

You really should watch Amazon, it's a surprisingly good season that, like Pearl Islands has kind of an old-school AND new-school feel to it. Borneo and Australia are good for the pureness and nostalgia (Borneo's psuedo documentary, lol), and Africa's alright, but the location limited some things. But I can't stress enough that anybody who hasn't seen Pearl Islands NEEDS to see it. That thing wrote the freaking book that Micronesia and HvV tried to re-read.
Awww, now, you can't hate on Parvati. She's my second favorite female survivor, D:

Brian's a sociopath.. like crazy? I'm too lazy to look up the word, sorry, D:

If I can get ahold of the DVD's, I'll watch all the earlier seasons. Otherwise I'll probably hold off for a while until I can deal with terrible quality. Pearl Islands is pretty much perfect though, minus one thing (Lill is the least interesting Survivor ever. She cries more than Sugar). Micronesia I thought was really, REALLY good though. probably in my top five seasons. I think much better than Pearl Islands, just due to the fact even the FANS were interesting. Which is hard to do. (Jason, Erik, Natalie, Joel <3)

But Pearl Islands did have Johnny Fairplay. Who while he screwed up in Micronesia, you can't dis on the guy in his first season. He set the bar, IMO, on what a real villain truly is. (Though I guess anyone can argue that Hatch, Brian, and Rob. C. was the original, and I can't argue against that, :p )


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, sociopath as per dictionary.com.

a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Cultural Dictionary:
Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
You're making me want to watch it now! x]
He sounds like my kind of entertainment, :p

But he was good at the game, hm? Worth watching? (besides the fact I will watch every season eventually)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, he was pretty good at the game. A lot of Survivor fans refer to him as "Lord and Master" for whatever reason. He's kind of hard to explain without seeing him, but do keep in mind that when you see the season, you'll know what I mean.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Mmm.. since we're on the topic of ranking seasons and players, why don't we do that? Top ten favorite players, go! (I'll be making my list while you make yours, x])
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