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The SSB Poll Lounge: DLC mode engaged

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Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Poor Lady Palutena is lower than I last remembered D: At least she's still in the top 10, though, but I have faith that she can get to 6th again. *pouts for another reason*


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
She definitely could move up, currently she's ike six votes behind Krystal. Number placements don't mean much. The general tiers mean more. And, even then if you're even in the "bottom" tier, you still have an alright chance of inclusion. Mid Tier and up is the big guns though

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
You two just need to kiss and make up already.

Seriously, this is worse than Diddy vs Golden. At least they can still have a conversation.

Either way. Ridley must beat K.Rool!

He must....


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well I care about your vote, so you should vote!


Smash Cadet
Jun 27, 2013
I said I'd support Ridley and now I've voted.For the grand cause of the space pirates!On a minor note I didn't just vote for Ridley,Krool and Mewtwo also.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Hasn't that always been the case? With people supporting Ridley also liking Mewtwo and K. Rool I mean.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Meh, they're both just characters people would generally enjoy seeing in Smash. 1500 update tonight. I'm going all out. *sighs*


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
God Tier
· Mewtwo 980

Top Tier
· King K. Rool 759
· Ridley 755

High Tier
· Roy 672
· Little Mac (Punch Out) 635

Mid Tier
· Bowser Junior 566
· Krystal 565
· Palutena 555
· Isaac (Golden Sun) 522

Low Tier
· Chrom 495
· Paper Mario 486
· Waluigi 471
· Dixie Kong 462
· Shulk (Xenoblade) 439
· Banjo & Kazooie 421
· Majora (Skull Kid) 411

Bottom Tier
· Ghirahim 386
· Pac-Man 383
· Samurai Goroh 368
· 2nd Sonic Character (Tails, Shadow, Knuckles) 360
· Black Shadow 354
· Bomberman 355
· Lyn 343
· 6th Gen Pokemon 331
· Toad 315
· Mii (Wii Series) 307
· Lucina 306
· Rayman 302

Honerable Mentions
· Super Mario RPG (Geno, Mallow) 293
· Dark Samus 291
· Kingdom Hearts (Sora) 290

