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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
So, with what we have now, where would you say FP2 stacks up to FP1? Better? Worse? Need more time?
I need more time to judge.

Fighters Pass 1 had :ultjoker::ulthero::ultbanjokazooie::ult_terry::ultbyleth:, which was a solid 4/5 for me.
  • I hadn't played Persona 5 at the time, but between Joker's announcement and release, I played through the game, and I had a ton of fun with it (I enjoyed it enough to put over a hundred hours into it)
  • I didn't have a ton of experience with Dragon Quest, but I had played some of Dragon Quest 8. When the demo of Dragon Quest XI came out, I played through that, had a ton of fun with it, bought the full game, and played over a hundred hours of that as well. (enough to beat the post-game super-boss)
  • Banjo and Kazooie are characters that I've wanted in Smash since the N64 game
  • Terry was one of my most-wanted SNK characters (it was either him or someone like Rugal)
  • Byleth was meh - they added enough to his/her moveset to make it so he/she wasn't just "Marth but with the range of the Belmonts" like I feared, but he/she is the least interesting major character in Three Houses in my book, and I would have preferred any of the house leaders. (though I can see that they wouldn't want to make one seem more important than the other two)
As for Fighters Pass 2... (:ultminmin:ultsteve::ultsephiroth:)
  • I didn't know much about ARMS going into the reveal. I played the free trial version of the full game, but I just didn't find it fun. I would have preferred Min Min over Spring Man, but I didn't have a strong feeling one way or the other.
  • I hadn't played Minecraft in roughly ten years. It's impressive that they got Steve in, and I bought Minecraft on the Wii U to see how the game had changed (roughly - I know it's not the most up-to-date version) since I last played, but I don't have strong feelings about his inclusion. (I'd be annoyed if he got in over Banjo, but fortunately, Banjo got in first)
  • my feelings about Sephiroth's inclusion depends on what winds up being included with him - are we going to get two songs, or more than that? What are we going to get for Mii costumes? Are the spirits and songs going to focus on Final Fantasy as a whole, or just Final Fantasy 7? I beat Final Fantasy 7 for the first time on the Switch, and I loved it (easily one of my top five favourite RPGs), but I find Kefka to be a more interesting Final Fantasy villain. Still excited to see how he plays, though.
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
ya know, the more fighter we get, the less special Byleth is getting.

Like they're the distance demon, but Min-Min & Sephi (from the little we seen) seem to do a much better job than them in that regards, and that kind of stink imo. This power creep of range just make so many previous holder of the title look meh in general now. (unless they had another gimmick with them, like Shulk)

Deleted member

So far neither pass has really shocked me with anything I really really wanted... but then again my wants are pretty out there so I can't exactly say I'm surprised. That said, Steve is awesome, Joker was amazing, and everything else I'm either neutral on or don't care for.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
You're speaking about deservedness as if Sephiroth's NOT one of the most iconic villains in video game history. This isn't JUST anyone we're talking about here.
I’m not saying Sephiroth doesn’t deserve to be in. I actually really like the guy. Which is why I feel so... conflicted, about the reveal.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
ya know, the more fighter we get, the less special Byleth is getting.

Like they're the distance demon, but Min-Min & Sephi (from the little we seen) seem to do a much better job than them in that regards, and that kind of stink imo. This power creep of range just make so many previous holder of the title look meh in general now. (unless they had another gimmick with them, like Shulk)
I was hoping for some Divine Pulse shenanigans and a greater focus on the whipsword with Byleth, but sure, let's just give them the house leader's weapons instead and do very little with any of them.

Byleth is still really fun but their implementation was a bit disappointing, IMO.

Deleted member

A part of me wonders if they tried to negotiate for Geno, but Square turned them down and told them to pick someone else.
Wouldn't surprise me. Geno has only appeared once(and then a single cameo in iirc a kirby game?) and is only really known in the Smash community at this point*. They really have no reason to negotiate for him when Square can negotiate for FF or KH stuff, which is more well-known overall.

*pretty sure anyway. I know I never hear him talked about in general gaming conversations, that's for sure.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I was hoping for some Divine Pulse shenanigans and a greater focus on the whipsword with Byleth, but sure, let's just give them the house leader's weapons instead and do very little with any of them.

Byleth is still really fun but their implementation was a bit disappointing, IMO.
Honestly, I bet it wasn't the attention, but it kinda feel like they just added the leader weapon on Byleth just to make sure peoples couldn't call them out on adding yet another swordfighter from FE.

Idk, Byleth is just one of those characters I can't help but get less positives the more I look at them, which suck 'cuz I liked 3H & I don't like complaining about characters usually.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
ya know, the more fighter we get, the less special Byleth is getting.

Like they're the distance demon, but Min-Min & Sephi (from the little we seen) seem to do a much better job than them in that regards, and that kind of stink imo. This power creep of range just make so many previous holder of the title look meh in general now. (unless they had another gimmick with them, like Shulk)
Doesn't help that the triangle of weapons was given to another character who does the gimmick much better


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
Honestly, I bet it wasn't the attention, but it kinda feel like they just added the leader weapon on Byleth just to make sure peoples couldn't call them out on adding yet another swordfighter from FE.

