Round 10 Scores!
Ndayday - Nboar
F8AL: Your sprite is kind of amusing and it looks half-decent, but it's not much different from Emboar and you could've added more to it to improve it.
Firus: Interesting sprite (and nice pun with the name), but you could have worked with the sprite more. The green beard works surprisingly well, and the hat fits Emboar similarly surprisingly. I also like the yellow to gray color change. However, I think a recoloring of the orange and red on Emboar would have gotten the overall theme across better. You also could have altered Emboar in other ways to resemble N. Overall, the sprite looks good – I just would have done more with it.
Neon Ness: Funny. The beard recolor is good but at the same time I wish that green could have been incorporated more elsewhere in the sprite. It actually looks nice paired with the red/orange. Overall the torso still looks a lot like original Emboar, so I think more could have been done to incorporate parts from N, like his clothing or even the way he’s standing.
F8AL: 6/10
Firus: 6/10
Neon Ness: 6/10
FINAL: 6/10
Meta-Kirby - Zohralia
F8AL: The colors are amazing on this sprite. They go well with each other and I can definitely tell the resemblance between the trainer and pokemon. Awesome work, as usual!
Firus: You really infused Zoroark into Dahlia’s sprite here. You recolored her well to resemble Zoroark and chose the colors for each piece such that they work together instead of one overwhelming the other. I really like that her jacket even resembles fur and almost fuses with her body – that, plus the natural blending of Zoroark’s “hair” as her own practically makes her look like a werewolf, Zoroark-style. Great job with this.
Neon Ness: Amazing sprite—a lot of fine details complete this fusion. The way her hair and clothes have been restyled to resemble Zoroark’s fur is incredible. You even changed her eye makeup which I didn’t notice at first glance. I like that you included more magenta in her outfit than gray since it causes the sprite to stand out more as a whole. I can’t think of many ways this costume could have been done better, myself.
F8AL: 8/10
Firus: 9/10
Neon Ness: 9/10
FINAL: 8.67/10
Daddy Ash - Faulketto
F8AL: First of all, I love the combination of colours you picked for this sprite. The wings look like they naturally belong on the trainer and everything looks clean and professional.
Firus: You have a solid sprite here which suffers from a few flaws. I like what you did to Faulkner, really transforming him into a Pidgeotto; I like the addition of the wings and the crest on the head, and I like how you recolored his entire body to become the tone of Pidgeotto’s feathers, and recolored his feet to resemble talons. The hands are a little awkward, though; since they stayed flesh-toned, they clash with everything else. You might’ve even taken them off altogether to further accomplish the bird effect. I also might’ve recolored the face as well, but that doesn’t stand out too much. Aside from that, the sprite is pretty well-done; the crest is a little strange-looking at the top, but overall it looks pretty good. The only other complaint I have is that there are some trash pixels here and there that detract from the look of the sprite – make sure to erase those scrap marks when you make a sprite. Other than that, good job with the sprite!
Neon Ness: I really like how this idea turned out. He looks like an emperor, with the Pidgeot wings/crest as a fancy headdress. The outfit is mostly well done in ornamentation and color. I think the outer edges of the wings would look better red, the brown is out of place in the outfit as a whole. The edge of the headcrest is a little rocky above the eye but it’s good for the most part. Overall I appreciate the regal look the entire outfit has.
F8AL: 9/10
Firus: 7/10
Neon Ness: 8/10
FINAL: 8/10
CrimsonFeint – Crasher Champ
F8AL: At first glance, I can see what you were trying to achieve here with this sprite. You've successfully fused both the trainer and pokemon together into a unified and colourful sprite.
Firus: I’m surprised this fusion idea never occurred to me – clever idea, given the similar anatomies and concepts of Crasher Wake and Machamp. You executed it pretty well, too. The extra set of arms blends in pretty naturally, and while Machamp was thoroughly used, Crasher Wake is still clearly present in the sprite. I would’ve either added Crasher Wake’s wristbands to Machamp’s arms as well, or removed them from Crasher Wake’s arms, just for some continuity, but it doesn’t hinder the sprite too much. The shading at the top of the right boot (his left) is also a little off – I would’ve used a thinner line of light shading – but it isn’t too noticeable. Overall, you did a great job with the sprite.
Neon Ness: Straightforward but effective, and the combined pose is awesome. The fusion was a good choice since Wake and Machamp apparently have the same body build. The only issues I notice are around the right leg, the outline looks oddly thick on his side and the region where the leg and pants meet looks off. The wristbands are a nice touch, though I wonder why the lower arms are missing them. You did a good job making him look like a costumed wrestler without overcomplicating the sprite.
F8AL: 7/10
Firus: 9/10
Neon Ness: 8/10
FINAL: 8/10
Congratulations to
Meta-Kirby for being the winner of Round 10 in his third Grand Festival victory!
This next week's prompt:
Give a Pokémon a meme face (e.g. trollface, awesome face, etc.). Me Gusta Face in the same style as in this image is disallowed.
The deadline is Friday, June 10th at 11:59 PM EST.