Everyone Else
· Zoroark 286
· Castlevania (Simon Belmont, Alucard, Dracula) 283
· Bayonetta 278
· Rosalina 265
· Ace Attorney (Phoenix Write) 262
· Pokemon Trainer (Johto) 260
· Takamaru (The Mysterious Musasame Castle) 259
· King Boo 257
· Kamek 252
· Doctor Mario 249
· Eevee (and Eeveelutions) 246
· Vaati 243
· Medusa 243
· Pokemon Trainer (Hoenn) 239
· Balloon Fighter 238
· Claus (Masked Man) 236
· Saki (Sin & Punishment) 235
· Toon Zelda 234
· Viewtiful Joe 233
· Midna 232
· Wolf Link 226
· Tom Nook (Animal Crossing 225
· Final Fantasy (Chocobo, Black Mage, Moogle, Cloud, Lightning) 225
· Tetra 222
· Crono Trigger (Crono) 219
· Tales Series (Cless/Cress, Lloyd) 219
· Shy Guy 218
· Professor Layton 214
· Young Link 208
· Ashley 206
· Baby Mario & Luigi 205
· Dillon (Rolling Western) 205
· Dark Pit 202
· Pokemon Trainer (Kalos) 199
· Anna 199
· Ray MK (Custom Robo) 195
· Magnus 194
· Scribblenauts (Maxwell) 192
· Captain Syrup 186
· No More Hereos (Travis Touchdown) 183
· Hades 181
· Daisy 179
· Deoxys 178
· Mona 177
· Bandana Dee 173
· Pokemon Trainer N 172
· Pokemon Trainer (Sinnoh) 172
· Slippy 171
· Black Knight 168
· Knuckle Joe 166
· Pokemon Trainer Villain (Rocket Plasma Galactic Aqua Magma) 166
· Porky 166
· Conker's Bad Fur Day (Conker) 163
· Meowth 162
· Andy (Advanced Wars) 162
· Street Fighter (Ryu, Chun Li, M. Bison) 162
· Fawful 159
· Funky Kong 159
· Impa 155
· Prince Fluff 154
· Micaiah 153
· Toon Ganondorf 152
· Classic Link 150
· Starfy (The Legendary Starfy) 150
· Kat & Ana 147
· Tharja 146
· K.K Slider (Animal Crossing) 144
· Pichu 143
· 2nd Metal Gear Character (Raiden, Gray Fox) 139
· Genesect 140
· Plusle & Minun 137
· Pokemon Champion Cynthia 135
· Lip (Panel De Pon) 135
· Baby Bowser 134
· Viridi 133
· Toon Sheik 130
· Robin (FE:A Avatar) 130
· Tingle 129
· Eirika 128
· Soul Calibur (Nightmare, Ivy Valentine) 126
· Kumatora 125
· Alex (Golden Sun) 124
· Yarn Kirby 122
· Mew 122
· Sylux 120
· Poo 120
· Hector 119
· Tiki 118
· Darkrai 117
· Fiora (Xenoblade) 117
· Peppy 116
· Ninja Gaiden (Ryu Hayabusa) 111
· Jimmy T. 109
· Adeliene 108
· Duck Hunt Dog 108
· Battletoads (Zitz) 108
· Jeff 105
· Ephraim 103
· Ninten 102
· Louie (Pikmin) 102
· Jill (Drill Dozer) 101
· Elite Beat Agents 98
· Felix (Golden Sun) 97
· Matthew (Golden Sun) 97
· Yarn Yoshi 95
· Blood Falcon 95
· Zael (The Last Story) 95
· Paula 94
· 94 (0.9%)
· KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) 93
· Tekken (Heihachi, Jin, Kazuya) 93
· Groose 92
· Resident Evil [Jill Valentine Chris Redfeild Leon Kennedy) 90
· Victini 88
· Mach Rider 88
· Mike Jones (Star Tropics) 88
· Dragon Quest (Slime) 88
· Giygas 87
· Eggplant Wizard 85
· Flint 84
· Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight) 84
· Gardevoir 83
· Lanky Kong 82
· Jody Summer 81
· Aeron (Pandora's Tower) 81
· Leon 80
· Captain N 79
· Cranky Kong 78
· Meloetta 78
· Phantom Zelda 77
· Captain Trio / Alph, Charlie, Brittany (Pikmin III) 77
· Isa Jo (Sin & Punishment) 76
· Caeda 70
· Tempo (Harmo Knight) 69
· Excited Biker 68
· Marx 67
· Dunban (Xenoblade) 67
· Eliwood 66
· Anthony Higgs 65
· 65 (1.6%)
· Ana 62
· Bubbles (Clu Clu Land) 62
· Panther 60
· Muddy Mole (Mole Mania) 60
· Donkey Kong Junior 59
· Alex Roivas (Eternal Darkness) 59
· Mallo (Pushmo) 59
· Walhart 58
· Reyn (Xenoblade) 57
· Elincia 56
· Calista (The Last Story) 56
· Leaf 52
· Prince Sable (For the Frog the Bell Tolls) 51
· Magolor 45
· Ashley Robbins (Trace Memory / Another Road) 45
· Sigurd 43
· Sakura Samurai (Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword) 43
· Deathborn 42
· Pico 42
· Soren 42
· Gooey 41
· Alice (Balloon Kid) 40
· Orublon 38
· Shake King 36
· Tiki Tong 35
· Celice 33
· Stanly the Bugman 31
· Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk) 30
· Kiddie Kong 26
· Urban Champion 26
· Heracles (Glory of Heracles) 25
· Hunter (Fossil Fighter) 25
· Labrador / Grey Tabby (Nintendogs + Cats) 25
· Daroach 24
· Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Detective Club pt. II) 24
· Dr. Stewart 23
· John Raimi (Geist) 22
· Prince Richard (For the Frog the Bell Tolls) 22
· Tamagon (Devil World) 22
· Narbarl 21
· Hero (Magc Starsign / Vacation) 21
· 21 (0.2%)
· Dr. Write (Sim City) 20
· Ryuta (Ouendan) 18
· Welt (Soma Bringer) 16
· Lark (PilotWings) 15
· Ryota Hayami (Wave Race) 15

As you can see, the more votes we get the smaller the tiers become. It's going to be interesting to see where everyone stands come 2000 votes.

