Pokemon fan theorycrafting continues...
So, as you know, my Italy-inspired Purore region has a group of 19 legendaries all representing the different types, including my self-made Love type. Meanwhille, Rome, the capital city of Italy, was the hotseat for the ancient Roman civilization, which played host to some fascinating mythology. Perhaps the type-based legendaries of the Purore region can have their roots in Roman mythology! Here's some of the ideas I had.
Jupiter - the god of thunder, could be Electric-type
Neptune - the god of the sea, could be Water-type
Minerva - the goddess of wisdom, could be Psychic-type

Mars - the god of war, could be Fighting-type

Venus - the goddess of love, a shoe-in for the Love-type

Apollo - this one's a biggie. He's said to be a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. Overall I'm getting a fairy-type vibe.

Diana - considered a patroness of the countryside and nature, could be grass-type

Vulcan - the god of fire. Need I say more?

Vesta - the goddess of the hearth, home and family. I think this is our best place for the Normal-type.

Mercury - among other things, the god of trickery and thievery. Dark-type?

Janus - said to be a god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. Dialga, a lord of time, is a steel-type, and gates and frames are often made of metal. Steel-type it is!

Orcus - said to be a Roman god of the underworld. Easy bet for Ghost-type

Tempestas - said to be the goddess of storms and sudden weather. Easy money for Flying-type

Terra Mater - goddess of the earth, potential Ground-type
This leaves Poison, Ice, Bug and Dragon without Roman god counterparts. Need help to find these!