So, it's February, Black History Month, so time for some black history:
We all used game cartriges, for our NES, SNES, N64, GB LINE, DS, SWITCH, etc, but did you know the inventor of game cartriges was a black man?
Meet Jerry Larson, the inventor of game cartriges. Born in Brooklyn in 1940, Larson would join Fairchild Semiconductor in 1970. 5 years later, he woukd create of the the first microprosser arcade games in his garage, called Demolition Derby. Shortly after, he was named chief hardware engineer, and director of the video game department. His team lead the Fairchild F video game console, which came the birth of the cartrige. This wasn't possible before, as consoles like the Odyssey had software built into the console itself, but the cartriges allowed to change up the programming allowing for many different games. The cinsokebitself wasn't successful, but the idea became successful with the Atari 2600.
Lawson would later create a company that make Atari 2600 games, and other smaller works, such as collaborating with Stevie Wonder. He would later be recognized for his syrong contributions to the gaming industy in 2011. One month later, he would pass away due to diabetes complications. He would be posthumously awarded in 2019 at the Independent Games festival thanks to his controbutions.
So some black history for y'all. I kinda wanna make this a daily thing, to let y'all know abiut some of the over looked and unsung heroes of an industry that's white dominated.