Unconfirmed Veterans
· Zelda 1207
· Captain Falcon 1201
· Yoshi 1172
· Luigi 1168
· Ness 1162
· Sonic 1023
· Wario 1116
· Peach 1113
· Ganondorf 1107
· Marth 1086
· Meta Knight 1075
· King Dedede 1064
· Diddy Kong 1062
· Falco 1058
· Shiek 1030
· Ice Climbers 999
· Game & Watch 988
· Zero Suit Samus 979
· Olimar 971
· Lucas 936
· Jigglypuff 897
· Wolf 872
· Ike 864
· Snake 845
· ROB 776
· Pokemon Trainer (Kanto) 775
· Toon Link 597
· Lucario 507

*Characters highlighted in gold scored below Mewtwo


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
Interesting that even though Mewtwo is more popular than eleven Brawl veterans, only two lose out to K. Rool, and the worst of the lot would still be Mid tier. Gotta love that Brawl roster!

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Poor Palutena is still falling behind. She can't be "finished" yet. D:


Smash Ace
May 22, 2013
Under your bed
Lip got a total of 4 new votes. Oh well. Nice to see Toad get into an actual tier now instead of an honorable mention, I guess.

I wonder why Zelda is the highest voted veteran. Wasn't really expecting that.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Pit is a confirmed veteran, FYI.

Basically, I expect the top five or so to remain pretty constant between now and the game's release, barring the poll spreading to some 4chan-esque site with a higher concentration of Waluigi fans. The poll is mainly interesting to follow for its results from the mid-tier downward, since it's more in a state of flux there.

What strikes me as astronomically stupid is that, out of 1500 voters, close to 300 don't see Zelda returning, and more than that don't see even more obvious characters returning. Maybe they're just rushing through the options?


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I didn't vote for any returning veterans. Just skipped that page. If anything, I would vote for veterans I think will not return, not all that I think will. much less to click.

Probably lazy people like me skewing the votes.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Pit is a confirmed veteran, FYI.
The poll is mainly interesting to follow for its results from the mid-tier downward, since it's more in a state of flux there.

What strikes me as astronomically stupid is that, out of 1500 voters, close to 300 don't see Zelda returning, and more than that don't see even more obvious characters returning. Maybe they're just rushing through the options?
I agree on the Mid and Below being the interesting part. I think I'll highlight the "everyone else" pile when we finally come to 2000 votes. Theres still some interesting characters to talk about who rank there.
And it isn't really that they don't see Zelda returning, that they don't want her / didn't understand the poll. You know how stupid people can be.
I didn't vote for any returning veterans. Just skipped that page. If anything, I would vote for veterans I think will not return, not all that I think will. much less to click.

Probably lazy people like me skewing the votes.
Sounds to me like you took and old / different poll. The veterans on the current poll (Which is located on the first page or in my signature) are right with the newcomers.

Here's my tier positioning analysis.

God Tier
· Mewtwo 980
His position shouldn't really be surprising. This poll is by far the best one I've put out, and the fact that Mewtwo is topping it as he should only makes me feel better about it's security. He's really the character that got away from Brawl. Not Ridley. Mewtwo. Lik I said, this shouldn't be a suprising thing to see Mewtwo 200 votes higher than the next person below him.

Forecast: No one's touching Mewtwo

Top Tier
· King K. Rool 759
· Ridley 755
King K Rool ranking over Ridley means little really, it's by four votes. But these two seem like rather obvious choices to be coming in at Top tier. They're the villains everyone wants to see join Smash. Even me, and I hate good character choices.

