Well, the past few days have been rather busy. Good, though! If y'all don't mind me rambling, I'll talk about what's been goin' down.
For starters, Havoc Fox is almost fully funded!
Seems that the game is actually going to get fully funded. That's pretty wild. This is going to be my first time voicing in a project alongside professional voice actors, so I am admittedly very nervous about that. It is exciting, though! The members of the voice cast that I have spoken too have been really pleasant, they're great.
Second off, I got my new microphone! There's this voice over Discord that Kira Buckland founded, and one of the folks there suggested the EM-91C to me, so I picked it up. It's
really solid, and a lot better than what I was using. So, now that I have a new mic, I can get my demo reel in full swing. It's gonna be kinda pricey, but I've been saving up for folks to help with writing, directing, mixing, etc., so it should turn out well, I hope!