Idk, Byleth is just one of those characters I can't help but get less positives the more I look at them, which suck 'cuz I liked 3H & I don't like complaining about characters usually.
The one constant about Byleth is that the funny axe move is hella satisfying to land.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Doesn't help that the triangle of weapons was given to another character who does the gimmick much better

That's one of the many reasons why I feel less & less good about Byleth the more days passes & the more new characters we get

but hey, to be positive for a bit:
The one constant about Byleth is that the funny axe move is hella satisfying to land.
Super armor move are always funny to land.
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Wouldn't surprise me. Geno has only appeared once(and then a single cameo in iirc a kirby game?) and is only really known in the Smash community at this point*. They really have no reason to negotiate for him when Square can negotiate for FF or KH stuff, which is more well-known overall.

*pretty sure anyway. I know I never hear him talked about in general gaming conversations, that's for sure.
It was a Mario and Luigi game.

And he got removed in the remake.


Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
Genos got removed in the Remake huh? Well Geno isn't getting in for sure then. At least he will be immortalized in the Online Smash Arena. The best part of Smash Online. So that's all right.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Even if Geno is being added as DLC, they weren't going to show him at the Game Awards.

Characters like Joker and Sephiroth have the kind of clout to make a splash amoung gamers. For Geno, its literally just Smash fans.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Honestly? Only way I see Geno dodging the bullet next week is if they wind up PreMiium costuming Sora or a Bravely character, and even then...I don't think odds are great for him ATM. Like, with his proportions and design itself, you have to admit, he fits Gunner perfectly like Sans and Cuphead did.

Not to mention Geno came with Cloud back in the day, and he's potentially coming out right around when Cloud did 5 years ago...I could see them trying to make callbacks with this. On the bright side, he'll probably get a mask rather than just a hat, so he'll at least look like Geno now.

Deleted member

Honestly? Only way I see Geno dodging the bullet next week is if they wind up PreMiium costuming Sora or a Bravely character, and even then...I don't think odds are great for him ATM. Like, with his proportions and design itself, you have to admit, he fits Gunner perfectly like Sans and Cuphead did.

Not to mention Geno came with Cloud back in the day, and he's potentially coming out right around when Cloud did 5 years ago...I could see them trying to make callbacks with this. On the bright side, he'll probably get a mask rather than just a hat, so he'll at least look like Geno now.
Even if Geno doesn't get a Mii Costume, I think it is safe to say that it's game over for him.

Like, if Square were to double dip in this pass, which is extremely unlikely, I highly doubt they would select Geno. They have so many other iconic franchises to choose from.
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sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
I personally think Geno is out of the running since I think it's highly unlikely Square will double dip for this pass.

Maybe I'm wrong though, we'll see. :drshrug:
Sephiroth broke a ton of patterns, so I'm not gonna say it's impossible, but I also would say I think it's far from likely.

Also, I'm still with Shroob Shroob here: If Geno or Waluigi were coming, I think it's really weird to do all these Mario celebrations without any mention of a Mario newcomer, especially with a tournament designed to celebrate all of Smash's Mario content.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Wait a Mario RPG remake removed Geno?
A remake of Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga removed Geno; he made a cameo in the GBA version as a host of one of the mini-games.


On an unrelated note, kind of annoyed that both Sephiroth's reveal and presentation happen while I'm working. Then again, it could be worse - it could be happening at 3 am in my timezone, for example.

Deleted member

Sephiroth broke a ton of patterns, so I'm not gonna say it's impossible, but I also would say I think it's far from likely.

Also, I'm still with Shroob Shroob here: If Geno or Waluigi were coming, I think it's really weird to do all these Mario celebrations without any mention of a Mario newcomer, especially with a tournament designed to celebrate all of Smash's Mario content.
Wow, what is it with Shroob Shroob and having solid opinions?

Anyways, I think it is game over for a Mario character in general. It was perfect timing for an October reveal, but Steve got that slot, and a Mario character had their last chance at the Game Awards, but Sephiroth obtained that slot. Considering that the next reveal is going to be in 2021, which does not coincide with Mario's 35th anniversary, I do not think this bodes well for any Mario character, like Geno or Waluigi.

Deleted member

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Deleted member

Wow, what is it with Shroob Shroob and having solid opinions?

Anyways, I think it is game over for a Mario character in general. It was perfect timing for an October reveal, but Steve got that slot, and a Mario character had their last chance at the Game Awards, but Sephiroth obtained that slot. Considering that the next reveal is going to be in 2021, which does not coincide with Mario's 35th anniversary, I do not think this bodes well for any Mario character, like Geno or Waluigi.
Mario’s 35th anniversary will be going on until at least the end of March next year. I personally think there’s still time for them to reveal a Mario character.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
Hey. Did they actually say he’d be shown next week, or are y’all just guessing?
Here you go:

Edit: Damn you, Shiny
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Deleted member

Oh sweet! I’ll be able to catch it live
Same! They tend to do presentations and directs at the morning or early afternoon during weekdays, where I have school.

It is nice to be able to finally see a presentation live.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Mario's 35 anniversary year concludes with him fighting mother****ing Sephiroth, Mario has crossed over with Square properties tons of times in the past, this feels like the culmination of that lol

Sepiroth's meer presence in smash creates so many powerful images, like the Phantom thieves performing an all out attack on him, Steve stuffing him into a creeper house, Super Sonic going ballistic on him and Ryu giving him a shin shoryuken.
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