Forecast: K Rool stays barely above Ridley, Roy edges closer to their tier.

High Tier
· Roy 672
· Little Mac (Punch Out) 635

These two don't really suprise me, but, they do at the same time. They've both been rocking High Tier without Palutena for a good 200 votes now. I think it will stay this way.

Forecast: Eventually Roy joins the villain Bros, Little Mac joins the cool kids in Mid Tier. Both occasionally ending up in "High Tier" alone or together.

Mid Tier
· Bowser Junior 566
· Krystal 565
· Palutena 555
· Isaac (Golden Sun) 522
This tier used to have a few more characters in it when the results first started pouring in. After this amount of votes though, a lot of the competition was weeded out of this tier. Mid tier is essentially going to be the Krystal-Junior-Palutena trifecta.These three will consistantly stick together, with chance of anyone overtaking anyone. (One vote between Krystal and Junior, eleven between Palutena and Junior) Isaac is the little buddy that COULD be a constant in this equasion, but his votes are a bit too low currently to stay consistantly in the mid tier. I predict he'll be mid 90% of the time, and occasionally drop into Low.

Forecast: Isaac will stick around Mid tier, most of the time. Chrom will play footsies with Mid tier occasional. Paper Mario wishes, and Waluigi and Dixie can dream.

Low Tier
· Chrom 495
· Paper Mario 486
· Waluigi 471
· Dixie Kong 462
· Shulk (Xenoblade) 439
· Banjo & Kazooie 421
· Majora (Skull Kid) 411

Pretty much PM, WA, Dixie, Shulk, and Banjo are the consistants in Low tier. Chrom's gonna jump to Mid IMO. Banjo and Majora will drop to Bottom infrequently. I really do believe we'll have two FE characters in the top four tiers. Kreay right? Paper Mario may jump to mid, occasionally, but not in the next 100 votes.

Forecast: In the near future everything will be the same, minus Chrom jumping to mid.

Bottom Tier
· Ghirahim 386
· Pac-Man 383
· Samurai Goroh 368
· 2nd Sonic Character (Tails, Shadow, Knuckles) 360
· Black Shadow 354
· Bomberman 355
· Lyn 343
· 6th Gen Pokemon 331
· Toad 315
· Mii (Wii Series) 307
· Lucina 306
· Rayman 302

Goroh, 2nd Sonic, BS, Bomerman, Lyn, and 6th Gen POKE will be the mainstays of this tier. Ghirahim and Pac-Man will probably jump tiers. Toad Mii, Lucina, and Rayman are honerable mentions at heart, but they'll show up in bottom tier infrequently.

Honerable Mentions
· Super Mario RPG (Geno, Mallow) 293
· Dark Samus 291
· Kingdom Hearts (Sora) 290

Anyone's game. But I can pretty much see all three of these moving up a tier, as well as Zoroark, Castlvania, and Bayonetta.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
No, I took the most recent one, I guess I must've forgotten the layout. I do remember skipping over the vet's though, even if they were mixed in.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
It's funny how high Sonic the Hedgehog places on the veterans list compared to Solid Snake. Equally surprising is how low Olimar is, I really thought he'd be higher.


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
I'm still surprised how unpopular Zoroark is... I mean, sure, he isn't as deserving as Isaac, Chrom, or even Waluigi, but I'll never understand how Sora or 6th gen Pokemon (What?) has more votes.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
The most corrupt country ever, except most others.
I'm still surprised how unpopular Zoroark is... I mean, sure, he isn't as deserving as Isaac, Chrom, or even Waluigi, but I'll never understand how Sora or 6th gen Pokemon (What?) has more votes.
It's because 6th gen has all but eclipsed 5th gen now. People are now unconfident about Zoroark's chances (take into account that in Brawl, 3rd gen was passed over). Even then, Zoroark's still more deserving of a spot than Waluigi (who is disposable filler content).


