Because of Mystery Dungeon RTDX, Beedrill is sneakily becoming one of my new favorite Pokemon.
Lemme lay it out for you. Early on during rescue point grinding, I came across a fainted Beedrill in Tiny Woods and fed it, allowing it to join my team. Right off the bat (or, right off the bee?) it had Twineedle, and multi-hitting moves are amazing in Mystery Dungeon. I also managed to get Steamroll pretty quickly on my starter Squirtle, which synergizes REALLY well with the Bug type. Then later I got Rapid Bulls-Eyes on my partner Cyndaquil, which made it so Twineedle and later on Pin Missile would never miss.
Thanks to this synergy of Rare Qualities, my Beedrill (who I named after Gabby Disventure Camp...y'know,
Gab-bee?) is able to tear through absolutely EVERYTHING, and became even better once I landed Laser Focus from Gulpin in the post-game.
Mystery Dungeon makes so many Pokemon you wouldn't expect into your all-time favorites. I cannot recommend it enough!