I like to be transparent and all that biz so I wanted to just get this out there out of the gate:
Moo's gonna have just a
hair of post processing on his voice from now on.
I hope this doesn't put anyone off, if it sounds bad, I'll revert back to my old set up after the Legends Arceus video, but keeping the voice's original pitch for hours at a time is really straining on me: My throat gets agitated very easily, so it wouldn't take much to land me in a bit of a bad situation regarding that.
For the sake of my health and wanting to still stay true to what I wanted this character to be, I'm gonna be using some effects to lighten the load. NOT A TON. I want it to sound natural and as un-intrusive to my original voice as I can, but I guess we'll just see how it turns out this weekend.
'cause voice stuff.