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
It's funny how high Sonic the Hedgehog places on the veterans list compared to Solid Snake. Equally surprising is how low Olimar is, I really thought he'd be higher.
Yeah, it just goes to show how many people really enjoyed Sonic in Brawl. I mean, Sakurai's already mentioned how extremely popular he is. I would be mildly surprised if he didn't show up in Smash 4. Conversely, I'd be mildly suprised if Snake DID show up in Smash 4.

I'm still surprised how unpopular Zoroark is... I mean, sure, he isn't as deserving as Isaac, Chrom, or even Waluigi, but I'll never understand how Sora or 6th gen Pokemon (What?) has more votes.
I would like to point out that Zoroark is the next most popular Pokemon behind Mewtwo. But, he's like 500 votes behind Mewtwo. I think that 6th Gen has all but overshadowed 5th Gen at this point in most peoples' eyes. That's why a "6th Generation placeholder" has surpassed Zoroark. That isn't even an actual Pokemon. It's literally just a blank slot. Kind of silly if you ask me.

Does Sakurai see these polls? Just wondering
Honestly, this thread has like 52,000 views. It's possible someone's seen it, but I doubt SAKURAAAAAIIIIII himself has. Maybe someone at NoA. Maybe someone from Konami, or SEGA. I'm sure SOMEONE COOL has seen it. Just probably no the right person. Especially because it seems like Sakurai is still taking ques from Pre-Brawl days.

Alright, it's been a long while since I've posted here, and I thought I'd throw out some feels I have about character chances. Of course, I'm doing it tier style. Before I jump into newcomers, let me start with vets.

Everyone from Brawl will return without a doubt, besides these characters:

Possibly Being cut From Brawl
Ike, Wolf, Sonic, Snake, Toon Link, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer
Now, I don't believe all of these characters will be cut. Heck, the only one I'm dead sure on is Snake. But I will say Lucario, and Toon Link are good candidates for cuts. Sonic would be in that group if it wasn't for the fact that Sakurai has already mentioned his sheer popularity once more. Next would be Sonic and Pokemon Trainer. Then least concern would be Wolf, and Ike.

Now, Newcomer Tiers:

Best Chances
Mewtwo, Dixie Kong, Chrom Pac-Man, Miis, Little Mac
The first three pretty much go without saying IMO. They each have a strong quality going for them. Mewtwo being who he is, the publicity he's recently gotten, Sakurai's comments, his position as an old vet and as popular as he is. Dixie's a once planned character, and a decently popular choice. Chrom is an international character from FE, who's in the latest FE title, and is generally well received (despite what Smashboards would like you to believe). The last three, well, you know.
Decent Chances
Roy, King K. Rool, Ridley, Palutena, Shulk, Takamaru
The first two would be up in the "Best Chances" group if it wasn't for their Franchise counterparts taking precedence IMO. Ridley's here for being a small scale Mewtwo. Palutena, for being a popular choice, Sakurai's baby, and showing up in SSE/Brawl. Shulk kind of beats out all his competition, with Miis/Little Mac being the acceptions in terms of small franchise character. He's pretty popular for how old he is, and seems to be the new "IT BOY" from Nintendo's new star subsidary. Takamaru fits the role of "Retro revived" pretty well, and has a recognizably sized fanbase in both Japan and America.

50/50 Shot
Doctor Mario, Krystal, Bowser Junior, Samurai Goroh, Black Shadow, Lucina, Isaac, Toon Zelda / Partner
Doc and Toon Link / Partner are like Dixie, but just on a smaller scale. They have an alright sized fanbase, but also seem to be filler material, unlike Dixie. Krystal, Junior, Isaac, Goroh, and BShadow is the all around "Got Everything, just it's up to Sakurai to say yes". Lucina seems to be like the former, just, she has Chrom and Roy in her way.
Small Chance, but still worth mentioning
Toad, Paper Mario, Waluigi, WarioWare Employee, Ghirahim, Tingle, Bandana Dee, Zoroark, Genesect, Other 6th Gen, Dark Samus, Medusa, Masked Man / Claus, Lyn, Pikmin Trio, Saki, Starfy, Dillon, Mach Rider, Layton
Instead of saying what these character's DON'T have, I'll throw out their best traits. Toad: Seniority, Iconic Paper Mario: Decently Popular Waluigi: Decently Popular, WarioWare Employee: Interesting / Wario's alone as of right now Ghirahim: Interesting, Popular enough, Personality Tingle: Interesting Zelda's Number 4 Bandana Dee: Interesting, Kirby's Number 4, Zoroark: Interesting, Most Popular Pokemon Choice Behind Mewtwo, Genesect: Mewtwo's Rival, 6th Gen: Hey, it's 6th Gen, Dark Samus: Not Big, Clone Material. Medusa: Big Villain, Decently Popular, Masked Man / Claus: Next in Line for Mother, Personality Lyn: Decently Popular, Interesting. Pikmin Trio: Hey, who knows?, Saki: Interesting, Starfy: Small Franchise with Decent Popularity, Dillon: See Starfy, Mach Rider: Takamaru's Number 2, Layton: If there's any third party that isn't Sonic, Pac, Mega, or Snake, it's him.



Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
This is some crazyness. Anyway

I really don't think there's much of a chance they cut Snake, Pokemon trainer's not going anywhere, they have no reason to cut lucario, and toon link is basically confirmed to be gone. So other than that I like the top section.

Best chances Mewtwo, Ridley, Chrom, Pacman, Palutena, Little Mac. That's how I see it. Just makes the most sense.
I approve this section sir.

Decent chances King K. Rool, Bowser Jr., Dixie Kong, Shulk, Takamaru, Miis.
Roy is dead. He's no Mewtwo, and his fanbase pretains to the smashboards and thats about it. Dixie is no more likely than K. Rool, especially because I don't see them adding three protagonists to a series thats been around since the begining. Or any series. Miis have nothing going for them to make them stand above these characters.
I approve this one as well pal.

50/50 is Isaac, Dr. Mario, Tingle, Dillon, Warioware Employee.
This ones kindof low in population. But F-Zero has been dead for like ten years or something lol he has turned into his own retro series rep, even if he wasn't meant to be when originally added. I think it's safe to say no new reps are coming from F-Zero. Also, starfox. They've been under the radar for a bit too. Not nearly as long, but no console games and one handheld in the last 3 or 4 of years is not the mark of a big nintendo franchise, or a franchise with 4 reps. That and she's undeserving. Toon link is now gone, so no toon zelda. Yeah and with lucina, it's chrom in her way. And for sure only one of them will make it, so if chrom does, she has no 50/50 chance.

Small chance worth mention yadda yadda, pretty much everyone you listed. Great job on this one, I would only add Rival pokemon trainer. Greatness.

I don't believe a critique was what you wanted for that post, but I started it and had to finish lol. I appologize if it was uncalled for.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
toon link is basically confirmed to be gone. .

Source for this? Considering Sakurai said that no cuts have been made so far, and that Windwaker Link and Spirit Tracks Link are different people...


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Source for this? Considering Sakurai said that no cuts have been made so far, and that Windwaker Link and Spirit Tracks Link are different people...
I don't think hes talking about Brawl characters into SSB4 I think he means that no characters they have selected to be in SSB4 has been removed because of the 3DS


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Roy is dead. He's no Mewtwo, and his fanbase pretains to the smashboards and thats about it.
Roy is among the Top 5 most wanted characters in general for Smash 4 in the West. In Japan, he is even more highly requested. Popularity is actually one of the strongest advantages that Roy has.

I still don't think Ike and Chrom will be in the game together, and Chrom getting in will likely be at the detriment of Ike. I think if Sakurai goes with someone aside from Marth/Roy/Ike, and Ike manages to return, it will probably be the My Unit or Anna.
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